Anxiety (Steven/Izzy)

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"I'm going to fucking kill you" Izzy growled into his phone. "You didn't tell me he's just annoying little shit at night!"

"Ha! Sucks to suck, Izzard" Axl laughed.

"Dude it's the middle of fucking August! Shut up!" Izzy barked at Steven.

"Grow a spine, Iz! I'm just whistling" Steven giggled from his makeshift bed on Izzy's floor.

"You're whistling the fuckin Nightmare Before Christmas theme... in August!"

"Last week it was the Halloween theme" Axl piped in.

"Shut up. I'm gonna fuckin kill him" Izzy grumbled. "Why me?" He whined. "Why couldn't he have stayed at yours??"

"Karma, bitch. You thought he was cute and quiet, he was at my house last week. I couldn't have sex for a week, Izzy. You've got the crush. Not me"

"He's not a fuckin dog man, but I am" Izzy spun to look at Steven. "Going to lock him outside if he doesn't shut his mouth"

"He won't, so good luck" Axl said before hanging up the phone.

"You're so grumpy" Steven giggled.

Izzy really wanted to be mad at him. He really really wanted to smack that shit eating grin off his cute little face.

"If we watch your movie, will you be quiet?" Izzy asked, trying to sound sweet.

"You... you'd watch it with me?" Steven asked.

"If it makes ya happy, sure" Izzy shrugged. "Get over here, you happy sonofabitch" he patted the spot next to him.

Steven let out a happy squeak and grabbed his laptop, hopping up on Izzy's bed. He opened it up to Netflix and curled up.

About halfway through the movie, Steven fell asleep on Izzy's shoulder. Izzy lowered the volume slightly on the laptop and continued watching the movie in case Steven woke up.

He twitched in his sleep. Izzy thought he'd be a sound sleeper with as energetic and happy he seemed during the day.

Izzy: why's he twitch so much?

Axl: nightmares I think. He doesn't talk about it. To us anyways.

Izzy: hmm.

Axl: I think he's just out of place since Adriana broke up with him.

Izzy: you're probably right. Fuck. Poor dude. I didn't think he was upset about that.

Axl: he wasn't, but he was upset when he was back out on the street.

Izzy: fuck... I feel bad for yelling

Axl: he knows you don't mean it. He'll be on your side in no time

Izzy: he already is...

Axl: aww, how cute. He's a snuggler

Izzy: I noticed

Axl: don't complain too much there Stradlin. You basically have a teddy bear right there 👀

Izzy: fuck you

Izzy chuckled through his nose. He looked down at Steven, who's nose was twitching and his hands. He tapped Steven's nose gently and held his hands until they stopped shaking.

"Steve, Buddy, wake up" Izzy coaxed.

He slid his arm around Steven's shoulders and shook him a bit. Steven startled himself awake, sharply inhaling, with his chest pounding.

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