Chapter 19 The exam starts with real style for real

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21157:30 A.MThird day on planet Holio-Knightus

In my dreams, I heard the still ongoing humming of Jezrak and Zleyena. This humming made me feel caressed with much needed warmth. I felt somewhat fleeting emotions of love. It almost felt like I was remembering another time of heartfelt kindness that had long since passed.

"Ugh, just a few more minutes please. I can't move" I groaned sleepily. Someone was trying to shake me awake quite vigorously.

"Come on you don't want to be late for the exam in the school now do you. Today is my birthday so get up. Go get your lazy good for nothing sorry excuse of a bum that never does anything important when it means something out of bed."

In the deep recesses of my dimly lit mind I recognized that it was my Enaz's voice and he sounded furious.

I was so tired I couldn't even move a muscle no matter how hard he shook me.

"I'll get up maybe later, just please go I still can't move" I grumbled back.

"No maybes for you dude. Now bust your chops and get a move on. Today is a big day for us. Are you just going to stay there like a lump on a log and be lazy?" Enaz said with a frown. He did not look pleased.

"Ok, being a lump is fine by me; at least it can do what it wants" I retorted. I really couldn't move after yesterday's training. My body was very stiff. Nothing will make me move.

"Fine then, but your food will get very cold like a winter night's snow." Enaz replied. He looked aloof as he said this.

"I'll think about getting up in a few minutes if you reheat my food." I said. I wasn't going to fall for these conniving tricks. Even for Enaz this was too much.

"Ok fine but you only get five minutes don't waste it" Enaz then begrudgingly out of the room.

I then quickly got up so fast that I pulled my leg muscle. My leg hurt so much, and I lost precious time. I quickly ignored the pain. Painfully put on a cotton shirt and shorts that I found were placed on the dresser of the room I was in. With ten seconds to spare I sprang into the kitchen eagerly awaiting my breakfast.

"Here you go, it's breakfast time! Mark, you're a special boy. Enaz is still however the story of my life" Zleyena said. She was waiting at the table with my food. "The food that I prepared for you and Enaz is fried Snapsack brains, Grilled Raizard tongues, piping hot milk from a Blazure, and best of all a cleaned-out Ragger. The Ragger had of all its poison and acid removed don't worry. The Ragger is filled with toasted fruit instead"

I began to wat all the great smelling food. Afterwards I felt that my stomach was so bloated. I felt like I couldn't eat more food till like ten in the morning. I get hungry fast because I use up a lot of energy thought the day from my many fights.

I pulled myself out of where I was sitting and groaned from stuffed stomach. My stomach was aching in pain.

"Let's get out of the house Enaz" I said while still groaning from overeating.

"Oh no, you overate, this is a problem. We need to get you to digest that food before the exam starts. I think the line will be long, so we probably won't be able to take the exam till Ten A.M.

As I heard that I smiled at Enaz and said "Don't worry, I'll probably be hungry by then. I usually get hungry every day at ten anyways."

I slowly shuffled my way out of the house. Enaz quickly came to follow me. In the back of my mind I heard that Zleyena was shouting that we didn't say goodbye to her or Jezrak. While I was walking down the dirt path that would lead us to the school, I was in pain. At the school the entrance exam for all the class type's one could be in would take place.

Demon Chronicles Book 1 The Parallel Frontier Of RealityNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ