The True Meaning of escapism -- is life predetermined or unwritten

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Donatello "Donnie" Raymond

Just another day in the life of Donnie Raymond. Donnie thought to himself as he woke up after what felt like forever. Donnie proceeded to rub his eyes with weariness, He felt extremely tired.

Hmm my hands felt scaly and rough for some reason, they were gold and had these golden gems inlaid across the first knuckle of each of my fingers. On the back of my two hands in each center were a single golden gem. On each of the gems were twelve different insignias. The twelve insignias were in the shape of the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

Donnie got his bearings and stood up. He remembered that it was still the summer in July and that stupid fake human Jake Velazquez had scared him away from the love of his life Eliza Valentine. She was perfect with those freckles on her nose and the strawberry blonde hair that sparkled under the sunlight. It was too bad that she was a Dragonoid hiding in human form as well.

I could've loved her the way she was, but Jake had to scare me off and make me wet myself. He was going to rue the day he crossed me. I would have my revenge.

As Donnie remembered what was going on with his life, he suddenly felt taller, stronger and brimming with energy. Hey this feels weird.

Donnie saw that there was a mirror in the place where he was. Donnie was in what looked to be a bedroom of some sorts. Donnie had been on the floor next to the bed for some reason.

I must've fallen off.

As Donnie looked in the mirror, he scratched his golden scaly face.

Hey, wait a minute, my face isn't scaly, gold colored, and what's with those pearly white razor-sharp teeth I have. This isn't my body, what's going on.

"Hey, you, stop looking in the mirror admiring yourself and get moving, my son Vladimir must have put a magic spell on us or something, now we're bonded together temporarily. I would say for thirty more minutes give or take. You're in control of my body for now until the spell ends. I was in control of yours last night." The deep voice seemed to resound in the room. Donnie couldn't quite place where it was.

"Um excuse me Mr. Voice, but can you please tell me WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!" Donnie yelled at the top of his lungs. Suddenly some fire shot out of Donnie's mouth and destroyed the mirror.

"Look let me get this stuck in your head, I Darius Velasquez, have been forcibly fused with your body, that of a pitiful smart human who is a nerd in secret pretending to be a jock, named Donatello Raymond. You are fourteen years old; your birthday is the beginning of the year on January first, and you are six feet tall. You have the perfect body and genetics after promising yourself that you'll lose your loser nerd body and work out. You now bully other individuals like who you once were as a nerd. You are a loser. You are a pitiful football player and poor excuse of a human being if I do say so myself. I've heard from my son, Vladimir's, ramblings about why he chose you to be stuck with me for what seems like forever. All the time you ask for both of you parents' advice and end up just doing your own thing. You never once try to listen to them. Don't you feel ashamed about what you've done. You have repeated this train of thought for so long that it has become stale. You have drained both of your parents' life force from this do you understand. Even your older brother Ryan is trying to help, and you push him away. Why do you ever think that things are ever going to become better if you can't ever change yourself. You are going to stay as this depressing millennial forever if you don't make up your mind and just keep writing. Keep doing what you want and if you want advice then to ask for it. Never ever ask for advice again only to rescind it a moment later. Do not even think of making this rigmarole of an idea into part of your self-worth. And I for one do not want to see your pitiful eyes like that anymore. Even though you seek for adventure and write to your heart's content, do you really think that's all there is to it. You have a family that loves and cares for you and all you do is put yourself into depravity. While you may think that your imagination holds power, it is you yourself that has that power. Believe in yourself to overcome any obstacle and never give up on your dreams. You stay awake at night and constantly ask if life is going to be better. Take pride in yourself, and in the notion, that you have familial support. Maybe on this journey you will get what you want but don't come crying to me or any other beings, on my home-world Tangeroth, about your problems. Work them out by yourself and don't get too much anxiety about it, don't get too overwhelmed and feel hopeless. Stand up and have a voice, don't go sneaking in the shadows, that is all I must say for you. This ends our current conversation so move on and learn from this critical thinking and do not rebuke it for it will be your ultimate downfall and Achilles heel." Darius said this with the utmost derision at Donnie.

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