First Kiss (Steven/Axl)

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Axl looked up at Steven, who was straddling his waist, Axl's eyes were wide and terrified. They were laid on Axl's bed. Steven gently caressed Axl's hands, kissing his knuckles, trying to calm him down. He leaned close to whisper in Axl's ear.

"Shh... I know you're scared, but it's okay" Steven placed Axl's hands on his waist, encouraging Axl's hands to roam and do whatever they'd like.

Axl squeezed Steven's waist a little. Whether it was out of fear or he just had an incredibly cute boy in his lap. Steven's hair tickled tickled Axl's face.

"You're so pretty Ax..." Steven whispered. He slowly leaned forward and kissed Axl's cheek. "So beautiful..." he kissed the other cheek.

Axl's breath hitched as Steven's lips lingered on his cheek. He squeezed Steven's waist tighter, keeping him close.

Steven pulled away and rested his forehead against Axl's, stroking his cheeks with his pinkies. He brushed this thumb across Axl's bottom lip.

"You okay?" Steven asked, still whispering. Axl nodded silently. "It's just us... just you, and me" Steven reassured. He cupped Axl's face and touched their noses together.

There was soft music playing in the background. Steven continued to caress and stroke Axl's face. Axl gently slipped his fingertips just under the hem of Steven's hoodie, just barely touching his bare skin.

Steven got goosebumps when he felt Axl's fingers on his skin. He leaned in, brushing his nose against Axl's cheek. He parted his lips slightly. He bent down and kissed Axl's jaw when he felt Axl tense up and squeeze him.

"Shh... nobody's here to hurt you..." Steven said sweetly. "You and me honey... it's just us"

Axl gained some confidence and slipped his hands further under Steven's shirt. His hands were cold against Steven's warm skin. He felt Steven shiver and went to pull his hands away.

"Leave em there..." Steven said against Axl's jaw, he peppered some more kisses. "You can touch me, I don't mind"

Their bodies were flush against each other. Steven could feel Axl's rapid heartbeat against his chest.

"Can I kiss you?" Steven whispered, still stroking Axl's cheek and jaw.

Axl nodded. His heart was about to beat out of his chest. He felt Steven smile against his skin. Steven began peppering kisses from his jaw, across his cheek, and stopped right at at the corner of his mouth. He brushed his lips against Axl's. Axl's lips parted slightly. Steven slotted their lips together, slowly and softly, but deep. Axl's hands traveled further around Steven's back, and settled on his lower back, he subconsciously pulled Steven tighter to his body.

They were breathing heavily through their noses. They pulled away with a sweet click. Steven brushed his lips against Axl's again. Axl immediately responded to the kiss. He dug his fingers into Steven's back.

Not wanting to progress much further and freak Axl out, Steven just slid off, but right next to Axl, snuggling into his side and neck. He brushed his long calloused fingers across Axl's jaw and turned his head towards him.

Axl had him situated to where his right arm was wrapped around Steven's shoulders. He placed his left hand across Steven's cheek and stroked his cheekbones with his thumb.

"God... you're pretty" Steven let out a breathy giggle. He brushed his thumb across bottom Axl's lip.

"You've never seen yourself..." Axl's throat went dry.

"I know this is new... but I'm here for you." Steven said reassuringly.

"It's just-I've never-I don't-" Axl stumbled all over his words. He closed his eyes and pressed their foreheads together.

"I know... but it's okay, s'okay honey"

Axl didn't say anything, he just kissed Steven's forehead and held him close, burying his face in Steven's hair.

"I'm not very romantic... but we can learn together, how's that sound?" Steven asked.

"Sounds good..." Axl said, muffled by Steven's hair.

"Good... now, how's about ya kiss me some more?" Steven whispered, guiding Axl's head towards him.

Axl leaned over and pulled Steven into him. He flipped Steven's hood over his head, just as their lips barely touched, Axl's bedroom door swung open.

"What the fuck?!" Axl pushed himself up a bit, but tucked Steven's head into his shoulder, as if he was protecting him from whoever was at the door. He let out a breath. "Jeff. What the fuck man. The hell do you want?" Axl leaned his head against Steven's for a moment. Izzy looked worried.

"Been lookin for ya bud, sorry... you weren't answering your phone, I got worried, I'm sorry" Izzy leaned against the doorframe.

"Track it if you have to, sorry for yelling... didn't mean to" Axl huffed gently.

"Yeah ya did" Izzy chuckled. "See ya around" he shut the door and walked off.

"M sorry..." Axl held Steven close. He didn't like yelling, especially not that close to Steven's ears. "I'm sorry Stevie..." Axl kissed Steven's hood. "Stevie?" Axl tipped Steven's head up towards him.

Steven had a cute dopey smile on his face. Axl let out a relieved breath and kissed Steven gently, cupping his face and stroking his cheek.

"You're so cute..." Axl whispered.

Steven gave an amused hum. He kissed Axl softly and deeply one more time before snuggling back into his side, falling asleep.

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