(Il)legally Blonde (Steven/Vince, Mick/Izzy)

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Mick and Izzy sat next to each other at GnR's Hell House. They shared glances and looked back in absolute disbelief at Steven and Vince, who were giggling so loudly and hanging all over each other.

Apparently, Steven had said something that was supposed to be funny, which earned a scoff from Izzy, and apparently that was funny, so Steven busted up laughing again, which caused Vince to laugh, and they've been laughing ever since.

"Y'all are just jealous" Duff plopped down next to Izzy. He knew better now to sit next to Mick. Both men glared are Duff. "What?"

Vince and Steven were so sickeningly cute together.

Vince giggled and dug his fingers into Steven's hair and scratched his head, ruffling his hair. Steven leaned into Vince's hands and pulled him closer by his waist. Duff rolled his eyes and left the room.

Izzy closed his eyes and leaned against Mick. The two blonde dorks were just so incredibly annoying and stupid, Izzy and Mick were sure their teeth were going to fall out due to how sickeningly sweet those two idiots were.

Steven paid Izzy and Mick absolutely no mind as he squeezed Vince's waist, spinning them around a little, and started nipping at his neck.

"I can't handle these two, you coming?" Izzy asked Mick, standing up and holding his hand out.

"Yep" Mick took Izzy's hand and they walked out of the room, snagging a bottle of Jack and vodka on their way out.

Steven noticed them leave the room and immediately got sad.

"Did we do something wrong?" Steven looked around, letting his grip on Vince go slack.

"Noo baby, they just can't handle us!" Vince said in that California drawl that Steven loved. "It ain't our fault that little incubus and that Gypsy boy of yours haven't cracked a smile since they were born!"

"Izzy smiles at one person" Steven said, almost dreamily. "Babyyyy, him and Mick are so cute together!" Steven mood immediately changed. "They're so in looooooove"

Both boys went into another giggle fest.

"You're so cute, baby!" Vince wrapped his arms around Steven's neck and kissed him gently and deep. "Oh baby, I love you" Vince whispered against Steven's lips.

They loved everything about each other. They loved the way Steven's rough hands contrasted from Vince's soft ones. The way that Vince was just a couple inches taller, but Steven loved it when Vince wore those tall platforms. Vince loved Steven's rambunctious attitude and his ability to make everyone smile Steven made everyone fall in love with him the moment they met him, Vince sure did, and he fell hard.

Steven was absolutely blown away when he heard Vince sing. Then he officially met Vince when Mötley had invited Guns to their release party. He supposed that's when Mick and Izzy hit it off. Mick scared him the first time they met. Not that Mick did anything, he was just essentially another Izzy, but that was enough to creep Steven out. Nikki and Tommy also managed to creep Steven out. Their howling laughter made Steven jump the first time, and he almost screamed when Vince came up behind him and wanted his attention.

They have that effect on people.

Steven squeaked and spun around.

They're generally harmless. Ah... I shouldn't say that...

Vince laughed to himself.

I... I'm Vince, and you are...?

"Stevie?" Vince cupped Stevens's cheek as he was deep in thought. "Whatcha thinkin about?" He asked endearingly. Steven thought for a moment.

"Ah fuck, I forgot" Steven giggled. He did really forget, but whatever he was thinking about, made him damn happy.

"How do you forget?" Vince asked, softly chuckling.

"I dunno! I'm suuuuuper fuckin happy though" Steven jumped into Vince's arms.

"God, baby. I love it when you're happy. Because it makes me happy!"

"Hey, whatcha think those two weirdos are even doing?" Steven asked, wondering about Izzy and Mick now.

Izzy and Mick were just in Mick's bedroom, which was just next to where Vince and Steven were, slowly sipping booze out of the bottle.

"They're so..." Izzy made a noise and took another sip of whiskey.

"They're cute, and they know they can get away with it" Mick muttered against his vodka bottle. "I think I have a toothache."

"They're right about one thing though, as much as I hate to admit it" Izzy said quietly.

"And what would that be, Gypsy boy?" Mick chuckled. Steven and Vince were completely unaware that Izzy and Mick were able to hear everything. And so was the rest of the party.

"That we're" Izzy turned towards Mick and brushed a hand through Mick's soft hair. "Soooooo in love" he whispered. They kissed gently, the taste of whiskey and vodka mixing on their lips.

Izzy snuggled up on Mick's chest. He was quite taller, but he liked the way Mick held him.

"Don't even think about saying they're right, ever again. They're already full of hot air" Mick playfully chastised. He combed his fingers through Izzy's hair. He loved his Gypsy.

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