The Birthday Boy (poly crue)

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"So... what're we doin boys?" Mick slowly and quietly set his keys down as he looked at their coffee table.

Both Nikki and Vince were sitting with their hands on their temples, completely silent, staring at what Mick thought were completely built lego sets.

"We have extra parts..." Vince muttered.

"Ah huh... isn't there usually?" Mick asked carefully. He wandered over, carefully stepping over boxes and looked at their work. He rubbed both of their heads as they leaned into his legs.

"They're not in the directions... or on the list" Nikki said in a hushed voice, sounding like he was about to have a mental break. "Did we fuck up?" He picked up his direction sheets and worriedly flipped through them.

"Okay..." Mick quietly made his way past them and into the back of the apartment. "So... are you the cause of whatever utter nonsensical bullshit is happening out there?" He asked, walking into Tommy's room.

Tommy fell into a giggle fit, making Mick roll his eyes. On the middle of the bed, he noticed another pile of mismatched Lego pieces.

"Is this what you do for fun?" Mick asked.

"Oh cmon!" Tommy flopped back on his bed. "They don't let me sit out there with them and build stuff, so I gotta have a little fun here"

Mick sighed and glanced over at Tommy's shelf, which seemed to have mismatched Lego kits, half built sets, and really just a mess of other stuff.

"Okay... this is a little pathetic..." Mick muttered under his breath. He took some money from his wallet and smacked it on Tommy's chest. "Put your shoes on, and let's go. I'm not going in with you, but I'll drive you"

Mick parked the car at a nearby store and watched as Tommy excitedly went on his search.

"Stupid fucking teenagers, dumb fucking kids" Mick muttered to himself as he waited in his car outside the store. He saw Tommy finally come out.

Mick eventually fell asleep on Tommy's bed, waking up every once in a while to see Tommy's progress on his bonsai Lego sets. After a while, he felt Tommy crawl in bed next to him and curl up, with his head on Mick's chest and nose up behind his ear.

"Thank you" Tommy whispered.

Mick sighed and kissed the top of Tommy's head.

"Tired of you guys fighting over shit" Mick muttered against Tommy's hair. "Did you have fun?" He asked.

"Lots" Tommy giggled tiredly. He hummed and nuzzled closer to Mick.

"I love you, but you stress me out" Mick kisses Tommy's forehead. "All of you" he rubbed Tommy's back for a while before the bedroom door creaked slightly.

They felt a dip in the bed, which made Tommy whine and lay his arms and legs over Mick, claiming him for the night.

"Hey" Mick gently scolded. "Don't"

Vince laid down next to Mick and Nikki behind Tommy.

"We're sorry baby" Nikki whispered. He wrapped one of his arms tightly around Tommy's stomach and snuggled close.

Tommy pouted a bit and nuzzled further into Mick's neck. He huffed quietly and closed his eyes.

"Didn't have to bully me on my fuckin birthday" Tommy muttered.

"That's tomorrow you dumb bitch" Vince snapped, sitting up a bit. He scoffed and settled back into Mick.

"Both of you, knock it off" Mick placed firm kisses on Tommy and Vince's foreheads. "Sorry Nik, you're out of reach" he chuckled quietly.

"He fucking started it" Tommy snapped.

"Are we doing this right now?" Mick asked. "It's late, you two are cranky, and yes, Tommy your birthday is tomorrow, and frankly, I don't want to hear anyone's bitching"

Tommy huffed and pushed himself from between Mick and Nikki and stormed out his own bedroom. Mick sighed and Nikki moved closer. Vince groaned, he kissed Mick and Nikki's cheek before slinking off.

He went down the hall and poked his head into his room, looking for Tommy. When he wasn't in Vince and Mick's shared room, Vince got slightly worried. He went into the living room and saw Tommy on the couch, with his back to the open room. He quietly crept up to him and crouched down.

"Hey... come to bed with me" Vince whispered. "I'm sorry Tommy..."

He gently laid his hand on Tommy's waist, making him wake up. Tommy shoved the hand off and pushed himself off the couch and went back down the hallway. Vince sighed and took residence on the couch.


Vince heard someone mutter from down the hall. He didn't think too much of it and pulled the blanket down and covered up. He heard someone sigh and footsteps approach him, figuring it might be Mick. He got startled when whoever scooped him up.

"You stubborn bitch" Tommy muttered.

He carried Vince to their room and dropped him on the bed. He pushed Vince into the pillows and pulled the blankets over the both of them.

After he realized what happened, Vince carefully reached forward and rested his arm over Tommy's waist and scooted closer.

"I'm sorry baby..." He whispered. "I love you" he kissed Tommy's clothed shoulder. "I made reservations for the two of us for tomorrow... today, now, actually" he said, realizing it was after midnight. "Happy birthday baby" he whispered warmly before nuzzling into the back of Tommy's neck.

Tommy blinked a couple tears away and turned around to face Vince. He pulled him into his chest and tangled their legs together. He carded one of his hands in Vince's hair and placed the other on his waist.

"M sorry too..." Tommy said quietly. "Can it be just us tomorrow?" He asked.

"Mick's gonna take you out to breakfast and Nikki's gonna take you to lunch, but after that, it can be just us" Vince tilted his head up and kissed under Tommy's chin.

"I love you" Tommy whispered. "I'm sorry for being too much" he sighed.

"You're not too much, baby, you're a lot" he chuckled. "But nothing we can't handle. Have you seen Nikki? He's too much"

"Mick loves him so much" Tommy mused. He hummed warmly. "Just like I love you so much"

"Get some rest baby" Vince nuzzled into Tommy's chest. "Big day tomorrow, and yes I know you stuck extra pieces in our legos"

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