Let the First Phase of the Tournament of Power Begin

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Mark Evans Prime

Jared's hair froze solid and then shattered off his head and a smoky blue ice vapor began to flow from it in a torrent and formed icy mist. This torrent of icy mist swirled around Jared. Jared's upper body turned to ice completely, yet it was able to move like he was Bobby Drake or Iceman from the X-Men from Marvel Comics. The X-Men were created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, may they rest in peace and be remembered forever in our hearts.

Jared's bottom half went ablaze and became a fiery tornado that lifted him into the air. Suddenly he lifted his right hand and aimed it at his lower half. He blasted his fiery torso. Water soon dropped and formed from the ice and fire combination and made a massive lake-sized puddle onto the ground. It flowed freely and was swarming around a single vantage point right below Jared.

"Time to awaken... My Precious..." Jared began to gargle like Smeagle from the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien and then made a few quick hand signs.

What is this? Is he copying the Naruto Manga, and Anime and making a Jutsu? Mark Prime thought and then jumped down from his vantage point to get a closer look.

"Nah, I'm just messing with you." It was as if Jared read Mark's mind. Maybe he could, Mark wasn't sure. "This is just 'Mind Manipulation' I got from Deadpool. Oh wait... his name was Severus Percival Percy Jackson Slade Wilson or maybe it was Severus Albus Martha Kent-Wayne Wade Wilson. Anyway, I copied the Teen Titans Go movie for this technique. I'll say a little monologue. "Bruce... what is your Mother's name" ... "Martha" "Clark... what is your Mother's name?" ... "Martha" ... "Bruce... what is your father's name?" "Thomas" ... "Oh... wait... it's time to d-d-d-d-d-duel.... Yu-Gi-Oh.... Card games on motorcycles, just like on Little Kuriboh's Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged series!" ... "Now back to the ranch." "Now Awaken, My precious hydro-man clones... from the Nineteen-Ninety-Four Spider-Man Animated Series!"

Suddenly the massive amount of swarming water split apart into thirty puddles of water. Jared blasted fire onto the puddles of water with his feet and the water combined with the fire but did not overwhelm the flames. The fire and water simply coexisted and were codependent with each other for survival. Then the water and fire formed into two halves of a whole humanoid body with the fire fuming on the bottom as a pair of flaming, raging, fiery legs that were built just like Jared's. The water formed into a humanoid upper torso that mimicked the muscular structure of Jared's upper body with all his features, colorations of the skin, and currently bald head.

"Attack them all, my precious puppets. Now you all shall witness my power as I am the Dark lord, the Lord of the Flies Beelzebub. Mwahahaha I am even better than Bowser, the enemy to the Mario Brothers. Not even you guys stand a chance against me," Jared screamed, and a black aura of fire began to envelop him like a dense smog.

Nowhere to be seen, Jared continued to laugh maniacally saying he was the great one. His flaming water humanoid clones went after Mark Prime, Rose, Jack and Steve.

"Guys don't panic. I have my own clones to deal with them," Mark Prime said as he activated his external Gozaxean transformations, thirty in all, controlled by his Zynthometal webbing.

"As do I," Jack smiled mischievously. "Awakening mode activate." Jack placed his hands onto the ground and the entire surface of the ground, including the nearby trees and foliage turned into rubber. The rubber soon shifted and released from the ground while even more rubber transmuted itself below it in a continuous cycle.

"Hey, how did you do that?" Mark Prime asked Jack. Mark Prime was questioning that maybe Jack had a power of his own that was like the powers of Creatorus. Maybe he could make rubber clones just like Creatorus himself. That would be interesting. Now if only they could think and fight for themselves. That would be a real struggle.

Demon Chronicles Book 1 The Parallel Frontier Of RealityWhere stories live. Discover now