Marry Me, Then (Axl/Izzy)

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Axl laid curled up in his bed alone. Izzy was on the other side of the door, gently knocking, trying to get Axl to say something or at least open the door. It wasn't locked, so he could just walk in.

"Ax... man, cmon" Izzy said quietly.

"Go away Jeff!" Axl shouted.

"I'm comin in" Izzy said, ignoring Axl's demand.

Axl's room seemed rather gloomy and dark for it being the middle of the day.

"Hey bud..." Izzy said. He sat on the bed next to Axl. He leaned over Axl's shoulder to see what he was up to.

He was scrolling through some 'dream wedding' thread. He paid no mind to Izzy. But Izzy didn't fail to notice the wet tears on Axl's face. He was supposed to be getting married today, but before his fiancé made it up to the altar, he muttered 'I can't do this' and ran off, leaving everyone (but his friends), completely stunned.

"You're shootin yourself in the foot a bit here hon" Izzy slowly plucked the phone from Axl's hands and looked through the thread himself. "Which is your favorite?" He asked. He continued scrolling until he managed to answer his own question. "It's this one, right? With the barn, open bar sorta thing. We said that we were gonna have a double wedding when we were kids"

Axl just nodded, still not saying much.

"Y'know... she was never gonna give you that, she wasn't gonna let you have your dream that you've had since you were a kid" Izzy said softly. He rested his head on Axl's shoulder. "Roll over" he said, patting Axl's shoulder.

Axl rolled over, and rolled right into Izzy's arms.

"I know you didn't love 'er... how come you wanted to marry her?" Izzy asked, rubbing Axl's back.

"Fuck... I dunno man... just thought it was right to do, and... things were good, y'know? But..." Axl's voice trailed off. "God that was fuckin embarrassing..." he snapped.

"But?" Izzy asked.

"But... it was always about her, always me taking care of her" Axl sighed. He draped an arm over Izzy's waist. "M tired..." he muttered, yawning a bit.

"Go back to sleep hon..." Izzy whispered. "I'll come check on you in a while"

"Will you stay?" Axl asked, not looking up at Izzy. "I just... I don't want to be left alone" he whispered.

"Sure man... just go back to sleep, I'm gonna borrow some of your clothes, Kay?"

"Mmhm" Axl hummed. He let out a sad sigh.

He felt like crying again. It felt like such a huge kick in the teeth. Izzy laid next to him, he changed into a pair of Axl's sweats and a t-shirt.

Izzy has loved Axl since they were teens in Indiana. Hearing him say that his girlfriend said yes to marry him nearly sick. He had gone over to Duff's house crying so hard to the point where he made himself sick. He made sure Axl never found out. He'd rather keep Axl as just a friend rather than lose him.

"You're thinkin pretty hard over there, care to share? I'm nosey" Axl chuckled.

"Nothin, thought you were tired, how come you're up in my business?" Izzy asked, turning his head towards Axl.

"I am tired. Looking at you think is exhausting" Axl said. "What're you thinkin of?"

"Thinkin of how to get you to be quiet without gettin my hands dirty. Go back to bed, it's been a long fuckin day" Izzy said. He looked back up at the celling, resting his arms behind his head.

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