I'm Brad to The Bone - It's a Two Forker

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Wednesday January first, 2110 – 3:15 P.M

Mark Evans Zeta

As Amy Zeta and Mark Zeta were walking towards school, after wasting away the entire day playing truant, they noticed someone trailing them out of the corner of their eyes.

Mark Zeta tried his best to ignore the mysterious looking stranger. He thought to himself and fiddled with his "Armitron" watch which somehow changed colors to black for some reason. "I don't want to let this guy know that I saw him, but he sucked at hiding. He was hiding behind a stop sign a few feet away from us and was reading a newspaper upside down on a patch of grass covered in what looked like bird poop. There were also some birds flapping towards him and they did their business on him constantly. He was a bird poop magnet. Amy Ignored this man but I can't stand him just waiting there anymore" Mark Zeta turned around "Hey uh you going to tell me why you're following us, you better get that poop off you, it's disgusting."

A robotic voice answered "Initiating self-cleaning program five: operation poop removal" there was a hum and three objects came out of the man. Mark Zeta saw clearly that the objects were three robotic hands, one had a pooper scooper, one had a cleaning solution, and one had wipes. They began to work and in seconds the poop was off the man and in a circle around him. "Initiate friendly conversation Brad, Mark Evans and his Step-Sister/Girlfriend will suspect you are tailing them for a top-secret reason, do not tell him you are their new bodyguard. Don't say that Charlie secretly wants to protect their romantic lives but fears Amber and Jackson, so he dares not talk about it. Don't even say that Charlie was talking to you about infiltrating Headmaster Wonderweisz's school. Don't even mention your motive for revenge after being subjected to cruel and harsh experiments that the illusive, yet real, Headmaster made you endure.

"Argh shut up you stupid A.I" the man said in a human voice this time. His face was in a scowl, he started to hit himself. The man then froze and turned to me and gave a big smile "Oh ha-ha sorry my name is Bradley Hensworth. My stupid computer in my body, named "Fred" thinks on its own because it's an Artificial Intelligence, or A.I for short. I'm the bodyguard of secretive love affairs and romance filled airs. To put it simply like my A.I says I'm here for revenge. But first we need to get to your house. I'll explain everything there."

"This guy Brad is such a wacko. He keeps rambling with long sentences and has weird hands coming from who knows where, and a robotic voice that sounds like R2D2 from "Star Wars" which was created by George Lucas and later bought out by Disney to make more movies out of their extended universe of larger spin off films, books, Video Games, TV, and Animation and turn it into a greater, more spectacular, franchise." Mark Zeta thought about to himself.

"Fine just follow us Brad... No more information about this whole Headmaster Wonderweisz guy. My head is still reeling from information that our idiot brother Charlie told us" Amy said finally. It appeared that Brad sparked her interest. Mark Zeta was insanely jealous when he noticed this. Brad looked to be in around his late teens. "How old are you by the way, I'm thirteen and Mark is ten" Amy said with her eyes fluttering ever so softly.

"Huh well I'm eighteen today miss Amy if that's what you're asking" Brad said blushing. "I still have more information regarding Headmaster Wonderweisz, it's really important. You'll understand everything soon I promise."

"Wow, so you have the same birthday as me and my three half-siblings. that's so cool, Happy-Birthday" Mark Zeta said in awe. "Amy's Birthday is Midnight September first which makes her exactly three years and four months older than me."

"Mark, you didn't have to tell him all that, don't be so precise you know-it-all" Amy Zeta stomped her foot to the ground with such force that the sidewalk got a little cracked and indented.

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