Battle Strategies and Power Up "It's Hero Time!" Featuring Donald Duck Tenfold

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Mark Evans Prime

I must figure out how to beat this guy. Maybe if there was a way to evolve to become immune to the effects of the power nullification abilities. Maybe I can activate that power to get immune from power nullification then fight normally. I'll try it, what's the worst that can happen, Mark thought. He tried to relay this information to Rose, Jack, and Steve, hoping his Eonoe powers couldn't be nullified. And sure enough, it worked. He heard affirmations from Rose, Jack, and Steve that they understood.

Mark noticed Jared begin to smile.

"You're going to waste a power to stop my nullification ability. That sounds counterintuitive to waste a power just for beating me. It's not like you guys could rapidly evolve unless you experienced great stress on your bodies to trigger the evolution. Oh wait...." Jared's eyes widened as he realized his mistake.

Jared began to think magnanimously. His ego was getting to him. He thought that he was invincible. He thought about something eerie. "The nullification field indeed caused stressors on the body and people with the body evolution ability could fuse it with their own abilities in perfect synergy. I have seven powers due to me first getting my cheat ability. I won't use this cheat ability to pick the power of inversion just so I could combat it. The cost of using this cheat ability would leave me weak and defenseless. I wouldn't be able to fight my opponents due to this secret weakness. I didn't want to think about it now just in case someone could read my thoughts. But why should one waste their twelve limited ability slots unless they figured out how to get the cheat ability first. They would then have backup abilities. If they got powers and transformations through the process of others granting said powers and transformations to them, then it wouldn't count against their total limited amount of powers and transformations that they can get. They could cheat somewhat by becoming an Esper like I did. After getting this cheat ability, which had subset cheating powers attributed to them and were given to the user for free, they could get others by following the rules supplied by the cheat. Another cheat ability was Inversion, it was the ability to get the complete opposite power, or transformation, of anyone a person encounters but the drawback was that they had no powers initially until they found someone with powers. Then they would keep this power and any additional inverted power every time their encounter a person with a power or transformation. Another cheat ability was leech, copy, or power absorbent, they could get the opponents power but had no ability they could use at first just like those who had the power of inversion. I could always use his time pause abilities I have from getting one of my cheat abilities that I got after obtaining the first cheat ability then getting the rest for free. Jared accidentally thought about his cheat ability that allowed one to summon a wish granting djinn that gives the wielder of said power, powers and transformations that were permanent. The drawback to this ability was that it used a lot of Zynthonergy to activate its power and its weakness was that it had a twenty-five-hour cooldown If one found a way around the cooldown, they had the power to be unstoppable. Maybe if I could accelerate time instead of just pausing it, I could have complete mastery over time itself and be omnipotent. Sadly, I don't have enough energy to expend to summon the wish granting Djinn mid-combat. Otherwise I would be as powerful as a god. I hope that when the time comes, I won't get a god complex like many foolhardy individuals that existed before me.

I'm not stupid! Mark thought to himself. I can read minds as Jared fears. I'm not saying anything except inside my own head. I'm currently placing a mental barrier in my mind to prevent Jared from accessing it. An Eonoe's abilities far surpassed anything that a basic Esper can achieve. I can read Jared's mind at the same time. Thanks to this, I found out about the wish granting ability. Time to tell Rose, Jack, and Steve to get that very same power at the cost of using immense Zynthonergy. Together, we will be able to have four wishes, one for each of us.

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