Freak (Mick x Nikki) PT 1

540 9 16

Modern high school AU (multipart)

Nikki6 is typing...

Nikki6: yo Vinny, where's Mars?

BlondeBaby: uh... idk, he wasn't in class?

Nikki6: guess it's safe to assume you weren't either. No, he wasn't there.

Nikki6: he's not answering my texts

Nikki6: or calls

Nikki6: fuck my stacks are still at his place

BlondeBaby: did you just consider... idk, going over?

Nikki6: dude we're on good terms with Mars, I'm not fucking that up

BlondeBaby: ffs nikki just go over Jesus Christ

Nikki6: ffs fine I guess I'll see you later

BlondeBaby: later Sixx

Nikki rolled his eyes, looking at the time. He was sat on his motorcycle in the school parking lot. He sighed and put his helmet on, and revved up his bike.

For some reason, Nikki cared about his standing with Mars. Mick Mars was a quiet guy, not necessarily shy, and you had to be prepared to get your feelings hurt.

He pulled up in Mick's driveway, his car was there, so Nikki knew he was at home. He got off his bike and went up to the house. He noticed all the curtains were dark and drawn, which, wasn't a shocker to Nikki. He heard some noises coming from inside, but got no response when he knocked. He knocked once more and was met with loud incoherent shouting and screaming. He didn't even know Mick was capable of making that kind of noise. Nikki knocked again, slightly pounding his fist on the door. He tried the door handle and found it unlocked.

Mick's living room was in shambles. The only light was coming from the TV and the lamp in the corner of the room.

"Mick...?" Nikki called out. Nikki went inside and closed the door behind him. "Mick? Mars where are you?"

The smell of alcohol hit Nikki's nose. He was almost scared to turn on another light. He heard more shouting coming from the back of the house in the kitchen. He stepped over some glass and broken picture frames.

"Mick?" Nikki called out again.


Nikki said 'fuck it' and turned on another lamp. He found Mick cornered against the wall, his hands over his ears. He had eyeliner running down his cheeks. There were scattered pills and pill bottles.

"Mars... what happened?" Nikki spoke softly, sitting down in front of Mick, hoping to bring him out of whatever trance he was in. He had never seen Mick like this.

"M-make them stop..." Mick looked up at Nikki. "They won't leave me alone" his voice wavered with sorrow and pain.

"You need a doctor, like now, man" Nikki reached out slowly, wrapping his fingers around Mick's skinny wrists. He pulled Mick's hands away from his ears.

"No... no, they'll just give me more pills" Mick whispered. "They don't work... they never work"

Nikki's heart ached. He'd never seen Mick so out of sorts and in pain.

"Mick... wh-what can I do?"

"I'm so tired... they won't leave me alone..." Mick's eyes were glossed over.

Nikki tried gathering Mick up in his arms, Mick moved so stiffly and slowly. He managed to get Mick out of the kitchen and to his sofa.

"They... they won't leave me... Nikki... Nik don't leave..." Mick's words slurred slightly.

What the fuck happened to you? Nikki thought to himself. Mick was fine yesterday! He looked down at Mick, his eyes were at half mast, but he was starting to come down off of whatever the fuck just happened.

Nikki took the time to look around. He picked up the broken glass and frames. One of the pictures was of him and Nikki, guess he liked Nikki enough to keep that photo around. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

BlondeBaby: did you find mick?

Nikki6: Im scared shirtless rn man. Mick's house is trashed, he's on fuckin pills or some shit

BlondeBaby: pills??

Nikki6: he's got pill bottles all over the kitchen floor, there's pills everywhere, there's fucking alcohol all over the floor

BlondeBaby: fuck man... does he have a drinking problem??

Nikki6: I didnt feel like asking. I'm gonna clean up his place a bit, he's strung out on the couch, idk what he was on, but fuck! I heard him screaming from outside!

BlondeBaby: fuck. Idk man, has he ever said anything?

Nikki6: since when does Mick say anything about himself? Look, I'll call you soon

Nikki put his phone away and looked over at Mick, who finally seemed to be asleep.

Nikki picked up all the pill bottles and set them on the counter.

Pain medication? Antidepressants?Nikki took the bottles into the living room and set them on the coffee table, he figured Mick might need them later.

It took him a couple hours to clean Mick's place and get it back in order. By the time he was finishing, he heard Mick groan.

"Hey man..." Nikki spoke softly.

"Nikki..." Mick croaked.

"Yeah... it's me, I'm here" Nikki wanted to each out and stroke Mick's hair.

"It's not what it looks like..." Mick muttered sadly.

"What's not?"

"The pills... 'm not a junkie..." Mick cried out in pain when he tried sitting up.

"Fuck, what happened to you?" Nikki helped Mick sit up.

"I-I'm such a freak, Sixx" Mick's head fell on Nikki's shoulder.

"You're not a freak, Mars" Nikki rested his chin on Mick's head, breathing in. Mick smelled like vodka, cigarettes, and... flowers? "What're the pills for? Are you hurt?"

"I... I'm fucking crippled..."


"The-the pills are supposed to help, but they're not, they make me see things and-and"

"Maybe you should go to the hospital..." Nikki tried reasoning.

"No no, not right now... look Nikki. I can't fuckin move anymore, and they said it'll only get worse..." Mick's voice was harsh, but the tone wasn't directed towards Nikki. "I am crippled"

"What do you mean?" Nikki asked softly, wrapping his arm around Mars.

"It's like I've got hot, quick drying cement growing on the inside of my spine... an-and the pills were supposed to make it better." Mick glared at the gross amount of various pill bottles.


"No... there's... there's no cure for me..." Mick's voice had never sounded more broken.

"I've got you, Mick... I've got you..."

Mick wrapped his arms around Nikki's waist and buried his face in Sixx's chest. Nikki stroked Mick's hair and forehead as Mick just laid there, riding out whatever demented high he was on.

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