Sugar Crash (Steven/Duff)

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Izzy glared at Steven from across the room. He really wanted to just throw something at him. He sat there watching as Steven ate the outside of his Kit-Kat bars first, then the top wafer, then the bottom. And Steven was just blissfully unaware that he was being watched. Does Steven boyfriend know he's this weird?

"Stevie" Izzy said.

"What?" Steven asked, continuing to nibble on his candy.

"Does uh... Duff know...?" He asked, gesturing to what he just did.

"Uh... no" Steven giggled.

"Oh my god..." Izzy muttered under his breath. "It's not a fuckin corn cob"

"Axl does the same thing" Steven giggled.

"I'm aware, he just thinks I'm not" Izzy said.

"Don't buy us candy then" Steven shrugged.

"You two are the happiest little fuckers when we do" Izzy said. "It's actually ridiculous"

"What's ridiculous?" Axl asked, sauntering into the room.

"You" Izzy deadpanned.

Axl hummed and just sat next to Izzy, leaning his head on his shoulder. A gentle smile ghosted Izzy's face and he kissed the top of Axl's head.

"Shoes on, let's go" Izzy said quietly.

"Hm?" Axl popped his head up.

"I really just wanna take you to dinner" Izzy said, nosing Axl's hair.

"Really? Just lemme-"

"We're going as is, by the time you're done changing, your favorite restaurant will be closed." Izzy said. "Duff will be back soon, Stevie" he said, noticing that Steven was pouting.

"He works too much" Steven sighed.

"Maybe he'll bring ya treats" Izzy said. "See ya later, be safe"

Steven lazily waved as they went out the door. He laid on the couch, feeling rather lonely and sad. He held a pillow to his chest and curled up, soon falling asleep.

Duff returned home about an hour later. He had a shopping bag in his hand. He saw Steven sleeping, still curled up clutching a throw pillow. He sighed. He walked over and took the pillow from Steven and set the shopping bag on his stomach, and scooped him up. He carefully walked him to their bedroom and laid him down, kissing his forehead. He laid down next to him and turned their TV on, settling on old re-runs of a show they like. He picked the bag off Steven's stomach and set it on the floor, taking a pack of Red Vines out of it.

Steven soon gravitated towards Duff, snuggling up next to him, but still slept away.

Another hour went by, Izzy and Axl still hadn't returned, Duff assumed they shacked up at a motel for the night. He grew rather bored. He started ruffling up Steven's hair, caressing his cheeks, wiggled his fingers that made it look like he was about to start a ruthless tickle war.

"Babe" Duff jostled Steven gently. "Babayyyy" he ruffled his hair some more. "Fine, guess I'll eat these by myself." He shrugged, letting a Red Vine dangle between his teeth. "Baby I miss you... how come you're so tired?" He asked into the air.

He wondered if Steven would sleep through him stacking cookies on his forehead, seeing how many he could stack before he ran out or they fell over.

He decided to put on a movie and covered them up, nibbling on various snacks and giving his boyfriend gentle kisses.

"Baby" he whispered, seeing if he'd wake up. He pouted when Steven didn't even stir. He got up and snuck out to the kitchen.

Just as Duff walked out of the room, Steven startled himself awake and shot up. He was breathing heavy as he realized he was in his and Duff's bedroom, he darted his eyes around in attempt to calm down, and let out a rather embarrassing squeak as someone appeared in the doorway.

"Woah, baby, wassa matter?" Duff asked, setting a cup down.

"I-you-" Steven stuttered. "You're home" he let out a shaky breath.

"You okay?" Duff asked, he rubbed Steven's back and pulled him into his arms.

"You smell good" Steven murmured, his voice now muffled my Duff's clothes. "Fuck you scared me"

"I'm sorry baby, man, you were out cold" Duff said apologetically. "Are you feeling okay? What did you eat?" He asked.

"Ahm... cereal... I had some Kit Kats earlier" Steven said. He burrowed himself into Duff's arms.

"Aww, my baby had a sugar crash" Duff gently teased. He ruffled Steven's hair and reached into a bag beside him. "Want one?" He asked, pulling out a cookie.

"Yes please" Steven giggled.

"Open" Duff placed the cookie between Steven's teeth, making him smile.

Steven eventually crashed again, this time in the safety net of Duff's arms.

"Poor baby... sugar always wears you out eventually"

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