Beautiful Princess Disorder (Axl/Izzy)

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Axl hid under one of his blankets. He felt like a grounded child when Izzy told him to go lay down. He had been crying, and felt he was on the verge of throwing up. They got into another argument, mostly one sided with Axl pacing everywhere, screaming, hurling insults. Izzy just sat back and watched.

"I think you need to go lay down" Izzy had said.

"Fuck you!" Axl yelled, slamming the door to their bedroom.

Izzy decided it was best to give his redheaded boyfriend a breather, and go get him some food and treats.

He gently knocked on the door before walking in, seeing a lump in the blankets. He set the bag of food and treats down on the night stand and laid down next to the lump.

"Baby" he said. He gently laid his hand on the pile. "I can see you, y'know" he carefully touched the tuff of red hair that poked out from the blankets. "Cmon, I brought lunch, and we can watch a movie"

"I'm not hungry" Axl grumbled bitterly.

"Yeah you are" Izzy said. "At least come outta there, you're gonna pass out from breathing in your own air" he stuck his hand in and pawed around a bit. "Please?"


Izzy shrugged and slowly pulled the blanket back. Axl glared up at him with wet bloodshot eyes.

"Come up here, hon" Izzy said quietly, patting his chest.

Axl huffed and pushed himself up and laid in Izzy's arms. He closed his eyes and relaxed a bit.

"There we go" Izzy whispered. He kissed the top of Axl's head and rubbed his back. "I know you're hungry" he murmured. "I'm gonna go grab us a couple drinks, okay?" He said. He felt Axl cling onto him slightly. "It's okay, I'm coming right back" he rubbed Axl's back before getting out of bed. "Pick out a movie"

Axl watched him leave and felt tempted to hide back under his blanket. Surely Izzy isn't just coming right back. He picked up the tv remote and scrolled through until he found a show they liked, and waited for Izzy to come back.

"I'm back princess" Izzy said as he opened their bedroom door.

He handed Axl his drink and sat back in his spot, sitting as close to Axl as he could. He wrapped his arm around Axl's shoulders and hugged him a bit, kissing the side of his head.

"I love you" he whispered. "What did you pick?" He asked, looking at the TV.

He recognized it as one of Axl's favorite shows. It wasn't one of his favorites, but he didn't mind it, Axl liked it.

Axl laid there next to Izzy as they ate their lunch and watched their show. He felt a wave of guilt wash over him and he pushed his food away.

Izzy looked over and saw him stare into space. He set their food on the night stand and stroked Axl's shoulders.

"It's okay" Izzy whispered. "Come here"

That's all it took for Axl to break down again. He sobbed into Izzy's chest and curled up in his arms. Izzy didn't say anything, he didn't need to, Axl just needed to cry for a while. He held him close and pulled their weighted blanket over them, and turned on the fan. He pulled Axl on top of him and let him settle between his legs, and his head on his chest.

"I'm sorry" Axl sobbed. "I'm sorry" he repeated. "Please, please don't leave me" he cried.

He kept repeating it as he cried, clinging onto Izzy for dear life to keep him from leaving.

Except Izzy would never leave. Axl's his pride and joy, his everything.

"Shh... look at me" He said. He pulled Axl's head up a bit to look at him. He wiped the tears away and kissed his forehead. "Y'know, I don't think you have borderline personality disorder" he said.

"What?" Axl sniffled. "That's what-that's what my meds are for, what my therapist-"

"I think you have beautiful Princess disorder"

Axl was speechless for a moment, trying to process what Izzy had said.


"Beautiful Princess disorder" Izzy repeated. "I want you to text your therapist that's what you have" Axl cocked his head and looked at him confused. "What? Technically, she never specified what your BPD meant" he chuckled. "Do it"

Axl chuckled and pawed around for his phone. He sent a message to his therapist and waited. He giggled when he got a response.

"She asked me if I came up with that myself, and asked if I need another session tomorrow" Axl laughed quietly.

"And what did you tell her?" Izzy asked, chuckling.

"I told her that an angel told me, and now I'm sure she just thinks I'm delusional"

"Honey..." Izzy said.

"Yeah yeah, I'm psychotic not delusional"

"No no, you're delusional" Izzy said, rubbing Axl's back. "Just in a different way. Are you gonna tell her about us?" He asked.

"Oh cmonnnn, she thinks I'm doing so good, and if she thinks I'm managing on my own, I don't have to see her 12 times a month"

"Axl Rose"


"You're such a pain in the ass" Izzy kissed Axl's head. "I love you" he whispered.

"Thank you" Axl said quietly, tucking his head into Izzy's neck. "I love you"

"I've got you, always have" Izzy said. "You psycho son of a bitch" he said warmly, hugging Axl tight. "I'm telling your therapist you scowl in your sleep, mister grumpy ass."

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