Nurse Jackie Delve Deeper - Mark Zeta

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Mark Evans Zeta had found himself delving into the psyche of Sam Evans Omega, a version of his father from an alternative timeline. Sam Evans Omega was walking quietly alongside another version of Mark Evans, Mark Evans Sigma Seven, and Fyra Blacksteel Prime. Mark Evans Sigma Seven was also alongside Mark Evans Zeta in a fetal position, all three of them were holding babies, all exact replicas. Mark Evans Sigma Seven then saw that there were countless other versions of himself all spread throughout this white void. Sam Evans Omega and Fyra Blacksteel Prime, were the exception to the rule. For some reason they both were here, and nobody knew why. Inside this place, beyond that of the multiverse, crazy things began occurring.

Mark Evans Sigma Seven was thinking to himself. He remembered something about the multiverse. He forgot about Sam Evans Omega, and Fyra Blacksteel Prime, and instead looked at Mark Evans Zeta while dumbfounded. In fact, there wasn't just one Mark Evans Zeta, there was an infinite number of Mark Evans Zetas all walking around. While Mark Evans Zeta was originally a constant across the multiverse, he apparently had been placed in reverse due to his own apparent god complex which had no comparison to Mark Evans Prime's minor psychosis and setback due to the original Future Mark Evans Zeta's influence.

Mark Evans Sigma Sevan mused with unrealized acuity and equally personified, high, reasoning, he also had lost his sanity, it was due to his indifference, something like the persona of Mark Evans Zeta. "Something was different about the way Fyra Blacksteel Prime shot out a special prism of light to encapsulate us, the fallen ones. Then I assumed that I was dead and in heaven. Something was wrong, however. I found that my injured body was intact however and found myself in what I think was the fourth dimension, somewhere that exists away from the natural boundaries of space and time. It's like a prison although it seems like it could theoretically be open, very vast, and desolate for miles. That hope was dashed the instant I found the infinite Mark Evans Zetas, and other various versions of myself besides the nincompoops that are: the newly dubbed, by me of course, "The Council of Infinite Mark Evans Zetas." There is maybe nothing that I could do but think about the past. I might as well walk aimlessly within this prison without the need to eat, sleep, drink, or relieve myself."

As Mark Evans Sigma Seven walked, other Mark Evans, of various personas and archetypes, walked alongside him as zombie-like catatonic beings. He thought he alone was sane until a brutish yet puny version of himself appeared. He had a maleficent aura yet reeked of insignificance. He was split down the middle of inferiority and superiority yet never one or the other. Neither side seemed to be overpowering each other but were instead codependent for survival.

"Hey, My name is Mark Evans Gamma-Delta-Nine, what's your name?" this Mark Evans said with a squeak, shudder, and a grimace.

"Nothing of significant importance. You can call me Mark Evans Sigma-Seven." Mark Evans Sigma-Seven nonchalantly replied.

The two of them were strolling together in the ever-infinite time and space. They saw something that would greatly change the course of their existence while in this fourth dimensional prison. It was very similar to what Mark Evans Prime saw when he arrived from another time period.

"It's as expected. It's the realm of the Eonoe!" One Mark Evans Zeta exclaimed. He was the original Mark Evans Zeta or rather he was Mark Evans Zeta-2-Prime.

Every iteration of Mark Evans saw a huge sign, it was displayed in the air and read "Welcome to the realm of the Eonoe."

The infant girl, that every Mark Evans had been holding, soon started unanimously to cry in an infinite wailing cacophony of thunderous tremors.

Every Mark Evans unanimously said something quite unlike their very nature and personality. "We need to find food, we need to comfort these babies, we need to go find refuge in hopes that it could calm her down." They thought on the same wavelength as they were only on different parts of the reality spectrum and its grand design. Their thoughts permeated the fourth dimension as an audible whisper as they have all been transformed into Eonoe as of this very moment. They have encapsulated the energy of the baby that each of them carried and made this energy a part of themselves. The baby was used as a pseudo gateway for the powers which each iteration of Mark Evans possessed. The powers originally belonged to the almighty Eonoe for which each baby was one of them. "If there was any food or refuge then that would hopefully put a smile on the infant girl's young pudgy face, I will be the protector of this child." This thought was said in their heads and out loud at the same time as all Mark Evans' had broken the very laws the constraints of reality placed upon them by entering the fourth dimension in the first place.

Every possible ally and family member that they had lost, which every iteration of Mark Evans save for Mark Evans Zeta, had been trapped in this fourth dimension. This was all due to the evil Franz Harold Dent and his mysterious leader. This thought was wedged deeply inside all the Non-Mark-Evans-Zetas.

"They must be held inside of a prison. Ahh look, a large mechanical monster, time to protect myself..." Mark Evans Sigma Seven and Delta Gamma Nine thought to themselves amongst the many other non-infinite Mark Evans Zetas. Before they had the chance to protect themselves, the infinite infant girls became enveloped by light. In the end all iterations of Mark Evans ended up on the Prime World Line. They specifically ended up on Planet Holio-Knightus one-hundred years before the planets take-over by Franz Harold Dent, the false Headmaster Wonderweisz. They had arrived in the year two-thousand and fifteen, three years before the terrible plight of Mark Evans Prime's descent into the very same fourth dimension.

It is there that every iteration of Mark Evans, and Sam Evans Omega, decided that they will raise the infant girl while trying to find out what has happened. They decided that they would come back to the fourth dimension another time to free their friends and lost allies. For now, they had to raise their newfound adopted children.

They all wondered why this time travel has occurred.

All versions of Mark Evans had found out the year, date, month, and exact hour to the exact singular millisecond from the nearby residents who saw every iteration of Mark Evans appear in a flash. 

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