Our Saviors (poly crue)

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Vince hadn't left his room in days.

Neither had Mick, or Nikki. It's way too fucking quiet.

And Tommy had no fucking idea what to do. Does he go hide in his room too? Does he leave food and booze outside their door and just hope and pray they eat something? His friends were all in the worst funk and he had no idea what and why.

He started with Mick. Mick was probably? less likely to actually bite his head off, and just hurt his feelings instead. He whipped up a quick meal of some fruit they had in the fridge, and made a nice refreshing vodka drink. He straightened himself up and shook his shoulders before gently knocking on Mick's door.

Mick glanced over at the door with hooded and tired eyes. He couldn't bring himself to talk or get up to open the door. It felt like he had weights on his chest. The door opened rather cautiously, and he watched Tommy slip in without letting too much light infiltrate the room.

Tommy crouched near the bed and gently brushed the hair from Mick's face.

"You feelin okay, baby?" Tommy asked.

Mick just looked at him with empty eyes. Tommy closed his eyes and kissed his forehead.

"Baby..." Tommy whispered. "I'll be back, okay?" He said.

Mick blinked at him a few times before nodding very slightly. Tommy smiled and kissed him gently before slipping back out.

He grabbed a bottle of water and knocked on Vince's door. He found Vince in the corner of his bed, sat up against the wall and hugging his knees. He had just lost his only daughter and best friend not too long ago, and found love and comfort from his friends, Mick most of all.

"It's just me" Tommy spoke carefully, stepping over broken glasses and empty cigarette cartons. "Can I pick you up?" He asked. "Want to go see Mick?"

Vince gave a dismissive shrug, but didn't protest when he was scooped up anyways. He went limp in Tommy's arms and his head flopped back.

"Just gonna take you to Mick's, then I'll get Nikki, I think we all need each other here" Tommy said quietly.

He kissed Vince's cheek and held him for a moment.

"I love you" Vince whispered.

"I love you too baby" Tommy whispered back, kissing his cheek again. "Keep your eyes closed"

Tommy carefully and quietly brought Vince into Mick's room, who quickly gravitated to Mick and latched on.

"He was curled up in the corner..." Tommy whispered in Mick's ear. "You got room for two more?" He asked.

A small smile graced Mick's face and he looked at Tommy, he slowly blinked once, earning a smile back from Tommy.

Mick slowly turned his head towards Vince and hugged him. He weakly threaded his hands in his hair.

"You're gonna be okay" Mick whispered.

Vince scooted closer and tucked himself into Mick's neck and started crying quietly.

"Shh... it's okay" Mick whispered. "We're all here for you"

Nikki was doing heroin when Tommy sauntered in.

"What?" Nikki cocked an eyebrow.

"What?" Tommy said back. "Get up, snuggle time, let's go, you need a change of scenery"

"Fuck you" Nikki snapped.

"Maybe later if you behave" Tommy sat down. "They're not doin so good..." he said softly. He brushed some of the hair from Nikki's face. "Cmon, you can do drugs some other time"

He took Nikki's hands and led him to the other side of the apartment into Mick's room. Vince's gentle cries could be heard and it broke their hearts.

Nikki laid behind Vince and wrapped his arm around his torso, snuggling in tight and kissed behind his ear. He reached over with his free hand and rubbed Mick's hair, brushing it out of his face to reveal glossy bloodshot eyes.

Nikki scooted back a little and pulled Vince with him, who groaned and cried in protest of being separated from Mick.

"Shh..." Nikki soothed.

Vince reached for Mick's hands and held onto them. Tommy gently scooted Mick's frail body towards Vince and laid behind him. Nikki and Tommy caged around them as if they were protecting damaged treasures. Mick appeared to be deteriorating before their eyes, and Vince didn't seem too far behind.

Vince tucked his head under Mick's, who was looking at Nikki with dead eyes. Nikki could tell he was in pain, but he seemed to be putting it aside for Vince. Mick was highly protective of his friends, though he didn't show it. He showed up back home one day after being continuously cheated on, he couldn't take it anymore, the lies, the betrayal. Tommy found him sleeping on their couch with wet tears on his face, Mick has been crying all night.

It was then that Tommy was deemed resident caretaker. He couldn't be bothered to care about anyone else that wasn't in his immediate vicinity. He was the one Mick lashed out on and yelled at, he supplied Nikki's heroin and kept it monitored, and he was the subject of Vince's jokes and insults. But he was always there when they needed love and care.

He combed through Mick's hair and kissed the back of his head. He reached a bit and gently ruffled Vince's hair, then felt over to Nikki and toyed with his sleeve for a moment. Nikki had buried one of his hands in Mick's hair and left it there, stroking his forehead and temple with his thumb.

They all loved each other so much, it was almost a little ridiculous. They were never too far from each other, even when Mick dipped out of a party early, one, usually Vince, always followed. Somehow, they never got caught.

Nikki always ended up in Mick's bed when he would have nightmares. Mick ended up in Tommy's room when needed unconditional love and affection. Tommy and Nikki got into so much trouble together, and they'd do it again the next day. Vince sought refuge in Mick's room when his ex-wife left him and took his kid away, Mick let him cry all he needed and listened to everything he had to say. And Tommy loved all of them unconditionally. He was there to love them though all their troubles, their tears, their fights. And they all loved him too.

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