The Countdown to the Infinite Time Clone Conspiracy

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Mark Evans Zeta Vs. Mark Evans Prime

Elsewhere, Mark Evans Zeta was convening with his council of Infinite Mark Evan Zetas. This council was created solely to combat The Council belonging to the Future Mark Prime. This Future Mark Prime had assembled a team of near infinite Mark's from almost every timeline. It was near infinite because he still couldn't gain control over the timeline known as the Zeta World Line.

The Council was discussing new ways of torture for Mark Evans Prime and his allies. This would impede Mark Evans Prime from ever achieving his destiny to rule instead of Mark Evans Zeta. Mark Evans Prime would become the controller of the power of negative infinity unless Mark Evans Zeta had anything to do about it.

"So why don't we just see where he goes and follow his every move yet be ten steps ahead like we always are," one Mark Evans Zeta said. The Mark Evans Zeta who was the leader of the council felt that this Mark Evans Zeta was too big for his britches. This Mark Evans Zeta had to be put down.

The leader of the Council of Infinite Mark Evans Zetas was known as The Alpha Supreme Mark Evans Zeta. He currently was the last to be freed from the time loop and was the main antagonist. He raised his right hand towards the impudent fool of a man. He placed his aura that belonged only to that of a Mark Evans Zeta and trapped this Mark Evans Zeta inside his own mind. He would only be stuck there temporarily until he broke free, but there was a method to the council leaders' madness.

This Mark Evans Zeta that was placed into his own mind would become temporarily insane and the Mark Evans Zeta in control over the council would have more political power than anyone in this dimensional space. The way to enter this dimensional space was only through the allowance of a Mark Evans Zeta at his own discretion.

"And now that this kind Mark Evans Zeta has made an example of himself, what say you all?" The leader of the council of infinite Mark Evans Zeta's, The Alpha Supreme Mark Evans Zeta, slammed his fist down.

A shockwave comprised of a special kind of energy was emitted. Only a select few individuals knew about and had access to resonance energy. Resonance Energy was more powerful than the Zyntho Energy that all Zynthomancers possessed. The entire council of Infinite Mark Evans Zetas were originally one mind and one body

They knew about the true nature of Resonance Energy and had access to it. Originally only specific beings had access to Resonance Energy, even future Mark Evans Prime at some point in the future. The Alpha Supreme, the future Mark Evans Prime, then stupidly shared the secret to obtaining this power to the entire public.

"Well, one of us should disguise ourselves and pretend to be his ally. Maybe he can pretend to be an ally to us like that Kram Snave was to us before we absorbed his powers and form to get stronger." Another Mark Evans Zeta piped up. Kram Snave had the same name as Mark Evans, but it was in reverse spelling and he was the first true doppelganger in existence. All versions of him were absorbed by Mark Evans Zeta from all timelines. Kram Snave was a constant in Mark Evans Zeta's world line and he made it his duty, before he was trapped in an infinite time loop, to take his power and form for himself. His form would be useful sometime in the future, Mark Evans Zeta thought after the deed was done and he had his entire essence within his body. He could even resurrect him if he wanted to but chose another approach. Instead, the collective council of Infinite Mark Evans Zetas would release this essence and imbue it with their own power to create an enhanced version of Kram Snave. This Kram Snave would obtain the moniker of "Kram Snave The Omnipotent" and have an army of infinite versions of himself that constantly resurrected, making them immortal, simply to do the will of Mark Evans Zeta.

Demon Chronicles Book 1 The Parallel Frontier Of RealityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz