So Goddamn Happy Pt 2 (Duff/Axl)

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Slash texted Axl that Duff had another breakdown in his closet. It was the third one this month. He told Axl that he managed to get Duff in bed, but he wasn't sure how long he'd stay asleep.

Axl sat behind Duff and carefully touched his side. He leaned close and kissed his cheek as he slept. He could tell Duff had been crying. Duff startled himself awake when he felt someone beside him. Axl brushed the sweaty hair from Duff's face and touched their foreheads together. He climbed on the other side of him and laid down.

"Go back to bed" Axl whispered.

Duff wrapped his arms around Axl's waist and scooted closer.

"You came back" he whispered.

"Course I did" Axl rubbed Duff's back. "I'll always come back to you" he tucked some hair behind Duff's ear.

Duff blinked a couple times and Axl saw his eyes gloss over. He didn't say anything, he just tucked Duff's head into his neck.

"I'm sorry..." Duff whispered, his voice slightly high pitched. "I should be better..."

"Shh..." Axl whispered. He kissed Duff's forehead. He wedged one of his legs under Duff's hip and wrapped his legs around his waist.

"I think I love you..." Duff whispered.

"I love you too, big boy" Axl said warmly.

"Big boy?" Duff giggled sleepily.

"Baby boy?" Axl asked.

"Baby boy" Duff smiled and hid himself in Axl's chest, wrapping his arms around him and groaning contently.

Axl hummed and kissed the top of Duff's head.

"I love you, baby boy" Axl whispered. "Hey, guess what I brought ya?" He asked.

"What?" Duff looked up at him.

Axl pawed around behind him and picked up the teddy and stuck it between them. Duff hummed happily.

"You can have your candy tomorrow" Axl gently ruffled Duff's hair.

"You brought me candy?" He asked, snuggling with his new teddy.

"It's hard to be sad when someone's giving you candy" Axl said, he cupped Duff's cheek. "Hey, why don't we go lay in my room?" He asked.

"You sure?" Duff asked.

"Cmon, baby"

Axl kissed the top of Duff's head and helped him out of bed, grabbing his teddies and candy, and into his room. He covered himself and Duff up in a soft blanket. Duff seemed to relax a lot more now that he was out of his own room, away from all the nightmares and sadness. He watched as Duff snuggled back up with his teddies.

"Shh..." Axl soothed. He rubbed Duff's back as Duff started putting all his weight into Axl.

"Am I too big?" Duff asked.

"I mean, you are pretty big" Axl rubbed Duff's back. "But you're not too big. You're just a baby" he said endearingly. He cupped Duff's jaws.

"A baby?" Duff mock whined.

"A sweet baby boy" Axl kissed his forehead.

Duff moved his head to capture Axl's lips. They sighed into each other and held each other close.

"Baby" Axl cooed. "Want some candy?" He asked, wanting to lift Duff's spirits as much as he could before he fell back asleep.

"Isn't it kinda late for that?" Duff asked.

"Never too late" Axl said, kissing his forehead.

He pawed around behind him and opened up one of the packages with his teeth.

"Open" He popped a skittle in Duff's mouth.

"No one's ever fed me candy before" Duff said quietly.

"Well, I'm gonna start then" Axl chuckled quietly. "Slash feeds Steven candy and it drives Izzy nuts. The babies of the band"

"Ahm, Slash is the baby of the band"

"But" Axl popped another Skittle in Duff's mouth. "Steven's got the mentality of like a toddler, and you're not that far behind" he teased warmly.

"Ooh, you're right" Duff laughed. He plucked a skittle from Axl's fingers. "Open"

"These are for-" Duff popped the skittle in Axl's mouth. "You"

"You deserve some too"

They got through the bag of skittles.

"You can have more tomorrow, and, I'm taking you out for breakfast, how's that sound?" Axl asked.

"You don't have to" Duff looked up at him.

"Baby..." Axl cooed. "I'm gonna"

"You're the best" Duff pressed his head to Axl's chest. He yawned and snuggled further into Axl.

"Hey, I wanna ask you somethin" Axl rubbed Duff's hair. Duff hummed and looked up at him. "Do you wanna... like... are you seein anyone?"

"I don't wanna see anyone if it ain't you" Duff looked up at him again, batting his eyes a couple times.

"I'm sorry I wasn't the one who found you" Axl whispered apologetically, brushing Duff's hair from his eyes.

"You're here now though" Duff kissed under Axl's chin. "And I love you for it"

"Go to sleep, Duffy. I'm here" Axl whispered. "I'm here" he pressed a long kiss to Duff's forehead.

Axl smiled to himself. When they first met, Duff was just a little punk fucker with blue hair from Seattle, and Axl was a hick from Indiana. They haven't changed much, Duff's hair has grown out and it's been fried with bleach, and Axl's still a bit of a hick, with a little rock n roll mixed in.

He relaxed into his pillows when he was sure Duff was asleep. He kissed his forehead gently once more. He had nightmares too, one's that nobody knew about. Everyone seemed to know about Duff's nightmares. Poor guy. He'd take away all of his nightmares and anxiety if he could.

He gently caressed Duff's cheeks and rubbed his thumb across the sides of his nose, tapping the tip of it. He smiled when he saw his nose twitch. He pawed around for one of Duff's hands and kissed his knuckles, his wrist, and his palm before settling on just holding it to his chest.

He felt like he couldn't sleep, despite everyone being home and Duff in his room, safe and sound.

Duff must've sensed that Axl seemed rather restless. He sat up a little and looked at him, not saying much, but reaching out and cupped his cheek.

"Do you need me to go back into my room?" He asked.

"No" Axl said. "I'm okay, go back to sleep" he said softly, tucking some hair behind Duff's ears. "I'm here"

"And I'm here..." Duff whispered. "Wha's goin on?" He kissed Axl's cheek.

"I just wish I could make your nightmares go away" Axl whispered.

"I wish I could take yours away" Duff said. Axl looked down at him and hummed. "I know you have them too, and Izzy"

"Steven makes him so happy, it's almost stupid" Axl chuckled quietly. "And you make me happy..." he kissed Duff's temple.

Duff flipped Axl's life upside down when they met. Duff looked like he had hard edges, and a bad attitude. But the poor guy had anxiety and panic attacks. A big guy with a big soft side.

Duff caressed his face with his big rough hands, touching his nose to Axl's. He toyed with the hair at the nape of Axl's neck. He kissed the tip of Axl's nose.

"Sleep, you need it" Duff whispered. "I won't until you do"

"I love you" Axl whispered, sighing contently.

"I love you" Duff whispered, kissing Axl's cheekbone and lulled him to sleep, whispering sweet nothings in his ear and gentle kisses.

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