Chapter 37

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The students stood on a training ground with many tall buildings that reminded them of a big city. "For today's exercise we have come up with something special!" All might stood in front of them, beaming the excitement of a child. "We will form 4 teams with 5 participants each to compete against each other. Your goal is to bring all 4 flags to your base. Each team will have one flag. Team red, blue, green and yellow." "This brings back memories," Kaede whispered in Eijiro's ear, who silently agreed with her. "You will be equipped with five weapons, one for each team member." All might pointed to boxes of firearms. "The weapons are loaded with paint bullets of the team's colour. Whoever is hit is eliminated and depending on where hit, points are awarded for head hit (50), heart (35) or other with 10 points. At the end of the game, each flag scores 150 points. Each time another flag was in your base, you get 5 points. Use of the Quirk is not allowed for a fight. Are there any questions?" "Mister All might, what happens if no team manages to snatch all the flags?" tenya had stood up and raised his arm. "Well, young Iida. During the exercise, most of you will be eliminated. At the end, there will probably be only one person left, who will then collect all the flags, or before that, one team will simply be outnumbered. In any case, there will be a result." "What will the teams be?" Excitedly, Denki turned around and eyed the other students. "If there are no more questions, we will now-" "I have one more question." "Yes, young Miharu?" "How many weapons is one person allowed to carry?" "You may divide your team's weapons as you please." She nodded and all might turned to a box of notes. "Each of you will draw a slip of paper, look at the colour, and then stand by your flag."
Kaede was in the yellow team. "Yellow is so bright, I don't like it." Hanta shook his head. "I like yellow, it's cool!" Joining their team, were Toru, Yuga and Koji. "Let's rock this thing guys!" "I like your motivation Hanta." They went to the box of weapons and spread them out on the floor. "We have a pistol, a belt of grenades, a shield with mines, a sniper and a machine gun." "Woaaah, Kaede. How did you realise that so quickly!" "Well, I used to have classes with different weapons." "Is there anything you can't do?" "I can't do a lot of things." Yuga noticed she was uncomfortable and quickly changed the subject. "So, what do you recommend for a beginner like me?" She looked at the weapons again carefully. For herself, she already had a favourite. "For Yuga, the machine pistol fits best. i can very well imagine him running wild through the streets, shooting at anything that moves." She grinned as Yuga picked up his gun. "I'll treat you well, sparkle-shooter." "Yuga, it scares me, please stop petting her." Toru took a step away from Yuga. "What about me?" "For you, I think the pistol is very handy. Just shoot as soon as you see someone." Koji picked up the pistol. "Do you think I can use the shield?" She nodded at Hanta. "I don't want a gun." They turned to Toru. "I don't want to shoot or throw grenades. Can't I sneak up on them? I could steal the flag after all!" "Good idea, but are you sure about that?" "Yes I am." "Then there's the belt and the sniper left. Kaede, what do you want to take?" "The sniper." A victorious grin formed on her face. She had always been best with the Sniper. The Hero Commission had often trained her as a sniper. Elite, after all. "The belt is left. I don't need it, I have the shield." "I don't have time to use that too, I've got Sparkle Shooter." "I think... I don't think I can use it. You should have it Kaede, so you can defend yourself in close combat." "You're quite right. Fine, I'll take it then."

Hanta was already placing mines in front of their flag, after which he joined the others to discuss tactics. He placed his hands on the counter, which also had a scoreboard with the teams' scores and members. "I think we should have different priorities. Toru for example stealing the enemy flags and Yuga protecting our flag. If Koji and I stayed together, Kaede can protect us from the rooftops on one hand, but also take out other opponents on the other, right?" "Yes. I also think it would be too risky if we were all in one pile. Still, we should meet back here in between." "As soon as the first of us is out?" "Good." All might ordered them to get into position. The start signal sounded. Kaede ran forward onto one of the roofs and then waved to the other two from above. They started to move. Along the right side they would meet the blue team. Shoto, Katsuki, Kyoka, Mashirao and Fumikage. A team that the yellow team would rather avoid. Therefore, they took a turn to the left towards the green team. The house roofs were connected by steel boards, sometimes only with ropes, but Kaede still made it across. At some point Koji and Hanta disappeared into a house. Kaede put the sniper down, set it up, lay flat behind it and looked through the scope at the street before turning to the windows of the building. She had to wait a few seconds before she saw the boys in the first window of the stairwell. The sight calmed her down a little until she glanced at the street again and saw Mezo and Ochako. Mezo held the shield in his hands, while Ochako held an assault rifle already ready to fire in her hand. "So not every team has the same weapons." Mezo had already located her boys, with Ochako they could also attack them from all sides. "Who first?" Her eye flicked back and forth between the two until she decided on Ochako. She took aim and held her hands very still. She took a deep breath and when she exhaled, she fired. A yellow paint cartridge hit Ochako and threw her with a soft force against Mezo, who stared at the paint in panic. Kaede fired a second shot at Mezo, but Ochako had touched and levitated him as she fell. Mezo flew along the windows of the stairwell and was about to climb into one. Kaede, of course, could not let that happen. She exhaled deeply and also hit Mezo in the head. She watched Mezo and Ochako leave the street and turned anxiously back to the house where Hanta and Koji had disappeared. Their gunshot had been loud, they should have heard it, and so should others. She had to find a new position. Eagerly she unstrapped the sniper and balanced over a beam to the high-rise. through a skylight she climbed into the stairwell. It was silent. No shots, no footsteps. Quietly she crept along the banister, careful not to make a sound. An uneasy feeling developed in the pit of her stomach and grew as she descended further and further and found nothing. When she reached the bottom, she turned around again in disbelief. How could this be? From now on she crept through the streets below, always one hand on her belt as she held her breath. She crept up to Team Green's base and was surprised to find it completely empty. No one was there, let alone the flag. She went to the screen and looked at the lists. Eliminated so far were Mezo, Ochako,... "No!" Hanta and Koji were in red in the list. "I should have watched them better! Shit man!" But she didn't know how it had happened. There were no signs of struggle there, nor had she seen anyone. "What weapons do the others have?" She felt responsible for their failing, like she failed them. "I have to find Yuga. He doesn't stand a chance. Together we may win or make it at least through this shit."

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