The Thing (Mick x Vince)

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Mick snuck out of bed one night and to the other end of his girlfriend's apartment. He shakily reached for the phone and dialed the first person he thought of.

"H...hello?" The sleepy voice answered.

"Vince... Vince I need out of here" Mick's voice was full of panic, a tone he never used before.

"Shit..." Vince threw himself out of bed and put on the closet pair of pants and shoes. "Mick? I'm on my way man"

Mick slipped on his shoes that were nearby and snuck outside. Vince didn't live that far away from his wretched girlfriend. He wrapped his arms around himself as there was a chilly breeze. A few stray tears slipped down his cheeks.

Hurry the fuck up, Vince! Mick chewed on his nails. He looked up when he heard a familiar rumble of Vince's car. Mick glanced through the window and saw some lights turn on. He heard her voice and panicked.

Vince pulled up into the drive way not 30 seconds later. He looked at Mars. Mick looked completely drained and defeated, a look at Vince had never seen.

"Oh Mick..." Vince was stunned at the stage of his best friend.

"Just... just get me out of here be-before she comes back" Mick's voice cracked and was laced with worry and fear.

"You fucking useless cripple!" His girlfriend shouted from inside the house. "Where the fuck are you?" She yelled again.

Vince got out of his car and led Mick to the passenger side. He closed the passenger door behind Mick and jumped back into the drivers side, peeling out of the driveway.

"You wanna go back home?" Vince looked over at Mick, who seemed to be relaxed, but a sad look in his eyes.

"Just... anywhere but here..." Mick turned his body to look at Vince.

Vince decided to drive out of town aways. Away from all the noise and lights.

"Mick?" Vince asked as he pulled over somewhere. He tucked them into some trees.

"Hmm..?" Mick groaned a little.

"Why... why are you stayin with her?" Vince asked, not looking at Mick yet.

"What else is there for me to do?" Mick sounded so defeated. He had a sad smile. "She's right... I am just a useless cripple. And if she loves me for my money... I'll take it" Vince had never heard Mars sound so soft and worn down.

"Mick... you need to get away from her... come stay with me... please?" Vince practically begged. He scooted towards Mick, softly grabbing his hands. "Please?"

"Why would you want me around?"

"Because... you're Mick Mars, my Mick Mars. I don't give a shit if you're crippled." Vince scooted closer. "I wouldn't know what to do without you. Jail... dead..." Vince put his head on Mick's shoulder.

"I-" Mick's voice cracked. He looked away from Vince.

"Mick? Baby look at me" Vince tried getting Mars to face him. Mars just shook his head. "Please? I just want you to look at me" Vince was able to turn Mick's head to face him. "Oh honey... please don't cry" Vince wiped tears off Mick's cheeks. He'd never seen the older man cry before.

"I don't wanna go back, please, don't make me go back" Mick collapsed on Vince's shoulders, trembling with fear and sadness.

"Baby I'm not gonna do that" Vince stroked Mick's hair. He had no idea what to do.

He couldn't believe that bitch had managed to reduce Mick into shambles. Mick... Mötley's sweet old man. Mick, who didn't put up with any of the rest of the bands shit. Mick... who called Vince at 2 AM in a panic, begging to be saved.

Vince started doing what he'd want anyone else doing to him. He ran his finger's through Mick's hair. Vince placed soft kisses on top of his head, hoping to get some sort of positive reaction from Mars. He started whispering sweet nothings into Mick's ears.

"I have you... you're gonna be safe with me... I promise you, someone does love you"

Vince said that last part so softly, he wasn't sure Mick heard him.

"I don't think anyone can love me... I'm old... too crippled and useless" Mick sighed in defeat.

"Shh... who told you that?" Vince tilted Mick's head up to look at him.

"She did... and she's right..."

"Honey..." Vince whined a little. "You gotta stop listening to her... listen to me instead. Mick... you're so fucking beautiful..." Vince leaned a little closer. "Your eyes drive me wild... such beautiful eyes, beautiful hair... you've got such a pretty face" Vince smiled softly. Mick closed his eyes and dropped his head down. "I mean it man... the rest of you is sexy" it was true. Mick turned Vince into a puddle every time they looked at each other. "You gotta believe me when I say someone loves you... because... cause I know myself better than anybody"

Vince moved slightly to where he had one of his arms wrapped around Mick's shoulders, with his freehand stroking Mick's cheek. They were pressed right up against each other now. He made no effort to move, and Mars made no attempt to push him away. Mick placed his hand over Vince's, nuzzling into it.

Vince kissed the top of Mick's head.

"I mean it honey... you're my whole world, man" Vince tipped Mick's face up to him.

Mick couldn't help falling in love with the way Vince looked at him. He wasn't sure he'd ever been looked at like that before.

Vince's thumb brushed over Mick's bottom lip. He leaned in about half way, waiting to see what Mars was going to do.

"I love you, Vinny" Mick whispered before leaning in the rest of the way.

The air was immediately knocked out of the both of them. Mick settled one of his hands around Vince's waist and the other in his hair. Vince was practically in Mick's lap.

"You're my number one, baby." Vince whispered against Mick's lips. "I should've done more..."

"Shh... it's you and me now, right?" Mick rubbed his nose against Vince's cheek. "You're here now.. and that's what matters"

After a few more soft kisses and touches, Vince drove them home. Vince cleared out closet space for Mick and kept stock of Mick's favorite vodka. Mars was Vince's home sweet home.

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