Bring Him Back (Izzy/Axl)

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Axl sat on his bed early in the morning. Today was when Izzy, his best friend, his 6, his everything, gets dropped off at some camp for three months. Izzy said it was some sort of conversion camp to "get better". It wasn't Izzy's idea, it was Axl's father, and Izzy's parents.

"I feel like I should be saying more to him, but I-I just, I don't-" Axl cried on the phone to his other best friend, Duff.

"Hey... it's not forever..." Duff soothed. "I'm gonna be here for you... alright? How come you think you're not saying enough?"

"I just... I think... I think I'm really starting to love him, Duff, and he's fucking leaving!" Axl gripped his phone and wrapped his other arm around himself, gripping his shoulder and forearm. "He's going to a fucking conversion camp because my Fuckin father and his Fuckin parents don't like the way we look at each other!"

Duff's heart absolutely ached for his best friends. He looked over at his girlfriend, who was still sleeping. He shook his head. He was allowed to have a girl in his bed, but his best friends are being separated and heart broken just because someone didn't like it.

"Why couldn't it be me...?" Axl said quietly. "Izzy deserves better than this... he deserves to be happy, and I've fucked everything up..." he cried quietly into a pillow. "I love him so much... he said he wouldn't forget about me... and I pray to God he doesn't..."

Duff didn't say anything yet. But he sat there with a blank expression on his face, but tears cascading freely down his cheeks.

"Duffy..." Axl croaked.

"I'm here man, I'm here" Duff's voice wavered. "Y'know what... open your window, I'll be over" Duff whispered.

Duff used the window a lot at Axl's house. Axl would let him sneak in whenever. Axl's parents didn't like him. Duff was quite a bit bigger than Axl was, he always had the most success, besides Izzy, on calming Axl down.

Axl let out a shaky breath and unlocked his window and pushed it open.

"O-okay... it's open..."

"Good, stay on the line"

Duff kissed his girlfriend on her forehead, slinking out of bed, he quickly threw on a jacket and snuck out of the house.

"You still there man?" Duff asked as he mounted his motorcycle.

"Yeah..." Axl sniffed.

"Gonna put you in my pocket, I'll be there in a few minutes"

Duff gently put his phone in a zip up pocket on his leather jacket and started up his bike and headed down the road. Him and Axl only lived a few blocks from each other. He soon pulled into Axl's driveway, walking his bike to Axl's side of the house.

"I'm here man... I'll be up in just a minute"

Axl hung up the phone and looked at his window, waiting for Duff to come through. He heard a couple noises and watched Duff slide though the window quietly.

Duff looked over at his best friend, who was wearing one of Izzy's few sweatshirts, curled up in the corner of his bed against the wall. Duff came up behind Axl and wrapped himself around him. Duff did it all the time, it was something Izzy was very grateful for when Axl's moods or temper got out of hand, and he couldn't get to him quick enough.

Axl trembled as he sobbed heavily into Duff's chest.

"Shh... I've got you..." Duff tangled his fingers in Axl's hair, gripping it tightly and grounding him a bit. He learned that Axl calmed down when he was under some sort of weight and pressure.

Duff threw a leg over Axl's waist and pushed him into the bed, and watched Axl settle down a little bit. Duff's large hands cupped the side of Axl's face, he brushed tears away with his thumb, only for them to immediately return.

"I'm not gonna let you go... I'm not letting you go" Duff whispered.

Duff has panic attacks too. He never really wanted to admit it to his friends since he was always there for them when they needed someone. He wanted to seem strong. It was Slash who watched Duff break down. Slash wasn't quite sure what happened, but all he could think to do was sit behind Duff, and hug him as tight as he could. It took Duff hours to come down off whatever set him off. No one ever spoke about it.

"Shh..." Duff whispered. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He gently took it out and saw Izzy's name at the top.

Izzy: I'm leaving here soon, can you check on Axl for me?

Duff: I'm here now, he called me a bit ago.

Izzy: good... thank you. He thinks I'm gonna forget about him. When he's all I ever think about.

Izzy: they just want us apart. They think this whole thing is gonna work, and it's not

Izzy: jokes on them I guess

Duff: I hope he falls asleep soon

Izzy: don't let him fall asleep yet. I haven't got to tell him how much I love him. Tell him for me? I wanted to do it in person, but

It had been a few weeks since they've seen each other.

Izzy: Fuck! I have to go before they take my shit away

Duff: wait! Tell him now!

Duff: Iz?

"Shit..." Duff said to himself. He noticed Axl had fallen asleep, curled up against Duff. He made a little snorting sound.

"Bring him back Duffy..."

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