Chapter 15 The Monsters That Go Bump in The Day

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Tuesday September Third, 2115 11:15 a.m.

I walked down the hall to the right, past the still smoking training room, towards the voices. I approached a big door that said on its Project Zed 2.0, it wasn't closed fully, and I peered through the crack. Inside I saw a few people in big lab coats and what appeared to be a red humanoid shaped creature inside a tube of some sort.

"Hey, wait up" Brad followed me inside the room.

I could make out what they were saying quite clearly.

"Vital signs stable, maximum power intake at two-point twenty terahertz, subject has reached completion, commencing countdown three-two-one subject should be awake and fully functional" the male doctor said. On his nametag, it read Professor Bradshaw. "This ends the final phase of project Z Demon."

Brad's A.I explained the details very clearly "The Z demon experiment was to be able to create improved forms of beings after taking DNA from a very special sample born in the year 2100 at midnight, the date being January first. More specific samples emerged from the demon world through an interdemensional wormhole through rocks and other life-based organisms. These samples were used to create the perfect organic specimen.

"Yes professor, the creature should arise from its deep sleep and immediately comprehend our language and have intelligent sentience as per our data states" the assistant stated. Her nametag said Assistant Beauregard. She pressed a few buttons on a keypad on the nutrient chamber the creature was immersed in.

Suddenly I heard a hissing sound. Brad's A.I continued to explain about the chemical process of the creature emerging from what appeared to be a nutrient chamber. "Apparently, the release of the chemically infused air would allow the creature to awaken and live on this world as part of a new breed of intelligent Demons."

"This creature is very special." Brad's A.I continued. "It was made after the successful experiment that you were a part of Mark. Your DNA was used as you are the first fully successful experiment of DNA manipulation and therefore this creature is like your brother. This success was after 25 other experiments that either made the baby we tested possess too much Demon DNA and turn into a monster like the creature that attacked you previously or have a weaker form of Demon DNA that apparently did not kill the baby but rather caused them to get powers like Mark on a weaker level that could apparently be trained and allow for more power to be gained by destroying either failed experiments or by forming a bond with a Demon from the other world through summoning it or even through making one through science."

I felt used and didn't want that creature to be part of some stupid experiment. I made up my mind and summoned out my Long-Sword and red electricity and rushed into the room to save that creature from that tube.

As soon as I cut the creature free, I felt a burning sensation on my hands. A screen popped out of nowhere and on it said, "would you like to bond with this demon". The option of yes or no appeared. I picked yes without thinking and the Demon opened his eyes. On his chest appeared a jacket which read on it three thousand five hundred life points, fifteen hundred stamina and twenty-five hundred mana. On the corner of the jacket read in English: owned by Mark Evans.

The Demon opened his eyes and stood up. His whole body was red striped with gold and black, he also had big wings and a long metal tipped spiky tail. His body structure and face however looked very like mine. We looked like twins.

The demon grabbed me and started to speak

"Friend" he exclaimed, soon after he passed out. He then shrunk into a small orb attached onto a watch. The watch was faceted with the same numbers of three thousand and five hundred life points, fifteen hundred stamina and twenty-five hundred mana. The watch lay still on the ground. I picked it up and felt a burning sensation as the watch fused onto my left hand below my glove.

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