Dream Boy (Duff/Steven)

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Today was the day Duff finally came back home from visiting his family in Seattle.

Steven bounced around on his heels, watching out the window. Him and Duff lived together since there wasn't much room with Slash, Izzy, and Axl.

Steven looked around the house, making sure it was clean, he even had Duff's favorite dinner on the stove. Duff called when he was leaving his parents house, so Steven called the house back a half an hour later to get a recipe from his mom. He realized had the biggest feelings for Duff, he would wander their house, waiting and missing Duff. He slept in Duff's bedroom the second night and slept in Duff's hoodies.

Steven squeaked when he heard a car pull into the driveway. He hid around the corner and waited.

Duff unlocked the front door and noticed Steven wasn't around.

"Steve?" Duff called out. "You home?" He looked around the living area and dining room. "Steven?" He called again. He dropped his bags on the floor and made his way down the hall.

Steven came out of hiding and crept up behind Duff.

Duff heard the floor creak behind him. So Steven is home. Two can play at that game.

"Stevie?" Duff called down the hallway. Duff started to turn around, causing Steven to duck back into the kitchen.

Duff walked past one entrance into the kitchen and looped around. Steven peaked his head into the hallway.

Duff snuck up behind Steven, wrapping his arms around him, causing Steven to scream.

"What are you doing?" Duff laughed. Picking Steven up, his chest flush with Steven's back.

"I tried being sneaky!" Steven giggled.

"Yeah well" Duff laughed and squeezed Steven.

"Put me down, fucker!" Steven weaseled out of Duff's arms. He spun around and tried jumping on Duff.

"I thought you wanted down?" Duff snickered.

"I changed my mind" Steven blushed a little as Duff picked him back up and hugged him.

Steven wrapped his legs around Duff and sighed contently.

"Miss me or somethin?" Duff tightened his grip around Steven's torso and under one of his legs.

"You left me by myself for a week! Miss me too?" Steven nuzzled into Duff's neck.

"How could I miss your antics?" Duff teased.

"Fine, no dinner for you then!" Steven shook his head, making Duff eat his hair. They both laughed.

"Fucker... what did you make anyways?" Duff asked, putting Steven back on the floor.

"Nothing that concerns you now" Steven winked. Duff rolled his eyes. "I'm kidding, sit down" Steven tended to dinner on the stove.

Duff came up behind Steven and looked over and rested his head on Steven's shoulder.

"Smells amazing..." Duff caught a whiff of Steven's cologne. "You're too good to me" Duff teased.

"It's why ya keep me around" Steven turned his head and smiled. "Go sit!"

"Aww... my Stevie don't love me enough to let me stay in the kitchen!" Duff whined. He pulled off of Steven and stood next to him.

"Nope, totally neglecting ya by makin one of your moms recipes" Steven bumped his hip against Duff.

"Hmm... I oughta marry you or somethin" Duff ruffled Steven's hair.

Steven knew Duff was joking, but he couldn't help but feel his face warm up and feel fuzzy inside.

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