Chapter 17 Mark and Enaz and their wild adventure

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Year 2115 

Tuesday September Third 

1:15 PM Earth Time

Tuesday September Third 

1:15 PMHolio-Knightus time

I found myself in what appeared to be a large room. Inside it I could see that a guy around my age was taking a nap. This guy must be the one I am recruiting. I checked the interstellar communications device that was built into the Chimeratrix and waved it at the guy taking a nap. The device listed that this guy was Enaz Kowalski. He was the Dromani that I needed to join our cause.

I decided that I would wake him up. As I gently nudged Enaz he awoke with a fright.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh!" Moments later I heard footsteps. I immediately activated my lightning aura and zoomed right past who I assumed were Enaz's parents. I assumed that I was too fast for them to notice. I ran all the way around the house and went right outside Enaz's bedroom which was on the first floor "OH Enaz, honey. What's wrong?" asked the mom with concern.

"There was this kid in my room. He ran out like a lightning flash, but he was here I'm sure of it. I could tell that his heart was racing based on how he spoke thanks to my power of sound and vibration. Racing, because of this I can hear all sounds if I concentrate enough as well as the frequency on which they vibrate. He took a deep breath and then exhaled sharply, relaxing himself for the moment

"It was probably just part of my imagination. I'm fine you guys can go". His parents had concern. I could tell that they always worried about him based on their facial expressions.

"Are you sure?" The father raised his eyebrow. The father probably thought that Enaz was lying. Well he was lying but how can he prove it. I'm very sure that I was too fast for his own parents to see me running past them.

"Yes dad, you guys can go." Enaz smiled reassuringly and waited for them to leave. The parents still didn't move.

"Please if there is anything wrong just tell us, you know as well as we do that, we're always there for you." His mom looked very emotional as she said this.

'I'm sorry, it's just that this is really hard for me. I was just taking a nap and I was having a cool dream about this weird guy who was punching this bag that said Spiderman signed by tom Holland and I freaked out when I saw this very same person from my dreams. And then I saw him zoom past you guys in a flash of red, gold, and silver light. And this very same guy is hiding right outside our window" Enaz finally said the truth. Darn it now my cover was blown.

"Yes, we know that the was there son no one is asking you to be the hero and tell the truth." Enaz's father said firmly.

"I know," Enaz said softly. "Wait a minute. So, you guys knew the whole time. Are you sure? Because I want to be sure you know that he's really outside"

"Of course, we know sweetie. We're the ones who offered for you to be recruited to join the fight against Headmaster Wonderweisz" Enaz's mother said.

"Recruited? but I didn't even turn fifteen and join a class?" Enaz exclaimed.

"Well it's for sure Mark's job to help you" That was the condition for you joining his group in the first place"

"Hey Mark, now would be a good time to jump in and explain yourself" Enaz shouted in my direction.

I sheepishly climbed through the window and into Mark's bedroom where I was immediately assaulted by Enaz's parents.

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