Smile (Mick x Tommy)

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Tommy was so determined to get a smile out of their little alien, Mick Mars. Nikki wasn't sure when Mick stopped smiling, but he can't remember seeing a smile recently. Nikki just wanted Mars to look at him.

Nikki and Vince were out on the prowl for some chicks, so they wouldn't be home until the next day or so.

Tommy was bored at home while Mick was at the bar for a few hours with some friends. He had told Tommy that he'd only be gone a few hours.


Mick came home to find Tommy sitting on the floor in front of the oven.

"What are you doing...?" Mick looked at Tommy with a confused expression.

Tommy tilted his head up and backwards until he could see Mick.

"I got bored! You know what happens when I'm left to my own devices" Tommy reasoned.

"I do... that doesn't explain why you're on the floor" Mick cocked an eyebrow.

"Yes it does! I made cookies!" Tommy giggled and fell backwards, still looking at Mick.

"Like you need more sugar" Mick quipped. "Are they burning?" Mick looked back up at the oven.

Tommy panicked and looked through the glass on the oven door.

"I looked away for two seconds!" Tommy said hurriedly.

He quickly turned off the oven and grabbed an oven mitt. While pulling the tray out, he hit his arm on the top of the oven, causing his arm to get burned and dropping the tray in the process.

"Fuck!" Tommy held his arm close to him.

"Shit" Mick guided Tommy over to the sink and put a wet cloth over the burn. "You okay?"

Tommy let his head flop on Mick's shoulder.

"I-I just wanted to do something nice..." Tommy sniffed a little.

"Tom... you don't have to do that. How about I get this cleaned up, and you go pick up some dinner" Mick knocked his head against Tommy's.

"No, I'll clean it up" Tommy tried arguing.

"Since when do you clean up your own mess?" Mick teased. "Go pickup dinner"

Mick watched Tommy walk out of the kitchen and to the phone in the living room. He turned around and looked at the burnt cookies and fallen tray. He glanced back at Nikki, who was heading out the door. He smiled softly to himself.

Oh Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy... what will I do with you? Mick thought to himself.

By the time Mick got the kitchen sorted, Tommy walked back into the kitchen with dinner.

"How's that arm, Tom?" Mick asked.

"Better, still burns, but, I think it woulda been worse if you weren't here..." Tommy smiled sheepishly.

"You're such a kid sometimes" Mick said, no real malice in his voice.

Tommy chuckled and got dinner sorted out while Mick grabbed a couple beers. They ate dinner in a comfortable silence. Tommy stood up to get a couple more beers when he finally broke the silence.

"Soooooooo... I haven't seen ya smile in a bit Mick, somethin wrong?"
Tommy looked at Mick's blank expression as he popped the caps off their beer bottles.

"No. I'm fine" Mick said, almost bitterly.

"You sure man? Y'know-"

"I said I'm fucking fine kid! Leave me the fuck alone" Mick snapped. He shoved himself away from the table, and stood up. He took one quick glance at Tommy before huffing and walking off.

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