Prince and the Pauper (Mick/Vince) pt 1

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"Cmon, you Beverly Hills bitch"

"Oh shut up"

Vince finally got dressed and ready for their venture to the coffee shop. It was cold outside, Christmas Eve. They passed by an alleyway and saw a couple vagrants curled up by a dumpster. They both looked so cold and frail. Vince felt a small twinge in his chest as they walked past. He decided to order a couple extra hot coffees for the men he saw earlier, he thought it was just too cold for them.

"Don't come any fuckin closer" one of them, the shortest, pulled out a knife and pointed it at Vince. "Get the fuck away from us"

"I-I don't-I'm not gonna hurt you, we just brought you guys something warm" Vince stammered.

"We don't need your fuckin charity..." the other one growled. "Get away before I kill you..."

Vince and Tommy dropped their extra coffees and ran off.

"What the fuck??" Vince squeaked when they were close to his house.

"I don't fuckin know man... god they looked like they were gonna kill us" Tommy's voice shook a bit.

"I don't get it... I just... I don't understand" Vince said sadly, looking up at Tommy. "How come they're so mean?"

Vince and Tommy were naive to nearly everything. They've never worked, they've never had to worry about anything, and everything they've wanted has always been served to them on a silver platter.

"I dunno..." Tommy said quietly. "I thought it was a nice thing"

"Maybe we scared em..." Vince said.

"I don't fuckin know, they scared the fuck outta me!" Tommy caught his breath finally. "Fuck that, I'm goin home"

"See ya" Vince waved him off and went inside. From the balcony of his house, he could see over a few houses and down to the street by the coffee shops

A few hours later, he saw that the shorter one was alone. It was cold and almost dark outside, a mix of snow and rain, and all the other guy was wearing was jeans and a thin jacket. He
wandered back over to the cafe and ordered a couple hot coffees. He cautiously approached the man, taking light and gentle steps. The man looked young, so frail and thin. He decided not to say anything and sat down next to the guy.

"Please... just take it" Vince said quietly. "I'm Vince" he said, holding out the coffee.

"M-Mick..." he said. His hands shook as he tried to take the coffee.

Vince scooted closer and put the coffee in Mick's hands, closing his own around Mick's to keep them warm and steady.

"It's too cold for you out here... come with me, I'll turn the fire on and get you warm" Vince said.

"You don't know me..." Mick's voice shook.

"I know, but, it's cold, and dangerous" Vince tried looking in Mick's eyes. "Please?" He asked.

Mick looked at him for a bit, trying to find evil intentions or signs that he might try to hurt him. He sighed and nodded when he couldn't find any.

They sat in front of the fireplace with a blanket draped over the both of them. It took a while, but Vince finally got Mick to agree to change into something warm and dry while his clothes got washed.

"You didn't have to do this..." Mick said quietly.

"No, but, no one deserves to be alone on Christmas" Vince said.

"It's Christmas?" Mick asked, not knowing what day it really was.

"Almost" Vince said, looking at his watch. "Just a couple more hours. "You should stay, it's supposed to snow for a few more days"

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