Part 5 The Transzyntho Metaverse Expansion Slot of Aperture Sciences

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The Zeta World Line

Interlude Part One

Monday February Second 12:30 P.M 2098 Planet Z

Samarkvan Draghul Razghul Noxus Leopold Fitzgerald Kazenobu "Sam Evans Zeta" Junior

Samarkvan Draghul Razghul Noxus Leopold Fitzgerald Kazenobu Junior or known to his peers by the shortened and amalgamated version of his first name, that of Sam Evans, was holding on to the dear pitfalls of life. He stood at mercy's lap, gazing towards the abyss, blinking furiously at it, constantly wavering and felt shook to his very core. He was awaiting trial for the fate of his very existence. His eternal fate was brazenly exposed to the great warmongering Royal Zolkgathion Planet, that of Planet Z.

"You shall exist on this planet no longer! For you have been exiled to an off world, unadvanced, planet. Eternal pains and sufferings will make you toil in the rest of your days in eternal servitude to humans. Dear exiled brother, Samarkvan Draghul Razghul Noxus Leopold Fitzgerald Kazenobu "Sam Evans" Junior, what say you for your last words." exclaimed Kaminaze, brother of Sam Evans Zeta, and the Planet's current ruler.

"Brother, I beseech you. Give me one small request. I need more time; I will recover my mist energy. I may have ruptured my mist organ, but that alone is no wanton cause for alarm." Sam Evans Zeta was in harrowing pain and experienced internal self-inflicted torture. Sam Evans Zeta thought in extremity to himself while languishing over each word in his thoughts. "He is insane and nefarious. Notorious even. He needn't do this command of exile. For I worked too hard while fighting in the arena against an onslaught of terrifying opponents. My mist organ, which is permanently damaged, is a result of extreme stress from over-exertion and over-zealous fighting. I feel its hollowness inside me, its brokenness deep inside me. There is a very high chance that I can heal my mist organ. I must reform it; it is my destiny"

"Humph, Impudent, dastardly, fool! This insolence shall not be tolerated here any longer! Come out, come out and play my sweet subservient guards, Mwah-Hah-Hah-Hah. Take my black sheep of a brother away to the prepared transporter that will send him to sector seven, the backwater planet known as Planet Earth." Kaminaze vibrated his hand with his extreme mastery over his powers as a Zolkgathion. He waved his hand, while it was still vibrating, in such a way that it was as if he gave Sam Evans Zeta the middle finger.

Soon several well-suited guards, dressed in their usual attire of pleated leather vests, cloth jerkins, cotton knee-high shorts, and leather open-toed-sandals, came towards Sam Evans Zeta.

The guards surrounded and grabbed ahold of Sam Evans Zeta. They "firmly grasped him", like Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants, created by Stephen Hillenburg: may he rest in peace. Patrick would say this to Squidward at Jellyfish Fields.

The guards crammed themselves around Sam Evans Zeta. They dragged Sam Evans Zeta towards the transporter, known as the Quantum Entanglement Teleportation Device.

This ambitiously unredeemable event will be known forever in infamy as the one thing that changed this version of the timeline's very existence.

The Quantum Entanglement Teleportation Device was connected to a vast array of computers and other electrical technologies far advanced beyond even of Planet Earth's standards. It was almost the twenty-second century, but humans still haven't perfected their own quantum entanglement teleportation technology, which was used to send massive amounts of people to other worlds without the need for interstellar travel.

Several highly advanced computer technicians, from the militaries' special forces, stood nearby awaiting orders. The technicians noticed the guards walking to them. The technicians prepped the Quantum Entanglement Teleportation Device to its proper Planet Earth coordinates.

Sam Evans Zeta was pushed inside the heavily secure quantum entanglement teleportation device. He then thought with disdain "My current condition makes it completely useless to fight against my oppressors. I have none of my mist energy, from which my mist organ harvests through the air, as it is completely damaged and almost beyond repair. Any reserves of stamina energy from which separate storages cannot be used. They can convert into mist energy inside my body, Although I have this potential power to command, it would not nearly be enough for a retaliation against my aggressors. Anxiety and hopelessness, two major factors in charge of my life have made me feel so weak."

The countdown for transportation onto Planet Earth happened instantaneously. Sam Evans Zeta still thought deeply about his wrongfully accused predicament. he really was in a pickle. "Man! I'm so hungry that I can ride a horse!" Sam Evans Zeta quoted Chris Griffin from Family guy which was created by Seth McFarlane and was currently airing on fox it's one-hundredth season.

Ten-Nine-Eight-Seven-Six-Five-Four-Three-Two-One... Sam Evans Zeta had then instantly teleported right after the countdown ended its final breath.

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