Re-Birth By Sleep and Re-Vengeance By Woke Timeline Omega

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Monday February Second 12:30 P.M 2098 Planet Z

Sam Evans Omega

There I stood awaiting trial; the fate of my very existence hung from this very string of fate on the mortal coil that is my life.

"Sam Evans Omega, for your lack of mist energy and your ruptured mist organ you must now go to Earth in exile" exclaimed Kaminaze, brother of mine as I, Sam Evans Omega, awaited trial in front of Kaminaze the great ruler of Planet Z.

"You cannot do this brother, just give me more time, I will recover my mist energy" I shouted belligerently. How can he do this, just because I worked too hard fighting in the arena against tough opponents doesn't mean my mist organ, the organ that all of us Zolkgathion s have, is permanently damaged. Although I know that its ruptured and even feel it broken inside of me there is a very high chance that I can heal my mist organ.

"Such insolence, guards take him away and prepare the transporter" Kaminaze waved his hand behind me and several guards dressed in their usual garb of a pleated leather vest with a cloth jerkin, cotton pants and leather sandals, came towards me.

The guards grouped around me and led me towards the transporter. The transporter was connected to a whole array of computers and other electrical equipment. A few computer technicians stood nearby awaiting orders. The technicians saw the guards and immediately began prepping the transporter to its coordinates, to that of planet Earth.

I walked inside the open door of the transporter. In my current condition, it would be useless to fight back without any mist energy to harvest from the air. My ruptured mist organ prevented any of that. The stamina energy I had in reserve separate from my depleted mist energy reserves would not nearly be enough for a retaliation.

I awaited transportation with such anxiety and hopelessness, never have I felt so weak before. The countdown for transportation then began, I was deep in thought as they counted down from ten all the way to zero. I teleported soon after the countdown ended.

I immediately found myself in a grassy field overlooking what appeared to be a research facility. I walked towards the research facility in earnest, perhaps those in there can help me with my plight. As I approached the facility, I could sense something ominous, an evil presence of some sort.

I arrived at the door of the facility and the doors slid open automatically. Inside there was a female receptionist.

"Hello Sam Evans Omega, exiled Zolkgathion from Planet Z, I have just received information regarding your arrival, please sit at the waiting area" The receptionist said as she pointed to a bunch of chairs.

I waited for what seemed like hours and was twiddling my fingers anxiously waiting for seemed to me like the end of the world.

"Hello Sam Evans Omega, I'll be your nurse for today" said a female voice. I looked up in a daze and saw a young woman with black hair in a blue cotton shirt and pants and device around her neck, I assume this must be an earth nurse, but something tells me that she's also like me, an exiled Zolkgathion from Planet Z.

"So, what are you going to do to me" I inquired, I particularly didn't like doctor visits with their experimental tests they do.

"I will check on your vitals then will proceed with other tests such as checking on your mist organ and procedures regarding the healing process."

"Can my mist organ be healed; will I be able to go back to planet Z, and are we the same, are we both exiled from Planet Z" I asked quite hopefully. Maybe there is a technique that I can do that will make me stronger than ever.

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