Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold! Mark Zeta

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Final hours at Planet Holio-Knightus

Mark Evans Zeta

Raziel Aurto and Mark Evans Zeta walked briskly between timelines and realties towards a gnat's wing length of a path till the two of them, in a fragment of a second, arrived at Kozak's home village town. They saw some Dromani that looked like guards. They instantly kneeled before Raziel Aurto as a sign of respect.

"No need to kneel little playboys, I'm just the plaything of Mark, he's my master and the Pimp Daddy." Raziel Aurto's voice seductively caused the guards to grasp at their crotches in soothing, writhing, pleasure. They had wet themselves in a woke dream. They tried their best to act calmly as both Mark Zeta and Raziel Aurto snidely walked past the guards. Their eyes seized, they then became catatonic and lost interest in Mark Evans Zeta but were squirming like worms at the site of Raziel Aurto.

The village town known as Casa Angles was built miraculously with great and shining stone and corrugated sheets of metal.

Mark Zeta noticed Amy was sitting on a chair in front of some building. He sauntered over to her with Raziel Aurto straddled against his thighs. Amy got startled.

"Oh, so you've got a whore with you now, did you shag her or something. I was waiting for the right time but you're too dim witted. I didn't even like you, you know that. Stupid piss pot." Amy did some fast moves and twisted Mark Zeta's crotch till she heard a satisfying pop; his testicles were now dislocated. He wouldn't be having any pleasure for a while now.

Mark Zeta's eyes had become bloodshot and he screamed with rage. Without a second thought he erased Amy from existence, In fact he spread her into pieces across the multiverse just like he did with Creatorus and used her bits to repair his dislocated testicles, across every version of his constant self, due to the law of equivalent exchange.

He still saw her; Amy was staring mischievously at him. She was whispering in his ear seductively; she was tantalizingly perceptive.

"Geez Mark how did you get here, you totally freaked me out. Don't ever do that again." Amy pointed her hand at Mark Zeta in anger. Of course, Mark Zeta believed it was her talking but, Mark Zeta began having a one-sided conversation with himself. His body flickered and half of it became female. It was the fused remnants of Amy living within him.

"Do what again, freak you out, it's in my nature to freak you out I can't help it. I'll even do it again just for fun" Mark Zeta laughed then teleported directly above Amy then compressed air for him to make a platform to stand on. "I stood on the platform." Mark Zeta announced out loud, he was now speaking even his own thoughts, no longer were his thoughts on a normal wavelength. He was having a psychotic breakdown similarly to the one Mark Evans Prime had before he was possessed by this Mark Evans Zeta in another timeline and other reality. "What can you do, what kind of powers do you have" Mark Zeta smirked mischievously.

"Knock it off Mark and I'll show you, but you better keep your eyes open for this one because you won't believe your eyes" Amy said as she placed her hands downwards.

Mark Zeta saw that fire was coming out of Amy's right hand, it was really Mark Zeta's left hand transposed in a mirrored fashion.

"So, what, you can make fire, big deal" The left side of Mark Zeta's mouth was smirking.

"That's not all just wait" Amy said as her left hand began to shoot out a torrent of water. She then aimed both the fire and water downwards at an angle so that they hit each other. Immediately they began to form a highly pressurized form of steam which Amy used to shoot herself upwards into the sky.

She was flying all around the sky above. She then decreased the steam pressure and descended to the ground.

"How was that" Amy sad with a big grin.

"Well I can fly too with my gravity and air powers" Mark Zeta said smugly

"Gravity and air powers? In addition to your lightning powers" Amy said incredulously

"And I also have the ability of sound, vibration, and creation in addition to having instantaneous travel, dimensional transportation and my own pocket dimension where I can store organic things such as a living haven of Eonoe, beings that live in the fourth dimension. Did I mention now I'm a Gozaxean Zolkgathion?" Mark Zeta's right side of his mouth snickered.

"Isn't that a little too overpowering now you're basically unbeatable" Amy said.

"I could tell that she was jealous of me, She is mocking me. No one can mock me." Mark Zeta yelled. The entire reality became torn, all the Zynthomancers teleported away from this timeline out of distress, even Raziel Aurto. She had her fun for now.

Mark Evans Zeta flickered away to the fourth dimension after absorbing the entirety of the Zeta World Line with him. "Yes, it wasn't me, another Mark Evans must've done it, a future, stronger version must've taken this world away from me. I will have my revenge." Mark Zeta screamed as he lay inside a white void while trapped inside his own head for thousands of years. Time repeated itself with various alternative outcomes, but the events ended the same. He still ended up to this point, he still reset to this very moment. There was no annihilator, no Franz Harold dent, no anything.

Mark Evans Zeta then felt something calling out to him, a baby, it reached out to his mind and reverted his mind to its original, unfractured, state. Gone were the ravages of time and psychosis that he felt. He still had the entirety of the Zeta World Line, the Zeta Timeline, placed upon his shoulders as if he was Atlas himself.

Mark Zeta opened his eyes. He saw flickering as a different timeline of memories began to unfold. He saw beginning of something miraculous. 

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