Catching up with the Past

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Chapter 7

Catching up with the past

Koruna backed up when a handsome tall young man stepped closer, he seemed amused by her behavior and allowed a smirk.

“Who would have thought?” Koruna shivered.

“I wonder who” He replied very gently.

“It has been three years, I am sure there are no hard feelings left. Right?”  Koruna smiled nervously.

He smirked and walked away without giving her a response.

“Right?” Koruna shouted after him.

“See you around, little thief.” He murmured but loud enough for Koruna to hear.

The day continued without more events, Mariam and her crew returned to class and were quiet for the rest of the school day. People avoided Koruna and left her to her devices, she rode home in silence and relaxed when her back touched her bed.

“This is going to be harder than I thought.” Koruna whispered.

“Long day?” Flora’s voice rang from behind the curtain.
She came out with a giggle that made Koruna roll her eyes.

“I got you, didn’t I?” She asked with a squeal.

“Yes, you did… I must be getting rusty.” Koruna admitted.

“Nah… Not you.” Flora joined her on the bed.

“Did you sneak in here or were you allowed in?” Koruna asked with knowing nod.

Flora giggled… “Surprisingly, I was allowed in. Shola came to get me saying you might need a friend, he was right even though I know you don’t need me.”

“Your uniform is a different shade from the usual, should I even ask?” Flora sighed.
Koruna smiled wryly and sneezed.

“You should have at least changed, I know your stubbornness would not let you think rationally. Did you get them back?” Flora asked.

“Not yet… I will come up with something.” Koruna answered.

Koruna removed the uniform and had her bath while Flora continued admiring the room. Koruna returned with an oversized faded shirt and shorts, she sat beside the window as she wore her glasses.

“Anything new lately?” Flora asked sarcastically.

Koruna chuckled… “Do you remember when I went on a dare to the Ark’s mansion and stole one of their golden spoons because Telilah swore I would not make it?”

“Yes, you were nearly arrested and thrown into jail by that handsome beauty in black.” Flora made a motion of being lovesick.

“You remember how I escaped?” Koruna continued.

“You kicked him in the nuts and ran?” Flora asked not sure.

“There is more, I tried to kick him in the nuts but he was too fast and too strong… “Koruna sighed.

Flora looked at her in recognition… “Your first kiss!!! Oh my God!!! I remember!!! The poor guy was so stunned. That was one of the few times it was obvious you were going to lose a hand to hand combat.”
Flora laughed out loud at the memory.

“Guess who I met at school today?” Koruna sighed dramatically.

“Nooooooo Way!!! Noooooooo…. You are so screwed!!! He doesn’t look like the type to forgive and forget, I remember the glare and taste of revenge in his gaze.” Flora was thoroughly amused at the turn of events.

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