Interlude Part Three - The Secretive Years - Sixteen Years Ago Allspice Eslanor

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"Allspice you're becoming a big sister, how does that make you feel you stupid, runt" Terry "Twos" Trachidimae sneered. He was her senior by one year and always had it out for her ever since she beat him in trial by combat. In the past he had stolen her powers and made her a blunt to make himself feel better. He felt insecure at always losing to her in magic duels, so he found out how to make sure that never happened again. Sadly, Allspice won the battle and the stipulation was that Terry would shrink in size permanently into a two-feet-two being, hence the "Twos" nickname. He called Allspice the name runt out of pure spite. There was only one way he was going to get his size back and it was all up to Allspice to get it. She had to steal her brother's innate talent for magic and share it with him. Only then will his natural form be restored.

"Shut-Up-Shut-Up-Shut-Up!!! You're a "big" bully" Allspice shrilled at Terry.

Terry had used his puny size to fly into the air and curl up in a ball on Allspice's flat chest. She was still growing she told herself. It was only a matter of time.

"Flat as a board as ever I see, Bwah-Hah-Hah-Hah" Jimmy "JJ" Johnson said as he slapped Allspice's butt in common straight out sexual abuse. He and Terry were buds, they always had each other's backs. They were cousins from their mother's side, so it made them as close as ever. It also helped that they were twin cousins, having both been born on the first day of the month Adaraba Two. It had been a leap month that year, so Jimmy and Terry rarely had birthdays. They always made sure to crash other birthday parties instead such as Allspice's.

"Stop it, you both are annoying!!!"" Allspice whimpered as she tried to run away. Terry was still resting on her chest and Jimmy had used speedster magic to catch up to her.

"How's that for the "Reverse Flash", Like the Reverse Flash has done in fiction, I will do the same. I'm going to make you suffer by killing your parents, along with Jimmy, while they sleep if you don't do what we say. Being short has its advantages. No one would ever suspect a Dwarf Dragonoid to assassinate the king and queen. Now listen to us or else you won't even have parents or ever have a chance at becoming a big sister." Terry said as he was pretending to be like the Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne, from DC Comics. "By me and Jimmy using speedster magic and vibrating our hands through your parents' chests, we will kill them together. Brothers in crime forever!!!" Terry activated his speedster magic to make his hand vibrate and threatened Allspice with it.

"And if you tell anyone we can just deny it because no one believes you anyways. You exaggerate all the time like a child screaming "Wolf" nearby a sheep pasture." Jimmy sneered.

The time soon came for Allspice to cast the spell. It was nightfall and her father, Sergei Edgar Markov "Banned" Eslanor, and mother, Padme Bedelia "I've Got The High Ground" Eslanor, were sleeping soundly in the royal quarters. Terry and Jimmy were hiding in the room just in case as leverage in case Allspice never took away her future dumb Dragonoid brother.

"Chah-Nuh-Kah Mytis Vah Beh-Lo A-Vei-Rah:" Allspice chanted quietly the blunt transformative curse spell on her future brother from inside the womb. "Chutz-Pah-Dik-Bah" Allspice chanted the words to share her powers with her tormentors Terry and Jimmy.

Terry found himself back in his Ten-Feet-Ten form again, Terry "Tens" Trachidimae was back in business.

Allspice found her physical strength being leached from her into the womb like it was a parasite devouring its host. She realized the repercussions of the spell too late. She thought that the blowback to the blunt spell wouldn't be so great. Sharing the powerful magics that her brother would've soon possessed between three people took a huge toll on Allspice's body.

Stealing magic had never been done this way, it was only for selfish reasons and therefore was only meant for one person to keep all the powers and leave nothing else for anybody. But Terry and Jimmy were greedy malicious fools that had more bark than their bite. They might've killed the king and queen if they were truly serious, but it wasn't their true goal. Terry and Jimmy just wanted to torment Allspice for the rest of their long lives, and they will now get that chance for nearly eternity...

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