Bad Day (Crüe) PT 1

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Nikki laid in a mess of blankets on his bed. He's hair was a mess, his bed, his clothes, everything was just one big mess, and he couldn't be bothered to get out of the middle of it.

He sighed heavily.

He had blackout curtains over his window, so very little light was actually peaking through. It was past noon.

Tommy creaked Nikki's bedroom door open gently.

"Nikki?" Tommy called out.

"Go away..." Nikki's voice was no louder than a whisper.

Nikki heard Tommy slip back out of his bedroom, closing the door behind him. A few tears slipped down his cheeks.

Tommy closed the door and jumped when Vince was suddenly behind him.

"Fuck off" Tommy said startled.

"Is he okay?" Vince asked.

"He told me to go away" Tommy shrugged, he kept his head town. "Think he's having a bad day"

Bad day... sure, Nikki though to himself, overhearing Tommy and Vince.

"Where's Mick?" Vince asked.

"His room too I think" Tommy replied quietly.

Nikki and Mick locked themselves in their rooms more often than not. Mick drank vodka like Nikki did heroin. They were vices, their poisons, a true love that never loved them back.

"M gonna go check on Mick..." Vince excused himself.

Mick's room was right next to Nikki's, except Mick's door had an actual lock.

Vince reached out for the doorknob and found it unlocked, much to his surprise.

Mick's bright blue eyes bore into Vince's as natural light from the hallway flooded into Mick's room. His gauntly appearance made him look like an otherworldly alien that thrived in the dark. It gave Vince goosebumps.

"Hey Vince" Mick's oddly soft and gentle voice floated through the dark.

Vince made his way carefully through Mick's near pitch black room and sat on his bed.

"Nikki's having a bad day... Tom thinks anyways" Vince sighed.

"He just needs someone to fuss over him"

Vince hummed in understanding.

"C'm'ere" Mick motioned Vince to sit up by him.

Vince took his rightful place snuggled up on Mick's side, slipping an arm around his back and threw his other across Mick's waist. Mick buried his hand in Vince's soft blonde hair.

"Fuss over him like I fussed over you?" Vince asked.

"He's... having a different kind of bad day I think" Mick said, his voice was barely above a whisper.

Mick and Nikki beds are both against their shared wall. Nikki had been up tossing and turning, from what Mick assumed. He could hear him crying and whining.

"Is Tom still here?"

"No, I think he went out, heard the front door close when I came in here" Vince sighed. "M worried..."

"I know... me too" Mick brushed some of Vince's hair out of his face. "I'm... gonna go check on Nikki.

"He told Tommy to go away" Vince looked up at Mick.

"And that's what Tom did?" Mick guessed. Vince hummed in response. "Okay... I'll be right back" he kissed the top of Vince's head before getting off his bed, letting Vince snuggle into it.

Love has always been a hard thing for both Mick and Nikki to get used to. Mick didn't know what love was until he came home to see Vince had done his laundry for him, made his bed, and fixed them dinner, just the two of them. Then later that night, Mick was still awake, just sitting in the dark shadows of his bedroom waiting for something to just... take over. Vince had trotted his way into Mick's bedroom and sat right next to Mick, plopped his head on his shoulder, and that's where he stayed all night. And early that morning, while the house was still dark, and everyone else was still asleep, Vince crawled into Mick's lap and told him everything he needed and wanted to hear, and confessed everything he wanted Mick to know.

Mick knocked lightly on Nikki's door before he walked in. He sat on the edge of Nikki's bed, and pulled a couple blankets off Nikki.

"Tom's a moron" Mick said. He watched Nikki's eyes flick up at him. "He takes things too literally"

"Where did he go?" Nikki asked, his voice weak and muffled.

"I dunno, Vince said he just left" Mick shrugged.

"Mick... I don't want to be an addict... but I can't stop" Nikki's voice cracked as a few tears soaked his mattress.

"I know Nik..." Mick brushed Nikki's hair with his fingers.

"Do you still see her?" Nikki asked.


"Sometimes, not as often" He continued scratching Nikki's head gently.

"I don't want to see her anymore... but she won't leave me alone..."


"I know Nikki... I know...hey. Why don't you go take a shower, I'll make you some lunch, Hm?" He felt around for Nikki's hand and squeezed it.

"You don't have to... I'll find something" Nikki said, squeezing Mick's hand.

"No, you won't. Cmon, you stink"

Nikki playfully glared up Mick.

"Can we get pizza?" Nikki asked, sitting up.

"That what you want?" Mick asked, brushing some hair out of Nikki's face.

Nikki nodded and rubbed his eyes, smearing some leftover makeup. He rested his head on Mick's shoulder and hugged him gently. Mick pressed his head against Nikki's and returned the hug.

"Proud of you, Nik" Mick whispered, still holding Nikki.

"What for?" Nikki asked, genuine confusion lacing his voice.

"Getting out of bed, agreeing to shower" Mick rubbed Nikki's back. "I know it's hard"

Nikki sniffled a bit.

"Cmon you, go shower" Mick coaxed Nikki up and out of bed.

Mick grabbed Nikki a full set of clean clothes and pushed him into the bathroom. He walked back to his own room to see Vince still snuggled in.

"Hey honey" Vince's sweet LA accent was music to Mick's ears.

Mick smiled and sat next to Vince, who clung back onto him.

"Do you mind going and picking up some lunch? Got Nikki out of bed and now he wants pizza" Mick chuckled a little.

"You got Nikki out of bed?" Vince asked, surprised.

"He just needs a little patience..." Mick combed through Vince's hair with his fingers. "M gonna clean up Nik's room a bit, smells as bad as he does" Vince chuckled.

"Make Tommy do Nikki's stinky laundry"

"I have half a mind to do that. Tom just... doesn't understand, I guess" Mick sighed.

Mick and Vince laid in each other's company for a few minutes before hearing the front door open and close.

"If you head out now, I'll talk to Tommy, Nikki's probably gonna be in there for a long while. Take my car" Mick rubbed Vince's side.

Vince sat up and straddled Mick's lap. He placed a soft kiss on Mick's lips before nuzzling his neck. He sighed and pulled away.

"Okay, I'll be back soon" He kissed Mick one more time before stealing a pair of Mick's shoes and grabbing Mick's car keys. "Love you" he said before leaving Mick's room.

"Love you" Mick said with a soft smile.

He heard Vince say a few things to Tommy before slipping out of the house.

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