Interlude Part Four - Neville Wormwood Joins the League of Rangers

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Neville rushed towards the pavilion in the hunter's academy searching for his orientation group. He did not want people to know that he was lost but he had to tell someone eventually. He bumped into an older man by accident.

"Hey, watch it kid, you better be part of the group that's standing just over there in that concession booth or I'm going to report you to the staff for breaking and entering" the man had a grizzled look to him and was quite muscular. He stared down Neville furiously while waiting for a response.

"Hah-Hah" Neville laughed nervously, he was in a rut, but he had to explain his situation or his chance at being part of Ranger's academy was over. "Well um actually I'm really lost, and I just need directions to the concession booth, and I'll be on my way" Neville squinted his eyes and shrugged his shoulders to give the image of innocence to the older man. Neville did not want the old man to know that he was exploring the lower levels of Ranger's academy on his own, this was prohibited unless you were part of the academy and had clearance. Neville had a way around that, the door to the lower levels was easy to pick through.

The older man lessened his stare "Well alright then... Off you go" the older man pointed to the left and Neville could see the group in the distance, he also noticed something shiny in the left pocket of the older man.

Neville tripped and fell on the older man and deftly grabbed the shiny object as he was steadying himself. "Oops sorry, my bad" Neville quickly got up and ran to the group and hid among them before the older man could notice that he was swindled from.

He looked at the object, it was a ring that didn't look particularly special but had a strange insignia on it. It showed an image of a snake intertwined with a wolf. Sampson put it on his ring finger and noticed there was a button on the side of the ring. He pressed it and the top half of the ring opened and inside was a small strip of paper.

He read it. It said "Congratulations Neville on passing the first test, you are now part of the elite hunting group known as the League of Rangers, to complete the next test you must go to the lower levels with this clearance ring to get your Ranger garb and evaluation. Good luck on your hunter journey."

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