The Birth and Re: Genesis - Rage on Bahamut - Mark Evans Zeta

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First second of Midnight Friday January 1st, 2100

Samarkvan Draghul Razghul Noxus Leopold Fitzgerald Kazenobu "Sam Evans Zeta" Junior

"It's a Boy! A beautiful, strong-willed, baby boy" said the hospital nurse known as Emily Elizabeth like the girl from "Clifford The Big Red Dog" a children's book written by Norman Bridwell and Barry Michael Harmon. It was a TV Show produced by Scholastic Productions and was shown on the PBS Kids TV Channel. "Have you decided on a name Samarkvan Draghul Razghul Noxus Leopold Fitzgerald Kazenobu "Sam Evans" Junior and Maeby"

"Let's name him Mark!" Maeby said weakly with a smile on her face. Moments later her eyes lost their color and her life faded away right in front of my Sam Evans Zeta's gleaming eyes.

Sam Evans Zeta smiled inwardly. He mused to himself about his future lifelong plans. For he had always used everyone as tools. He may have been a weakling sent to exile at his darkest hour, but, with the embers of his reignited heart, he shall have his revenge. He will return to Planet Z, "Mark his words." "Yes "Mark" that is a very punny name, it's puntastic, it has extreme potential, more than my dead discarded wife realizes, it is needed for the birth of my legacy. I shall use it as one big practical joke on the world for my son "Mark" shall leave his own "Mark on the World!" Then everything will fall into place. I shall get another wife, a Zolkgathion wife this time and together we can rule the world with my son. Primarily one Zolkgathion Female that has a daughter. I would want a partnership. It can be out of love for she would be an equal. I will love her out of means to a common end. After all, I will use her as well. Then I will sleep with this woman, have another few children and while I am at it, I will make my son sleep with this woman's daughter to create the perfect grandchildren. I will have an army, a legacy born from the womb" Sam Evans Zeta stopped thinking then pretended as if he was on good terms with the nurse and did not have any sort of darkness in his heart "Yes, her last words mean a lot to me, he will be named Mark Evans, the amalgamated version of my first name. In truth my full name, Samarkvan Draghul Razghul Noxus Leopold Fitzgerald Kazenobu Junior shall be inherited by him. I will make him the third Samarkvan of my former house to which I am forever exiled, to redeem myself soon. He shall become Samarkvan Draghul Razghul Noxus Leopold Fitzgerald Kazenobu the Third."

Sam Evans Zeta took the newly born Mark Evans Zeta from the vice-grip clutches of Maeby and pulled him close. "Mark I will train with you and together we will be the strongest Zolkgathions ever and rule the world."

"Sir... Samarkvan Draghul Razghul Noxus Leopold Fitzgerald Kazenobu Junior, let me check his vitals for a second" Emily Elizabeth said while paying no mind to Sam Evans Zeta's presumed delusions. She took out an energy reader from her pocket and pointed it at Mark Zeta. A positive sign flashed on the screen several times then the number 10,000 appeared. Emily Elizabeth looked ecstatic and in awe.

"What was that for" Sam Evans said. "There will be no doctor prescribed tests for my son!"

"Sorry but I needed to confirm something in my suspicions regarding your son's birth. That was a mist organ checking device, it appears that your son has a fully functioning mist organ and the number indicates that it's larger than normal with the numbers 500 to 1000 being average in size. This may be due to the exact time and date of the birth of your son. Rumor has it that those born at the first seconds of midnight on January 1st every hundred years will have an exponentially greater mist organ that is even larger than even those considered abnormal."

"That's great news" Sam Evans Zeta said, he thought to himself "With my son's innate and powerful strength, all shall kneel before his might. For my mist organ healed, grew exponentially stronger as well into the 600,000 points of stamina energy range. Additional training and meditation that I did besides the exercises that I did with "Mad-Eyed" Molly or how her "Friends" called her "Maeby." Another job of "Mad-Eyed" Molly's was to test on humans that have gloves on them. These gloves were known as "The Gloves of Mystylgatan" and they that contained a miraculous power. The training that I did was by fighting monsters that roamed the area and absorb their very essence. These monsters were created by the scientist that worked in the research facility simply for the sake of being destroyed. These scientists were mad in their way of creating life just for it to be destroyed by others. I felt that those feelings of righteousness should be kept locked away and instead focused on my training. In the end, it paid off, I ended up forming gloves around my hands as a byproduct of my mist organ healing. The gloves each had one large circular gem on the back center of our hands, opposite the palm, and had gems on each first, and second, knuckle on each finger. The mist organ had leftover mist within it, in conjunction with the energy I got from destroying the monsters, the gloves were created as a result. On the inside palm of my left hand the glove read 601500 SP. The doctors at the research facility told me that SP stood for Stamina Points and was the energy source for the Mystylgatan Gloves that we wore on our hands. The Stamina Points were used to measure how much of our abilities we can use before we run out. Then we risk the danger of getting negative points. Before we exiled Zolkgathions came to Earth no one had found a way to measure our mist energy abilities on the physical scale. It was either use your mist organ for your ability till you get tired or have the mist organ rupture if you overexert yourself. There never was a way to watch as your stamina drops so you know how much energy you have. Others would need to rest and recover before safely doing daily activities or using one's innate natural abilities, from that which they had only one of. And now the gloves that we had allowed for multiple powers to be used. The powers could be gained through sheer force of will and imagination. Whatever power we wanted; we could use. It was limited in scope by the amount of energy we could use from within our bodies. No one has figured out how to use the external energy found in nature, save for me of course. It's known as Zyntho Energy and is quite different than the internal energies provided by our mist organs. We can tap into greater powers and use them without fear of getting negative points. In fact, I combined external energy with internal energy innately without any training as I was a battle master prodigy. Originally there used to be only one power a Zolkgathion can activate and one weapon one can summon. This was true for all non-exiled non-ruptured mist organ brethren that were the Zolkgathions still on Planet Z. But now, due to Science found on Planet Earth, and its advanced technology, we were almighty and all powerful. We could condense stamina energy into orbs, from within our bodies to allow us to activate, use and store up to twelve abilities, transformations that pair well with these abilities, Now I must get a new wife and children to share this with. What better way than with my secret lover Amicus Evans, Amicus Steeler to everyone else that thinks she kept her deceased husband's last name. She was my mistress and second wife on the side, while I toyed with "Mad-Eyed" Molly. She had twin children with her deceased, human, African American husband. The oldest child was missing, apparently, he found himself, as an infant, in another backwater planet of his own after "The Incident." Still, he couldn't be found at that location no matter how hard we tried to look. I then had fathered three other children with her beyond that. They were triplets. My progeny Amber, Jackson, and Charlie Evans were born at the same time as Mark Evans but in another wing of the hospital. I had found this out in secret from my smartphone while I was pretending to care for 'Mad-Eyed" Molly. Amicus was a former widow; she wasn't one anymore thanks to my direct intervention as "The Supreme Alpha Male" by marrying her in secret. Amicus had another daughter with her deceased husband. this daughter, Amy was three years old now. Both Amicus and Amy were in the lab while I was there. We were tested on because she survived the birth of her daughter as she is another exiled Zolkgathion from Planet Z. Her former husband lost his life in a test that went too far. He was originally deemed unfit for training, but he insisted on training anyways then because of that his stamina energy overcame him and became negative points. The only way he could have been saved is by a concentration of shadow mist put inside him in vast quantities. This such cure was deemed as non-existent because there was no such way that this shadow mist could be made artificially without significant funds to pay for the treatment. Of course, I could've helped pay for it with my own money, but I wanted Amicus all for myself. After all I was the one who tricked Amicus's former husband into training in the first place. I called it "The Pride of the Zolkgathion Race" just like The Pride of the Saiyan Race" as Vegeta, The Prince of All Saiyans, would say in the Dragon Ball Z Anime and Manga which was created by the Manga Author known as Akira Toriyama and produced by Toei Animation in Anime Form. "

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