Stroke (Steven/mick)

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Not entirely accurate

Pilot/excerpt chapter for a future book!

Guns and Mötley were all bar hopping down the Sunset Strip. Axl and Vince were dishing each other two-sided compliments.

'I didn't say you weren't sexy. I just said you shouldn't wear that in public'

'Yeah, fine. I'll admit you're hot... a hot head'

Duff, Slash, Tommy, and Nikki were playfully shoving each other around and stumbling all over the sidewalk and tripping over their own feet. Mick and Izzy hung back and casually chatted. Steven was just bouncing between everybody, he was just happy to be there.

The last bar they visited was probably their last one for the night. Everybody was pretty fucked up. Heroin, cocaine, smack, speed, and a lot of alcohol.

Mick had his head tilted down slightly, looking at everyone just under the brim of his hat. He noticed Steven was starting to stumble around a little more than usual. He started to run into everyone more, he fell a few times, and he looked around all confused. Mick looked over at Izzy, who was also keeping an eye on Adler. He had fallen forward into Duff and almost knocked him onto the ground.

"Woah man, you good?" Duff looked down at Steven.

"Duffff..." Steven's speech was slurred. "I think... m goin dow...." Duff managed to catch Steven before he hit the ground.

"Steven? Shit" Izzy snapped his fingers in Steven's face.

"The fuck just happened?"

"Hi, yeah, uh, we need an ambulance... cocaine, heroin, all of it.... Sunset and...."

Duff and Izzy looked around to see Mick at a pay phone calling 911. He had an unreadable expression on his face, but his eyes were filled with worry. They heard Mick list off all the junk Steven must've touched tonight.

Steven looked around in a panicked manner, as if he was looking for someone. He kept looking up at Duff and Izzy, but looked unsatisfied and worried every time he looked at them.

Mick eventually came back over, standing behind Izzy and Duff as they were knelt on the ground. The others were standing (albeit with the help of each other) to create some sort of barrier.

Mick got down on the ground by Steven's head, despite his poor back.

"Hey man..." Mick took Steven's hand. Steven kept eye contact with Mars as if he had all of the answers. "I think you're havin a stroke..." Mick spoke softly. "But I think you're gonna be okay" he brushed his thumb across Steven's knuckles. "Yeah... you're gonna be okay" he spoke so softly, he wasn't even sure the rest of the group heard him.

"Look," Izzy started to say. "You all need to go home before the medics get here" Izzy gestured to everyone except Steven, Mick, and Axl.

"Whyyy?" Slash whined a little.

"Because you're all high as fuck! They're gonna wanna admit you too" Izzy snapped. He didn't mean to, he just couldn't help but be worried.

Axl looked at all of them. He turned to Vince and got a little closer.

"I'll call you... alright sugar?" Axl stroked Vince's cheek with one finger.

"Yeah... yeah alright" Vince nuzzled Axl's hand before smiling at him.

"I'll call you a cab..." Mick muttered. The taxi arrived about 2 minutes later, and then the ambulance almost immediately after that.

"Mick, you go with him, Ax and I will follow you down" Izzy stated, calling them another cab.

The medics let Mick ride with Steven. Steven tried talking, but it just wasn't working. He tried reaching out for Mick, but he couldn't find the strength to move his arms. Steven kept his eyes on Mick's tattoos. We're they moving? He wasn't too sure.

"Hey man... "

Steven... oh Steven Adler. Steven Adler the other kid drummer. Kid... kid who gotten so fucked up a few hours ago that his body shut down.

Mick's long hair dangled down near Steven's face as he laid on a stretcher. It tickled Steven's nose.

"Mmmm" Steven tried saying Mick's name. He ended up just huffing a bit.

"Yeah Stevie. Axl and Izzy are behind us... yeah... you're gonna be okay" Mick flipped his eyes at the medic. She smiled and nodded.

Besides (maybe) Izzy, Mick was the only one who seemed to have his head on his shoulders.

They arrived at the hospital fairly quickly. They informed Mick that they were going to keep him in the hospital for about a week for recovery, but for now, they were going to admit him and look him over.

Mick paced around the waiting room for Izzy and Axl to show up.

"Yo Mick" Axl got his attention. "What the fuck happened?"

Mick sat them in the corner of the waiting room away from everyone. He explained that he had a drug related stroke and that they'd be keeping him for a week or so.

"A-and he's probably still gonna fuckin use, ain't he" Axl's tone was full of frustration.

Izzy and Mick had somber looks.

"I'm gonna make a call" Axl's voice was a little rough. He walked away from the other two and made a call. "Hey sugar... y-yeah... no, no, Mars said he had a stroke?" Steven was like Gun's and Mötley's kid brother. "Yeah, Mars and Izzy are still here... yeah, yeah I'll get him for you" Axl motioned for Mick to come to the phone.

"Hey Vince"

"Hey man... how ya Doin?" Vince knew how much Mick cared for Steven.

"M fine, Axl is about to throw a fit though" Mick couldn't help but snicker. He could hear Axl getting snappy with people because nobody is telling them anything about Steven.

"Ugh... sorry man" Vince laughed lightly. "Uh... just put him back on I guess, keeps him outta trouble"

Mick snapped his fingers a few times and Axl spun around on his heels. The stage and hell house might be the court of King Axl, but everyone knew better when it came to Mick Mars. Nikki did write that song about him after all. After Axl took the phone back, Mick sat back down next to Izzy.

"Anything?" Mick asked, tapping his fingers.

"Nah man, Axl scared everyone away" Izzy made sure to say that last part to where Axl could hear him.

Mick laughed through his nose and stood up again, hoping to find out some information. He managed to track down a doctor that was willing to help them.

"Just... let us see him, even if it's five minutes" Mick asked tiredly.

"Alright... and because it's not overly critical, one of you can stay with him over night"

"Thank fuck" Mick turned around, snapping his fingers again. He got the attention of the other two and proceeded to follow the doctor to Steven's room.

"Y'know what man... we'll come see him tomorrow" Izzy yawned. "He's had a bad night" Axl agreed, giving Mick a brotherly pat on the arm.

"Call us, yeah?" Axl asked, as Mick was about to go into Steven's room. Mick nodded and waved the two off.

The doctor opened Steven's door and allowed Mick to go inside. Steven didn't react to the light flooding into his dark room, he didn't react to the noise, he didn't react to Mick holding his hand. He was in a coma.

Mick stroked the side of Steven's face with his index finger. Steven's fingers twitched, but Mick knew he wasn't waking up tonight.

"I promised you that you'd be okay..." Mick felt a tear slip down his check. "I promise you're gonna wake up soon, you've gotta..." Mick kept his grip on Steven's hand. "You've gotta come back to me..." he said softly. He let go of Steven's hand and decided to get some sleep on the slightly uncomfortable bench.

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