Boyfriends (poly crue)

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"Ahm... what're you doin?" Mick asked, looking at Nikki.

"Pretending Tommy's in jail" Nikki said, looking at Tommy through a fork. "It's therapeutic" he said, handing off the fork to Mick.

"Can I just-?" Mick held the fork in his hand as if he were to stab Tommy with it.

"I won't tell the cops if I get to have a turn" Nikki said.

"Knock yourself out" Mick said, giving the fork back. "Where's Vince?" He asked.

"Napping" Nikki shrugged. "He fell asleep waiting for you, joining him?"

Mick hummed and nodded, feeling a little tired himself.

"Yeah, my head hurts" Mick sighed.

"What from?" Nikki asked, now flipping through a magazine.

"It comes and goes" Mick shrugged, watching Tommy wander around.

"Tommy, you're giving Mick a headache" Nikki said, not bothering to stop what he was doing.

"Tommy, you are my headache" Mick said, endearingly.

Tommy giggled, and skipped over to Mick, pecking him loudly on the cheek.

"Pass it onto Vinny for me" He said.

"I wont" Mick said.

"What if I give you another one?" Tommy asked, pecking Mick on his other cheek, then one on his lips.

"Ah... still don't think I will" Mick said. "Go give one to Nikki, he's pouting"

He wandered down the hall and into Vince's room, who looked so innocent and sweet wearing Mick's clothes. He laid on the bed and let Vince gravitate towards him. He kissed his forehead gently.

"You're back" Vince whispered warmly.

"I'm back" Mick whispered. He peppered another kiss on his forehead. "That one's from Tommy" he gently nosed his hair.

"Eww" Vince giggled.

"Nikki was too busy pouting, sorry hon"

"Does that mean I get more from you?" Vince asked, batting his eyelashes.

"I thought you were tired" Mick said, gently ruffling his hair.

"I want kisses" Vince pouted.

"Come here then" Mick hooked his finger under Vince's chin.

Vince hummed happily and contently. He threaded his hands in Mick's hair and tangled their legs together.

"Mm, thank you" He said through kisses. "I love you"

"I love you" Mick whispered.

"Cmon, I wanna go make Nikki jealous" Vince giggled.

"You're a little brat" Mick tickled Vince's sides.

"And Tommy's not?" Vince asked.

"No no. He is" Mick said.

"And y'all love us anyways" Vince said, sticking his tongue between his teeth. Mick hummed in response. "Cmon, let's go make out"

Mick chuckled as he watched Vince got off the bed. He followed Vince out and sat on the sofa, where Vince took his rightful place in Mick's lap and kissed him almost rather obnoxiously. He straddled Mick's waist and held Mick's hands above his head. They felt Nikki's eyes on them as they kissed. He obscenely licked across Mick's lips.

"Alright, that's enough" Nikki said, pulling Vince off of Mick.

Vince playfully whined, but was immediately shut up when he was passed off to Tommy, and Nikki took Vince's place on Mick's lap.

"You overgrown brat" Mick lightly chastised. "He was fine where he was" he hooked his fingers under Nikki's chin.

"He's a hog" Nikki said.

"I'm a whore, Nikki" Vince called out. "Jesus... hog, what do you take me for?"

He looked at Tommy and grinned menacingly. Tommy took him into the kitchen and put him up on the counter.

"Cmon, you've got me a little..." he leaned into Tommy's ear. "Wound up" he whispered.

Tommy groaned and sucked on Vince's neck, biting and licking at it.

"Can't I just have you right here?" Tommy asked, panting slightly as Vince ground his hips into Tommy's, wrapping his legs around his waist and pulling him in. He groaned and inhaled sharply when Vince started pawing at Tommy's jeans.

"You're gonna handcuff me to the bed... and you're gonna take me raw..." Vince purred. "And you're gonna do it now" he lightly demanded. He dragged a finger down Tommy's throat.

"Babe you gotta quit talkin like that..." Tommy moaned quietly.

"What's the matter, T?" Vince asked sultrily. "You better take me now... I'm not gonna last" he said in an dreamy voice.

"Goddamnit Vince, you can't keep sayin shit like this" Tommy bucked his hips against the counter. "You motherfucker"

He slid Vince closer and picked him up and went to pick him up. Vince grinned happily.

"Why? I get what I want when you're all mad" he winked.

"That's it, let's go" Tommy growled.

Vince giggled victoriously as Tommy carried him past Mick and Nikki and into their room.

"They're ridiculous..." Nikki commented.

"You're ridiculous" Mick lightly chastised. "All jealous, what for?"

"He's an attention whore" Nikki said.

"And you're not?" Mick asked, kneading his fingers lightly into Nikki's hips. "I know you don't like being teased, I'm sorry" he apologized, cupping Nikki's jaw lightly.

"I don't mind if you do it" Nikki pouted. "You know how to say mean stuff without being mean"

"Vinny and Tommy bein mean to you?" Mick asked. He took one of Nikki's hands and kissed the palm of it.

Nikki batted his eyelashes and nodded, giving Mick puppy eyes.

"And what would you like me to do to fix it?" Mick asked, petting Nikki's hair. "Take you for ice cream?"

"Yes" Nikki giggled. He leaned forward and ghosted his lips across Mick's.

Mick glanced at the time before leaning in to kiss Nikki properly.

"Put shoes on then and go grab our jackets" Mick said. He brushed their noses together. "Maybe put some different clothes on. I'll take you out for dinner if you put your hair up"

Nikki made a rather cute noise and leaned in to kiss his boyfriend before getting off his lap. He disappeared for a few minutes and came back dressed in fairly mundane clothes, worn sneakers, jeans with holes, and one of his football hoodies, all complete with his hair in a half-up ponytail.

"You look nice" Mick commented.

"I feel cute" Nikki said. "Do I look cute?" He asked.

"You look very cute everyday, you ready?" Mick asked.

They held hands out to Mick's car and drove off, letting Nikki pick the restaurant. Mick gifted Nikki an onyx ring at dinner, something that was unique to their relationship.

Nikki wasn't as wild with Mick like he was with Tommy, and sometimes, Mick was exactly what he needed. Someone to compliment him, someone to watch movies and have popcorn with. Tommy was good for when Nikki had a ton of energy and needed to get it out of his system. He was glad for Tommy that Vince was into fucking like rabbits. Nikki wasn't the greatest snuggler, that's what Mick was for. Vince loved to cuddle when he was in the mood for it. Nikki was too tall for that sorta thing.

It wasn't the most conventional relationship, but it worked well for them.

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