He Who Hides (Motley/Guns)

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He's scared away everyone he's ever known except for the other three demons in his domain. He hears them wail and cry as they hide up in the rafters of the old abandoned warehouse they inhabited.

Even they were scared of Him at times. The pain and sorrow, the fear and heartbreak that his eyes held was enough to shake anyone out of their boots.

He watched from the deepest shadows as a group of four and their dog dared to enter their save haven. They seemed cold and lost. He watched as one of his demons, a little black Familiar, made its way towards the group of boys.

The dog let out a growl, then a happy little yip. They played together for quite some time.

The Familiar, Nikko, or Nikki, as it's scrawled into the warehouse walls, looked up into the rafters, looking for Him. He purred happily. The little blonde dog sat next to him, also looking into the rafters.

There was a sudden field of energy, making Him and his demons uneasy.

"What're you doing here?" A slightly broken voice came from the shadows.

Out emerged a blonde boy.

"You don't live here..." he said.

"It's raining outside, we needed a place to stay... who... who are you?" Someone from the group spoke, another blonde, a taller one.

"You don't belong here... you'll make Him upset"

"Who're you talking about?" The taller blonde said.

"You don't belong here..."

"Shh..." a haunting whisper came from deep inside the rafters.

"You're an angel" The shorter blonde said. "I used to be" he said, looking at the floor. "We all used to be" he whispered lowly.

"My name's Duff" he said.

"Vince. And you guys shouldn't be here" His voice seemed to echo from the deepest shadows of their surroundings. "But your uh..." his voice trailed off. "Dog, has made other plans"

The yellow dog kept looking into the rafters, whining slightly. He was rather intrigued by the two blue eyes looking back down at him.

"There's someone... more, entities here..." another from the group spoke. "And I don't... they... they're not friendly" he said.

"They're fine... it's Him you should worry about" Another figure emerged from the shadows. Tall, like Duff. "I'm Thomas"

"This is Slash, Izzy, Axl, and the pup is Stevie" Duff said.

"He's awful cute" Thomas knelt in front of the dog. "So are you, just like Nikko" he said, looking at Axl.

"How did..." He started to say.

"I think he likes you" Thomas said warmly as Nikko rubbed up against him and rolled on his feet. "He wants to play"

Axl transformed into a little ginger cat and him and Nikko ran into the middle of the room to play.

"Who's Him?" Izzy dared to ask.

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here..." Vince whispered hauntingly.

"He's a person" Thomas noted, tapping Stevie on the nose. "Just hasn't figured himself out yet" he scratched him under the chin.

He looked up to see what Stevie was looking at. He saw a pair of blue eyes looking down at them.

"Who the fuck's that?" Slash asked.

"Him" Vince whispered.

They heard scratching and creaking come from above. The Familiar's meowed and ran into the shadows, and Vince ducked back into the dark room. There was a loud thud and the air got cold and very dense.

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