Marriage!!! Is it a food or something? A Dragon Ball Z Parody Der Agon Eslanor

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"Kaaa-Meeeee-Haaaa-Meeee-Haaaa-Meeeee...." Twelve hours of continuously saying these odd sounding words had occurred for a while. Der had been watch something called "Dragon Ball Z" a show created based on the work of the manga creator known as Akira Toriyama.

Der was watching Dragon Ball Z because he had gotten his own portable TV device that had this thing called "10GLTE". It was known as a Smartphone TV hybrid and it was solar powered. It could even call people through the magical radio wave network comprised of satellites in space. Der didn't know what a satellite was nor did he know anything about science, so he assumed that science and magic were one and the same, little did he know otherwise.

Der had gotten up to the Frieza Saga and saw Goku transform into a "Super Saiyan" for the first time. He was in awe of the moving pictures and loud sounds. He was completely entranced in the world of Japanese Anime and modern animation.

"I need a transformation of my own. Something cool like a dragon that can breathe fire and fly, and it has to be at least six-feet tall.' Der said as he paused watching TV. He went over to where Helvetica was resting inside their self-driving car made from creation magic and a whole lot of gold coins courtesy of Marlon's creation magic.

"You're already a Dragonoid you nincompoop so why would you need a transformation. You're already overpowered. You basically have super strength, enhanced reflexes, overall combat mastery over everything, the ability to fly, oh. And you can breathe fire. What more could you ever want besides actual magic and a brain that works?"

"Well I would want to teleport and move things with my mind. Also, I would like to have a ton of Marvel, and DC, Comics. I'm short a couple thousand issues after I burnt my last secret stash in that latest fire of mine in the Wholesome Inn.

"Just forget about teleportation and telekinesis, you can do that with magic if you somehow undo the curse that made you into a blunt." Helvetica grumbled. She was originally betrothed to an elven prince, Hawk Thorfinn De La Rue, in a preordained marriage but she ran away and was cursed by him into becoming a blunt in the first place. She had already practiced as a ranger, so she still hat that trade to fall back on. But now she didn't have her magic and had to rely on magical tools instead.

"What do you mean by curse? I thought that being a blunt happened through this genetic disorder thing my sister Allspice was talking about. She seems to know a lot about it and even told me that she somehow absorbed something from somewhere. I think it was like she absorbed something from the womb. Maybe she had a twin she absorbed in the womb or something. Man, I would've loved to have a nice sister for a change. She could be named Sally and we'd go on adventures together. I'd get all her friends as hot best friends, but you would still be my wife breakfast desert thing. Man, I'm hungry, I want french toast." Der rambled on as he searched inside the mini fridge inside the car for what he wanted. He then took it out and slathered his tongue all over it to eat the best part, cinnamon and maple syrup, then heated it up in his mouth and chewed it to a pulp. He then let out a huge belch and was satisfied. He picked his nose as part of an afterthought then wiped it on the underside of the seat.

Helvetica looked at Der with both disgust and love at the same time. She was so conflicted and didn't even know why she felt this way. Der was a blunt, he couldn't use magic until he got rid of the curse himself. Der wouldn't lie, would he? "That absorption thing that Der was talking about might have something to do with him being a blunt. Maybe his sister Allspice did it to him. But he really looks up to his annoying sister, I don't want to break the news to him." Helvetica thought to herself while biting her lower lip. "Um Der maybe it was your sister who...."

Der stopped Helvetica right there. He knew all too well about what his sister Allspice did to him. He wasn't stupid anymore. He had common sense and intelligence restored thanks to finding out about Allspice's misdoings and that was not all he got out of the deal as Der pondered about his secretive new transformation. He reminded himself that he had common sense to feel good about himself. He knew that eventually he would have to fight his sister. He had found out by listening in private to one of his sister Allspice's rants right after he left the castle home. He had sneaked around the back to scare Allspice in a practical joke but had heard Allspice's hidden nefarious agenda and her plans to kill him when he finally turned eighteen. His common sense, height, natural handsomeness, and super intelligence were restored right then and there as part of the spell that lifted its veil over Der's eyes. Der had then repeated that he had common sense to remind himself who his true enemy was in this world. He had done so to think of a plan of how to beat his sister now that his intelligence had been restored. He had hidden this fact to everyone but maybe now it was time to reveal to Helvetica what he'd been secretly hiding to himself for one whole week on his travels. For his sister must be stopped at all costs. Being a ranger with magical weapons and tools at his disposal will greatly help him defeat his sister even without innate magical powers on his own.

Der motioned for the self-driving car to stop, he then got out of it.

Helvetica was confused and then entranced for right at this moment Der had revealed his true twelve feet tall form, and handsome appearance, right in front of her.

Der Agon Eslanor had absolute power now, save for any magical powers at his disposal. He still had his natural biological powers like fire breathing, flight, long life, and super strength. These were the perks that came with being a Dragonoid.

"Now here is my true form. Sorry about the mix-up, I didn't want to reveal myself to someone I didn't trust. You are my wife for now as I planned in secret. Due to our new marriage partnership stipulations in the Dragonoid wedding contract I've established, you must teach me how to battle as a ranger in my alternative false form. That pimple faced scrawny weakling needs some advantage. While I can reveal this form forever, it's best to hide it until I have won the battle against my dangerous sister Allspice."

Helvetica decided to show off her true form that she hid from Der and everyone else while in the Wholesome Inn. Her true beauty was unparalleled in her eleven-and-a-half-feet form. Her weapons and magical tools grew with her, as did the self-driving car. She got out of the car to show off.

Helvetica was lithe and toned, had abs, great arms, and had a peak physique. Her cheekbones were angular and taut, her eyes were emerald green, her skin creamy white, her body glowed with her teenage youth and future longevity that came as part of the perks of being a Judayn Elf, a direct descendant of the Judayn Race.

Helvetica had not yet defeated her ex fiancé in combat as he was aware of her transformation and was wary of fighting her.

Helvetica got things out of her dimensional storage bag, which was created by her before she became a blunt. Weapons like short swords, daggers, and bows and arrows came into view. Along with it was lightweight ancestral Judayn Armor which fit any of the direct descendants of the Judayn People perfectly through magical means. The armor even grew with the wearer and so did all the weapons.

She handed two short swords, several daggers, a ranger bow, Judayn armor and a mottled red, green and brown cloak and handed them to Der.

Der suited up to get ready for combat and Helvetica did the same. Helvetica was going to practice with Der on how to become a ranger so that he can defeat his sister and maybe help her defeat her ex fiancé in the process.

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