Just a Couple (of Gay-mers) Duff/Axl

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"So... whatcha doing?" Duff asked, flicking the joysticks around on his Nintendo Switch.

"What? Nothing" Axl shrugged.

"Where'd you even go? I turn around and you're just like... gone" Duff asked.

"I'm exploring" Axl said.

"You've been exploring for hours" Duff said. "What could you possibly be exploring this time?"

"Stuff" Axl said. "I haven't been in this part of the map yet"

"So... what you're sayin is... is I'm gettin my ass kicked over here, and you're off in La La Land?" Duff asked, he let out a frustrated huff.

"So... what you're asking... is that you need help" Axl snickered. Duff let out an exasperated sigh.

"Yes! Yes. I need help" He admitted.

Axl looked at Duff and playfully shook his head. He curled up in Duff's lap and took his Switch from his hands, handing his own Switch to Duff.

Duff wrapped his arms around Axl's waist and watched him kill all the bad guys. He kissed Axl's temple.

"Thanks hon" Duff said.

"Ah huh" Axl took his switch back and laid down with his head in Duff's lap, continuing his search for treasures.

"What're you even looking for?" Duff asked.

"Just stuff, I wanna make a house" Axl shrugged.

Duff hummed and rubbed his boyfriend's stomach for a moment.

They played on their handhelds for a while until Axl eventually fell asleep in Duff's lap.

He slowly and carefully slid out from under him and slipped into their bedroom/game room.

He sat in his chair and booted up his Twitch stream. He played for a while before he opened his chat stream.

"Where's Axl?" He read from chat. "Snoozin, fell asleep earlier. Soooo... how's y'all's doin?" He asked his chat. "No no, Axl's a person"

Duff chuckled at the amount of 'Is Axl your dog? Is he a cat"? questions he'd always get on stream. Axl wasn't a stream gamer, and sometimes he was seen in the background of Duff's streams, but never really made an actual appearance in them.

Duff noticed Axl slip into the bedroom, he quickly paused his game, forgetting about the stream for a moment. He took his headphones off, setting them down, and looking at Axl with soft and endearing eyes. Axl straddled Duff's lap, flushing their chests together. Duff wrapped his arms around Axl's waist, holding him close in his lap.

"Nightmare?" Duff asked.

Axl nodded and nuzzled into Duff's neck. Duff threaded his hand in Axl's hair, and started rubbing his back. He glanced over at his chat, which was no doubtably freaking out. He smiled softly to himself, humming. He continued rubbing Axl's back gently with his fingertips, pressing soft kisses to his forehead and temples.

"Let's get you to bed, hm?" Duff asked.

Axl shook his head and clung onto Duff tighter.

"S'okay" Duff whispered. He held Axl as close as he could. "Cmon"

He held Axl under his thighs and carefully stood up from his game chair. He walked a few steps to their bed, which was just behind their gaming setup. He laid Axl down in bed, kissing his forehead.

"Just need to turn things off" Duff said softly.

Axl whined and reached out for Duff.

"I know, baby" Duff kissed Axl gently.

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