Love Gone B.A.D (Mick/Steven)

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There was yelling, there was blood, more yelling, girlfriends, and an ex-wife.

Guns N Roses had been invited to one of Mötley Crüe's shows as their opening act. It was a pretty big outdoor venue and they sold out quick. They were all pretty good friends with each other, so it worked out in their favor. Guns n Roses was a fairly new band on the Strip, so they only had a few of their own songs, and a couple covers they picked.

Axl Rose and Vince were such firecrackers and the crowd loved them. Axl and Vince just happened to love each other too. Vince calls him his little firecracker. They were currently swapping a few sweet kisses and encouragement before Guns goes on to warm up the crowd for them.

Guns manages to finish their small set with no issues, the crowed was pumped, and Mötley walked out on stage. About halfway through their set, Nikki had looked over and saw his girlfriend, Tommy's girlfriend, Izzy and Duff's girlfriends, and Mick's ex-wife. Vince saw everyone too and decided to call a small break to say hi. Everyone's girlfriends were happy to see their boys, except Mick's ex-wife. She had seen him getting loved up on by Steven Adler, and she was the type of person that if she can't have him, nobody can, especially not a guy. Not even the rest of the bands knew of their relationship.

Mick's ex walked right up to him on stage and managed to hit him so hard across the face that she knock him off balance and sent him falling to the ground. He didn't notice his ex there at first, he was tending his little row of shots he had set up and only remembers seeing her face before he hit the floor. His guitar reverberated and echoed through the speakers, silencing the crowd. He smacked the side of his head on the floor. The ex-wife tromped over to where he was and kicked him hard in the face. His nose started gushing blood and he had a few scrapes from the fall.

"STOP THE SHOW! SECURITY!" Nikki shouted, spinning around trying to find help. "GET THAT BITCH OFF THE STAGE!" His voice echoed.

Steven rushed towards Mick and dropped on the floor next to him. He gently stroked Mick's cheek. Nikki dropped down next to him as well.

"Hey... hey buddy" Nikki said quietly.

Mick slowly felt around the ground and air looking for whoever was next to him. He felt around until he landed on someone's shoe, he assumed it was Steven's, Nikki doesn't wear flat shoes.

"Hey baby..." Steven whispered. Nikki shot his eyes up to Steven and back down to Mick, he smiled a little.

"We gotta get you up man..." Nikki said softly. He looked around a bit and whistled when his eyes settled on Vince and Axl. They came over immediately. "Entertain them, will you?" He asked. "Don't care what you do, just, keep their eyes on you"

Mick tried pushing himself off the ground, but his arms started to shake and he collapsed back down. Steven took Mick's guitar off of him and pushed it to the side. Nikki got on his knees and managed to lower himself close enough to the ground to help pull Mick into a sitting position, and Steven supported his back as Nikki pulled him up the rest of the way. Mick hissed in pain as he fell forward into Nikki, and they managed to get him off the stage and out of view.

"Stevie, can you get him to the bus? Can you stay with him?" Nikki asked.

Steven agreed and Nikki managed to get Mick into Steven's arms.

"Hey baby..." Steven whispered.

"I'll cancel the show... fuck" Nikki snapped at himself.

"Continue the fucking show, Nik" Mick muttered. He wrapped his arms around Steven's waist. "Just... go on with it" he sighed.

"Okay... uhm..." Nikki looked around in a panicked way. Mick braced himself against Steven and looked at Nikki.

"Nikki... you don't need me out there... this is your band, I'm sure you can throw something together" Mick said with a small smile. "Listen to your old man for once" he smirked.

"Fucker..." Nikki gently squeezed Mick's shoulder and ran back on stage.

Steven walked Mick back to their bus and got him comfortable. He walked over to the sink and came back with a wet towel. He sat down next to Mick and started to wipe the blood off his face and clean up some of the cuts.

Mick asked Steven if he could find him some ice since he felt a headache coming on and his face still hurt. The bus was completely dark other than the one light at the front.

He opened his eyes half way when he heard someone knock at the door, who he assumed it was Steven. Steven slipped in holding a towel wrapped bottle of whiskey, and a bottle of vodka.

"Couldn't get any ice... but we have whiskey" Steven straddled Mick's lap and pressed the whiskey bottle to the side of Mick's head. He cupped the back of Mick's head with his freehand and pulled it into his chest.

Mick wrapped his arms around Steven's waist as he listened to Steven's calm heart beat. He sighed heavily.

"Why did she have to show up now?" Mick asked into the air. His voice was muffled from Steven's chest. "Why can't she leave me alone... why in front of so many fucking people?" Mick snapped gently, he squeezed Steven tighter.

"Baby... I'm so sorry..." Steven whispered. He kissed the top of Mick's head.

Steven used some of the vodka to clean the cuts better and he let Mick finish off the rest of the bottle.

"I love you... y'know that, right?" Mick asked as he kissed Steven's clothed shoulder.

"I do, and I love you too" Steven smiled and gave Mick a gentle kiss.

Steven turned himself sideways curled up in Mick's lap. Mick wrapped his arms around Steven's waist and sighed. Mick's headache started to subside as he fell asleep with a sleeping Steven on his lap.


After the show, Nikki slipped back into the bus to check on Mick, knowing he wouldn't just leave the bus. He felt his heart melt at the sight of Steven curled up in Mick's lap, he guessed Mick did have it in him to love someone else. Nikki knew how much Steven absolutely just fucking adored Mick, for whatever reason, because they were just so different. He closed the door and Mick started to wake up a bit as Nikki sat by him.

"Hey old-man" Nikki said quietly.

"Hey Nik... how did the show go?" Mick asked, now more awake. He spoke quietly as Steven was still sleeping.

"Good... good, sooooo" Nikki drawled with a smirk.

"Don't look at me like that" Mick rolled his eyes.

"What?" Nikki cocked his head to the side, earning a glare from Mick. "You guys are cute, you love him?"

Mick smiled softly and looked at Steven. He gave Steven a small squeeze.

"I do... I really Fuckin do, man"

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