You're My Safe Space (Steven x Axl)

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Steven slipped into the hell house late at night. He was freezing, drenched in rain, and had large tears slipping down his rosy cheeks. His hair was dripping and a knotted mess.

He softly closed the door behind him. The hell house was uncharacteristically quiet and dark. He assumed everyone was still out at the bar. He wrapped his arms around himself and made his way down the hall, letting out cries and whimpers, keeping his head low.

"Steven?" A deep voice made Steven squeak. He hadn't noticed the lamp light softly flooding into the hall.

Axl was sat up in bed, covers ruffled. He had a book in his lap.

"I-I thought you were at the bar." Steven's voice was hoarse. He attempted to clear his throat.

"I was... I got bored, the other three went off" Axl made a lazy hand gesture. "What're you Doin' back? I thought you were-"

Axl cut himself off when Steven looked up at him. Steven had sadness welling up in his eyes, tightening his grip around himself.

"Popcorn?" Axl put his book down on the night stand, slowly staring to stand up.

Steven started shaking as Axl approached him. He lowered his head back towards the floor. Axl noticed Steven shaking, Steven was wearing only his torn jeans and a tank top; he had a leather jacket on and a thin sweater on under that.

"What happened?" Axl asked softly.

Axl was normally a loud, aggressive, and harsh person, but he knew better than to talk like that to Steven. He wouldn't tell anyone, not even Izzy, but he had the biggest soft spot for Steven, he'd do anything.

Steven rammed his head into Axl's chest, sobs and whimpers escaping his lips. Axl placed his hands on Steven's shoulders, leading him further into Axl's bedroom. He sat the two of them on the edge of the bed, letting Steven lean into him.

"I-I told her." Steven stammered. Axl's heart dropped, he knew what Steven was talking about. "I told her I was bi, and, and she-" Steven was choking on words and crying into Axl's chest.

Steven told Axl about his plan to tell his girlfriend about him being bisexual, after finally admitting it to himself. With other things, he normally would go to Slash, or Duff, but they're usually too busy drowning in women. It was Izzy who persuaded him to talk to Axl. Axl had been dragged through so much shit that he couldn't find it in himself to make his friends go through anything alone.

Axl let Steven cry into his chest. He ran his fingers through Steven's messy hair, softly cupping the back of his head, scratching softly. Steven leaned further into Axl, his cries diminishing slightly.

"Hey... let's get you cleaned up" Axl gently pried Steven's hands from himself, their fingers loosely intertwining.

Axl led Steven to the bathroom connected to his bedroom. He sat Steven down on the closed toilet, grabbing the hair brush off the counter. Axl stood slight behind him and gently brushed his hair.

"You don't need her..." Axl said softly, brushing through several knots and matted hairspray. Steven winced slightly. "Sorry man, fuckin rats nest."

"Sorry man." Steven's voice wavered, but he cracked a small smile. He nervously picked at his fingernails.

Axl finally sorted out Steven's hair. It was still a mess, just less messy, and less wet. Axl left the bathroom for a few minutes and returned with an oversized sweater and some boxers.

"Cmon, get dressed" Axl handed Steven the clothes, leaving the bathroom, and closing the door behind him.

Steven stood up and looked in the mirror. His eyes were red and tired looking. He splashed some cold water on his face and proceeded to change into some dry clothes. He joined Axl on his bed.

"Toss em in the pile" Axl gestured to his dirty laundry pile on the floor by his closet. Steven nodded and tossed his closed.

Axl scooted toward the head of his bed, patting the empty spot next to him.

"You don't need her man" Axl repeated softly.

"I just- you guys took it so well, Izzy and Duff didn't even seem surprised. I don't think Slash was even listening" Steven pulled his knees up towards his chest. Axl let out a silent laugh. "I dunno why I thought it would be a good idea to tell her" Steven's voice was quiet.

"Fuck her man" Axl threw his arm behind Steven's shoulders, causing them to lean into each other. "It's absolute bullshit that she reacted like that." Axl was pissed at Steven's girl, ex-girl now, he assumed.

"Fuck women dude, I'm so fuckin done" Steven huffed. "Dude she threw my jacket into her fireplace" Steven snapped angrily. "Fuckin loved that jacket" Axl bought him that jacket for his birthday.

"I'll buy you a new one" Axl nosed Steven's hair softly.

"I-I should probably go to bed...I'll give you your clothes back." Steven went to get off the bed, but Axl reached out and held his wrist.

"Stay, please?" Axl looked up at Steven. "And you don't need to give them back, it looks better on you" Axl whispered the last part to himself.

"You want me to stay?" Steven fiddled with the ends of his sleeves.

Axl just nodded, laying down and opening the comforter for Steven to slide into. Axl laid his arm out, beckoning Steven to crawl into his chest. Steven's hands settled around Axl's waist, as Axl's hands found their way through Steven's hair, and one on his cheek.

"You're safe here" Axl whispered. "She doesn't deserve you. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to feel safe, you deserve to be loved" Axl's low voice was music to Steven's ears. Axl's thumb brushed against Steven's cheek, he stroked his jaw softly, and brushed gently over Steven's softly quivering lips. "Shh... I have you." Axl pulled Steven closer to him, intertwining their legs.

Axl tipped his head down slowly. He tipped Steven's head up slightly, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. He pulled back, waiting for Steven to protest or wiggle his way out of the embrace, but Steven tipped his head closer to Axl's lips, as if silently asking for more kisses. Axl planted another soft kiss on Steven's temples, working his way down to his cheek. He could hear Stevens's breath labor. He went to place a final kiss on the corner of Steven's mouth. Steven turned his head slightly, parting his lips. Feeling each other's hot breath on their lips. Axl brushed his lips against Steven's, he felt Steven's grip tighten around his waist. Axl brushed his lips against Steven's one more time. Steven softly responded, moving in to kiss Axl fully this time. Both boys were breathing heavily through their noses. Their lips massaged each other's softly and slowly. Time seemed to have stopped, and Steven forgot all about his ex-girlfriend. They pulled away after a few minutes. Axl played with his hair some more, resting his chin on Steven's head.

"Goodnight, Popcorn. I'll be here when you wake up" Steven completely relaxed. Both boys tangled up in each other.

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