The Alpha Timeline Chapter Four The game of life and death

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Everyone's a fighter but not everyone gets to live another day.

These words sparked the rebellion on two frontiers and will forever change the lives of the people who live in the constant cycle of rising above the rest or falling into depravity. Those who embrace the change this has over every sentient being will be forever immortalized on the streams of consciousness.

"One-Million Points" Jake flexed his muscles and hi-fived his foster brother and friend Mark.

Jake was five-feet-ten-and-three-quarters. He had bulging muscles from working out six hours a day after school. He trained from six p.m. to midnight every day since he was thirteen until he reached this point in his life. He had tan skin from always showing off his body during the summer. He always stayed out till he burned as if he was showing the world that the sun couldn't hurt him. He always tested and broke his limits every day and never looked back on his past. Eventually his skin darkened enough and became resistant to the rays of the sun.

"You know it bro-bro" grinned Mark. Mark was feeling very chill this day.

Mark was six-feet-two-and-a-half and lazed around every day because school was so easy and boring. He was a prodigy and did everything right without doing much of anything. He didn't have to try to succeed, he just did things and they happened to be right all the time. He was so smart that he made everyone feel inferior to him, especially Jake who had a height inferiority complex because of Mark. It was the way Mark always grew in leaps and bounds while Jake had to work twice as hard just to keep up.

"I think that today is going to be the day that we finally become adults, isn't that right Mark? Then we will finally be able to show just how great we really are." Jake said. He was feeling a little nervous about graduating from high school this morning. Then he and Mark would go off and chill for one final summer before getting into the same college which was Jake's goal from the very first day of high school. He did his best to get great grades and match Mark's intelligence. Mark just seemed to do everything with more of his usual flare and made himself valedictorian just by doing everything perfectly without even trying.

Jake managed to become salutatorian, but it wasn't enough in his mind. Before this happened, Jake thought that must strive to be better than Mark. He wanted more achievements, so he participated in all afterschool activities. He competed in tournaments in the boxing club, completed and won perfectly reasoned arguments in the mock debate team, and joined all the advanced placement classes he could find and still managed to find time to do extra training on the side when all these activities ended by six p.m. He would then train in the school's personal gym for six hours till midnight then shower and go to bed exhausted. He would repeat this cycle every day with no rest days. He still managed to train on weekends for six hours in the early morning at four a.m. to ten a.m. and would fight in mock battles against Mark on those days for another six hours afterwards. Then, because of this, he would do better and be better than everyone. He didn't do this to show off however, he did all this to prove that he can be Mark's esteemed equal.

"I think that it's almost time for the lazy summer break to begin so let's party like there is no tomorrow. Even if there is an apocalypse, I know that I'll still have you by my side to keep me company. You always were a scrappy fighter. You never let me down once and you never will" Mark clasped his fingerless blue colored gloved hand into a fist and reached out towards Jake.

"You Know it"

"Bro-fist" The arm that Mark aimed with his fingerless glove covered fist was happily fist bumped with a smooth comply with Jake's similar fingerless red colored glove covered fist.

Both Jake and Mark had fingerless gloves on them when they mysteriously appeared at their foster family's doorstep almost eighteen years ago to this very day.

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