Opposites Attract (Mick/Tommy)

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"Oooh you loooooove me" Tommy giggled.

"You can fuck off" Mick sneered, pointing a pen at him. "I was talking to my wife" he said, showing the phone in his hand.

"But ya love me"

"You're pushin your luck here"

"I know! And you're not gonna do anything about it" Tommy smiled. He came around to Mick's side and plopped down. "What're you writing?" He asked, leaning on Mick.

"Your obituary" Mick deadpanned. "Will you just let me work?"


"I figured..." Mick muttered.

"Seriously though, whatcha writin?" Tommy asked.

"Why are you hiding from your wife?" Mick asked.

"Why are you?" Tommy retorted, smirking. "Cuz I'd rather be here" he smiled. "Come get a drink with me"

"You get all stupid when you're drunk" Mick grumbled.

"I won't! I promise. Just one?" Tommy begged. "Cmon, come out with me"

"I'll have a few if you bring em back here" Mick said.

Tommy's eyes sparkled and he skipped out of the studio on a mission. Mick rolled his eyes and continued working until Tommy returned, who came back about 45 minutes later with take out Chinese food, and a few bottles of Smirnoff Red White and Berry. He wandered to the fridge to pull out some mixers and ice, as well as some cups.

Tommy couldn't help but notice how quiet and uninterested Mick seemed to be during dinner. He seemed to be drinking a lot more, but he didn't mind making their refills. After a while, Mick abandoned his half eaten dinner and just stared at the empty bottles. Tommy set his down and scooted closer to Mick, sensing something was wrong. He wrapped his arm around him and felt for one of his hands. He reached around Mick's shoulders turned him slightly.

Tommy placed a quick and hesitant kiss on Mick's lips. He looked Mick in the eyes for a quick second before leaning back in.

He wouldn't dare test these waters. At least... not until Mick tested them with him. Mick gently grazed his fingers on Tommy's knee as they leaned into each other, letting his hand rest there. Tommy gently cupped the back of Mick's neck, threading his fingers through the hair at the base of it.

There was hesitance from the both of them, waiting for the other to make a move. Their lips were parted, breathing in each other's air, neither wanting to make the next move. So they didn't. If they moved in the slightest, their lips would touch once more, which was enough to make and keep them breathless. That didn't last long though, however.

Mick's hand, that remained on Tommy's knee, slipped slightly. Tommy's breath caught in his throat. Mick was way sweeter than he looked. He didn't think Mick would be sweet at all. Or gentle... or... so beautiful up close...


Mick's skin felt so soft beneath his calloused hands. He pulled away and looked into Mick's eyes.

It felt like they were seeing each other for the first time. Mick looked into Tommy's warm brown eyes and saw someone who was just in love with everyone and everything, someone so sweet and innocent to the dangers of the outside world that they all protected him from.

Mick's eyes looked rather sad and empty for as big and expressive they look like they should be.

"Come home with me" Tommy rushed out.

"I... don't think your wife would like that" Mick said quietly.

"Take me home?" Tommy said.

"I don't think my wife would like that" Mick had the slightest smile on his face.

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