Soft/Sharp (Vince/Mick)

335 7 1

Modern AU

Vince was the type of guy to wear light wash jeans, converse shoes, and white hoodies. Mick, on the other hand, was a little short, wore chunky shoes, black jeans or leather pants, and leather jackets. Vince had a beautiful tan, and bleach blonde hair, while Mick had pale skin, black hair, and bright blue eyes. Vince drove a motorcycle and Mick drove a red on red corvette.

Mick stood outside his car waiting for Vince to get out of school. Vince was a senior, and Mick dropped out a couple years ago. He lit a cigarette and smiled slightly when he saw his hyper blonde boyfriend bounce over to him.

Vince tossed his backpack in the back seat. He smiled and gently draped his arms around Mick's neck. Mick dropped his hands low on Vince's waist, pressing his thumbs into his hip bones. Vince had his elbows propped up on Mick's shoulders.

Vince parted his lips as he touched their noses together. He smiled as Mick pulled him just a little closer. He tilted his head and kissed Mick softly.

"Get in... I'm gonna take you out somewhere. You pick" Mick said, squeezing Vince's hips. He pecked Vince's jaw.

"Really? You're the best baby!" Vince smiled. He kissed Mick again.

Mick heard footsteps coming from behind Vince. He tucked Vince's head into his neck, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and looking past him.

"Get in the car" Mick whispered, squeezing Vince's hips again. "Cmon... hurry up"

"Well well... if it ain't twinkle-toes and the grim reaper!" A taunting voice came from behind the couple.

Vince separated from Mick, but still clung to him. Mick rolled his eyes.

"Get outta here" Mick huffed.

"Last I checked, this is my turf, man. Who let you fairies on it anyways? Gonna make twinkle there your slave or somethin creep?"

Mick just rolled his eyes and went to open his car door, he managed to shove Vince in the drivers seat before one of the guys slammed the door on Vince.

"Fuck!" Vince squeaked.

"What the hell? You fuckers better watch it" Mick snapped.

Mick grabbed a fistful of the guy's long hair, yanking him eye level.

"Cmon you short shit! Let go-"

Mick popped the guy in the nose, which caused it to immediately start gushing blood. He managed to hit him a second time in the nose, the mouth, and jaw.

"You're delaying my date" Mick growled. He flicked his eyes down to the ground. "Now you've got blood on my boots" Mick shoved the guy on the ground. "Any of you two want to hold me up any longer? I've got places to be" Mick glared at the guys two friends. He raised an eyebrow. "Well?"

"Uhm... no, no thank you" The two friends spun on their heels, leaving the other guy on the ground.

Mick glared at the guy on the ground, who was looking up at him.

"Are you gonna get out of here too? Or do I have to run you over? What's with you pricks?"

Mick looked back and saw that Vince had scooted into the passenger seat. He had his head down and was hiding behind his hair.

"It's time you get out of here" Mick stiffly bent over and pulled the other guy up by his hair and jacket. He spun him around and kicked him in the back of the knees, making the guy run away. "Fucking finally..." Mick huffed.

Mick got in his car and locked the doors. He ran a hand through his hair and looked over at Vince, who hadn't pulled his head up yet.

"You okay? Vinny?" Mick reached out and held Vince's hand. A tear fell on top of Mick's hand. "Baby... you wanna go home?"

Vince didn't say anything, he just nodded his head. Mick pulled his phone from his back pocket and handed it to Vince.

"Pick out some music and order whatever you want for dinner. My treat. Okay?" Vince shakily took his phone and put on some music. Mick smiled when he heard Vince's favorite band come through the speakers.

Mick loved spoiling Vince as much as he could. He does anything and everything he can to make his precious boyfriend smile. He squeezed Vince's hand and drove them home.

Mick pulled into the driveway and shut off his car.

"You go ahead and go in, I'll get your stuff" Mick handed Vince his keys.

Vince nodded silently and took the keys and headed inside. Mick grabbed Vince's backpack and went to check his mail. He went back inside and found Vince on the couch trying to find something to watch. He set Vince's backpack next to him in case he had homework and sat next to him.

"Hey baby... you okay?" Mick asked.

Vince put the remote down and looked at Mick with wet eyes.

"I've never seen you hit anybody before..."

Mick felt his heart drop. He made Vince scared of him.

"I can't let them hurt you" Mick took one of Vince's hands gently. "I didn't mean to scare you... I'm so sorry" Mick scooted closer.

Vince didn't shy away like Mick thought he would. He just turned and wrapped his arms around Mick's shoulders, nuzzling into his neck and hair.

"I love you Vinny." Mick took a deep breath. "You're my baby... I'm not ever gonna hurt you" he whispered. He rubbed Vince's back softly.

"I'm sorry... I just got scared" Vince whispered.

"It's okay... it's okay, I've got you, I love you so much" Mick whispered. He kissed Vince's cheek softly.

Vince pulled back and smiled, he kissed Mick on the cheek and grabbed his backpack.

"I'm gonna go work on homework, I ordered Chinese for us... is that okay?"

"That's more than okay, go ahead and get some work done, I'll get the food and bring it in when it gets here" Mick smiled and watched his boyfriend make his way over to their dining table.

Vince looked so cute up there focusing on his homework. Mick glanced up at him every so often. Their food came a few minutes later. Mick tipped the driver and waved him off. He met Vince in the kitchen, who was nursing a can of Coke with a straw.

"Food's here..." Mick kissed the side of Vince's head.

Vince put his homework away and fixed Mick a drink.

"Can we watch a movie?" Vince asked.

"We can watch whatever you want" Mick said, bringing their food back to the living room.

Vince quickly picked out his favorite Disney movie and snuggled up to Mick as they ate their early dinner.

"I like these kinds of dates better"

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