Chapter Two: School Sucks

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My eyes opened and I found myself lying in a cot, I looked at my hands to see if I was wearing the gloves that appeared when I fought that monster. I needed proof that what happened wasn't a dream. I immediately saw the red gloves on my hands. I looked at my left palm and saw that the number was back up to 150 SP. I sighed with relief, what happened before was not a dream, it was real and now I have the very proof on my hands.

I quickly looked at my surroundings and saw that Brad was near me. I noticed that he was staring intently at my body, probably waiting for me to get up. I saw that his right arm looked like it was back to normal. He peered into my face; I smelled his breath, it smelled like Mexican food; my stomach rumbled. He noticed that I was up and sheepishly took a few steps back.

"Man, I'm starving, get me some Mexican food, I want some tacos and burgers and French fries and a lot of hot sauce, Brad get me some" I said with my stomach still rumbling.

"How did you know I had Mexican food recently, you must be psychic. I had some right after you passed out; I was going to wake you, but that idiot nurse said blah-blah-blah no food blah-blah-blah gives stomach aches to patients' blah-blah-blah could get sick bla-blah-blah and stuff. But I managed to sneak some tacos and burgers and French fries but no hot sauce inside my special two in one microwave and fridge inside my body. It's separate from everything in my body so it's clean" Brad grinned then opened his chest and a microwave popped out.

The microwave door opened, I saw all the Taco's, burgers, and French fries I could want.

"Hey, can I have a...." Brad opened another part of his chest and gave me a can of ice-cold soda "Delicious" I munched on all the food and guzzled down all the soda till there was nothing left for brad. "Oh, sorry I ate all the food and drank all the soda" My stomach started hurting from all the food, I felt sick for a bit then I took a few deep breaths then it passed.

"Don't worry about it, my buddy I know gets me free food all the time, I'll just restock after school is over" Brad laughed

"Hey, wait I'm going to miss my first day at my new school" I got out of bed and scrambled to the door, darn it Mom's going to kill me.

"Hey chill bro school didn't start yet; you still have like ten minutes" Brad's arm extended and patted me on my shoulder to calm me down. "Your mom made a mistake and thought school starts at seven thirty when it really starts at nine o clock, classic parents. You really had to leave at eight thirty, not seven."

"So how long was I out for after I beat the crud out of that Mummy Lizard", How could my mom not know school starts so late.

"Wow you named that thing cool; I just called it a creature. Things like them don't get names; you were only out for an hour. I got patched up around fifteen minutes ago, my arm is good as new" Brad flexed out his right arm. I saw that it looked perfectly fine, there wasn't even a scratch or dent on it, it even had a new arm smell like a pine tree.

"Well I better get ready. Do you know where my bag is? It has all my schoolwork", if I don't get that bag, I'll totally get lost without the instructions to tell me to get home.

"Right on me dude" Brad turned around and I saw that he was wearing my book-bag.

"Ah phew thanks, I was freaking out, where do we go now for class and stuff?" now I feel so much better.

"Mark just follow me, I know the way, I was exploring when you were asleep, and I made a map of the school" Brad opened his mouth and a map printed out.

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