New Years Kiss (Mick/Steven)

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"When's the last time you saw him?"

"Fuck I dunno..." Mick sighed.

"You should go come him, it's almost new years" Vince said.

"Yeah... I think I'm going to" Mick said. "Yeah. I'm just going to"

"Good. Y'know... maybe you should consider moving to where he is" Vince said. "Depending on how your meeting goes"

"You think I should?"

"It's not across the universe, Mick. Just... from Nashville back to here" Vince said. "I know you like Nashville but-"

"He's more important" Mick cut him off.

"I didn't mean-"

"I did" Mick said. "Where's that party?"

"Ugh... it's at fuckin Rosie's house" Vince grumbled.

"Sucks to be you" Mick teased. "When're you two gonna kiss and make up?" He asked.

Vince muttered something incomprehensible on the other side of the phone.

"What was that?" Mick cocked an eyebrow.

"Nothing! Nothing, uhm..." Vince groaned.

"Sort it out by the time I get there" Mick said. "I do hear about this kinda stuff, y'know. Anyways. Is Nikki coming too?"

"Yeah, him and his wife are coming from Wyoming, bringing their little girl"

"Cute, how old is she now? Remember her and Stevie playing together?" Mick asked, remembering fondly.

"God, yeah... she's 4 now." Vince said.

"I haven't seen Steven in 2 years..." Mick sighed.

"How old is he now? Younger than me" Vince asked.

"God, please don't word it like that" Mick rubbed his forehead. "32, Tommy's age. Anyways. Who's all coming?"

"Us, obviously, Guns, y'know, I don't really know who else" Vince said.

"Cool cool... so, have you seen Stevie lately? I tried calling him all week and haven't heard from him" Mick said.

"You... no one's said anything to you?" Vince asked worriedly.

"Uh... no? What the hell are you talking about?" Mick asked, standing from his spot on the couch. "Vince!"

"He's been in the hospital man... he's okay, but, he's... out of sorts" Vince said. "He got out yesterday"

"Yesterday?" Mick snapped. He took a deep breath and calmed down. "I'm getting the earliest flight I can"

"Already done" Vince said. "Check your email. You leave Friday, at 3 pm and should arrive in LA same day at 9pm."

"You're a godsend, Neil" Mick said warmly. "Thank you"

"He's gonna be so happy to see you, man, we all are, but especially him" Vince said.

"Why was he in the hospital?" Mick asked.

"Uhm... he uhm... I think Axl said he has a stroke, or a seizure, I don't really know" Vince said somberly.

"A... really?" Mick asked sadly.

"I'm not sure though, but I heard from Izzy that he's fine" Vince said.

"God... Friday can't come quick enough" Mick said, sitting back down. He checked his phone. It was only Tuesday.

"I know, man" Vince sighed.

"He could have a knife in his chest and he'd say he's fine" Mick said, his voice threatening to break. "God I'm so fuckin frazzled now, man" he said, clearly stressed.

"I know, bud, look. It's late here. It's sure as fuck late in Nashville. Call me tomorrow, I'll book you a hotel, and, I'll make sure Im on time for once to pick you up"

"Y'know... sobriety sounds good on you, proud of you boys" Mick said.

"Did it for you, man" Mick could hear the wink through Vince's voice. "Call me when you land, Kay?"


Mick and Vince walked up to Axl's place, rock music blaring into the street. Mick had a small bouquet of flowers and Vince came with a box of soda. Vince banged on the door until someone opened it.

"Vinnayyy!" Duff McKagan drawled. "Mick... you... you're here?"

"Hey McKagan" Mick said.

"Hey... shit sorry, come in, guys" Duff moved out of the way. "He's uhm... just, straight through there" he said.


Vince passed the box of soda off to Duff and walked with Mick through the crowd.

It was hard to miss him. Even though he had his back to them. Beautiful, poofy blonde hair. Vince squeezed Mick's shoulder and encouraged him to go to him. Vince then wandered off, leaving Mick on his own.

He jumped slightly when he felt another hand on his shoulder.

"Do it man" it was Duff. "He's gonna be so happy" he squeezed Mick's shoulder and have him a slight push. "Just sneak up behind him or something"

Mick nodded and decided to just do it. He noticed Steven was just on his own now and decided now was the best time to do it. He slowly crept up behind him and wrapped his arms around Steven's waist, holding the flowers under his nose.

"Guess who" He said.

Steven squeaked and spun around.

"Baby..." Mick whispered.

Steven opened his mouth to speak and it ended up coming out as just broken raspy squeaks.

Mick hesitantly reached out and cupped Steven's cheek, he smiled feeling Steven nuzzle into it. He watched Steven look being him and wave someone over.

Mick looked around behind him and spotted Duff.

"He's happy, I promise" Duff said. "He... had a stroke, and, it caused half his face to be paralyzed" he said quietly.

Mick's heart broke when Steven tried talking and he wasn't able to yet.

"He's trying to say that he's okay" Duff said. He rubbed Steven's back. He kept watching Steven's rather janky hand movements. "He... wants to know if you're staying"

"Yeah, yeah, I am, if you want me to"
Mick said.

Steven just nodded. He stepped forward and pressed his forehead against Mick's, draping his arms around Mick's shoulders.

"I love you" Mick whispered.

Steven took one of Mick's hands and held it to his heart.

"Y'know... you're still as beautiful as the day I met you" Mick said quietly. He kissed Steven's forehead. "I'm here for you" he whispered.

Steven made a head gesture towards outside. He took his phone out and tapped on the time. Two minutes till midnight.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner, or all this time" Mick said, hugging Steven close to him. "No one told me what happened"

Steven pulled his phone out started typing. He flipped his phone towards Mick.

You're here now.

"I am, and... I don't think I'm leaving" Mick said.

Steven let out a gasp and hugged Mick tight. Mick wrapped his arms back around Steven, gently swaying to what was playing. Steven slightly separated himself, taking Mick's hands and gesturing him to follow. Steven lead them around a corner of the house and backed Mick into it. He nipped and bit at Mick's lips, cupping his face and peppered kisses everywhere. Mick chuckled and tickled Steven's sides.

They separated briefly, hearing the countdown to midnight. Steven looked at him warmly and kissed him into the new year.

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