Drinking Class (Motley x Guns)

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"Nikki... have a little class, dude" Tommy said.

"Fuck that, I will, when they do" Nikki said. He lazily pointed over to Mick and Duff, who were sharing a bottle of vodka, and a bottle of miscellaneous pills.

"Mick, you're a bad influence" Tommy said.

"I'm not the one who started this fight whole thing, that was you" Mick said. "Also, why are you looking at us when Vince is going lines off someone's tits?" He said, lighting a cigarette.

Tommy looked over the booth to see Vince, indeed snorting cocaine off some hooker.


"Yo where the fuck is Slash dude? Thought he didn't pussy out of dares" Nikki looked around.

"I don't, someone takes fuckin forever to get ready!" Slash scoffed.

"Well I'm sorry" Axl said, rolling his eyes.

"Nah bullshit" Slash said.

"The fuck are those two doing?" Axl asked, sliding into the booth.

He looked over to Izzy and Steven. Izzy was whispering something in Steven's ear, causing him to blush and giggle.

"Minding our own business, I suggest you do the same" Izzy said. He took a long drag of his joint and kissed Steven softly and deeply. Steven exhaled through his nose, blowing out smoke.

"How come you don't do that shit with me?" Axl whined at Slash.

"You don't ask!"

"Will ya quit whining? And he shouldn't have to ask" Nikki said. "Anyways, who's buyin the first round" Nikki said, rather than asked. He leaned on his elbows, taunting Slash.

"Fine bitch, I will" Slash said.

Slash wiggled out of the booth, waving his ass in Axl's face.

"Ugh" he scoffed.

"Oh shut up, you weren't whining about it yesterday" Slash smirked.

"Slash!" Axl gasped. "Shut up"

Slash rolled his eyes and walked up to the bar.

"I need..." he looked back at the table. "Eight shots of your strongest shit, a bottle of vodka, bottle of Jack, and a strawberry daiquiri" he said.

"Comin up, Hon. What're you boys up to now?" The bartender asked.

"Outdrinking the Crüe, Nikki set me and Duff up on a dare" Slash shrugged.

"Oh boy... shall I send over a bucket too?" The bartender laughed.

"Do you have one?" Slash asked, chuckling.

"Uhm... you can have this" she put a bucket up on the counter.

"Perfect" Slash laughed.

"I'll get ya fresh bottles from the freezer. Do you want glasses for the vodka and whiskey?"

"Uhm... yeah, they're in the mood to be classy bitches tonight" Slash said. "Actually, make it twelve shots and add a couple beers"

"Sure thing hon, go sit, I'll bring everything over" the bartender said.

"You're the best" He flashed a smile.

"I know"

Slash returned to the booth, and shortly after, so did their drinks. The bartender put down the tray of shots in front of the Terror Twins, Duff, and Slash.

"Who got the strawberry daiquiri?" The bartender asked.

Slash raised his arm over Axl. Axl glared at Slash.

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