Don't Be So Angry (Izzy/Slash)

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Slash angrily pressed Izzy up against the wall.

"Woah there sugar, where's the fire?" Izzy said cooly.

"Quit fucking looking at me like that on stage!" Slash snapped. "It's fucking embarrassing!"

"I've got eyes, honey, it's what they dooo"

"You fucking smug bastard..." Slash said through his teeth. He shoved Izzy against the wall again.

Slash took a breath and calmed down slightly as Izzy just stared at him, not muttering a word. Izzy reached out and stroked Slash's cheek with his pinky. He gently placed his hand on Slash's hip, pulling closer.

"It's okay..." Izzy whispered. "You don't gotta be scared... how come you're so angry?"

"You're flirtin with me too much and I can't take it..." Slash let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"Can't help it, I like it when you're all hot and bothered" Izzy said with a smirk.

Izzy pulled Slash closer until their noses were touching. He looked so smug and Slash hated it. He wanted to smack that look off Izzy, but he couldn't bring himself to do anything about it. His cheeks got warm as Izzy started kneading his fingers into his side.

"Hey sugar, you come here often?" Izzy asked with a smirk.

Izzy cupped Slash's face with both of his hands and touched their lips together. Slash's hands dropped from Izzy's shoulders to his waist. Their kiss was so soft and sweet. Izzy felt Slash's grip tighten as they kissed, not that he minded. They pulled away with a soft click.

"You drive me crazy..." Slash whispered.

"Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing" Izzy asked, his smug smile still on his lips.

"Shut up!" Slash said aggressively.

"Oooh, keep yellin like that, I like it" Izzy smirked. "You wanna smack me around a bit too?" He teased, he pulled on Slash's belt loops.

"Mother fucker!" Slash yelled. He threw Izzy off the wall and into his dressing room.

Slash shoved Izzy into the sofa and straddled Izzy's waist. Izzy grabbed at Slash's shirt and pulled him down into a rough, hot kiss. Slash began angrily biting at Izzy's neck, sucking huge bruises. Izzy groaned in pain and pleasure. He arched back into Slash's touches.

Slash ripped open Izzy's loose button up shirt, causing buttons to pop off. He started kissing Izzy's bare chest and nipped at his hipbones.

Izzy dug his hands into Slash's hair and pulled on it a bit, making Slash hiss and leave a mark on Izzy's waist. He kissed back Izzy's torso and up to his neck. His hot breath made Izzy shudder. He nuzzled into Izzy's hair and neck, sighing heavily and relaxing on top of him.

"M sorry..." Slash whispered against Izzy's neck.

"Mm... what for?" Izzy asked, twirling one of Slash's curls.

"Pushin you around n shit..." Slash ran one of his hands down Izzy's side. "Yellin"

"Told you, I'm in ta that shit" Izzy snickered. He combed his fingers in Slash's hair, gently rubbing his scalp.

Slash laughed softly.

"Hey, why don't you bring me back to your hotel room so I can flirt with ya some more?" Izzy said slyly.


"Told you not to fuckin flirt with me"

Slash shoved Izzy down on the bed and threw himself down on top of him. Izzy immediately wrapped his legs around Slash's waist and tangled his long fingers in Slash's curls. Slash's full lips sucked harshly on Izzy's neck, making him buck his hips up into Slash and tighten his grip around his waist.

Slash yanked Izzy's head back by his hair and kissed his throat.

"But I get what I want when I do" Izzy snickered. He immediately moaned when Slash attacked his chest.

"You beautiful fucker..." Slash scoffed. He sucked a hickey on Izzy's sternum.

"You think I'm pretty?" Izzy asked. He cupped Slash's jaw and brought him up to meet his eyes.

"Never said that..." Slash whispered.

"Mm... well, I think you're pretty" Izzy murmured. He pulled Slash's face closer and brushed their lips together.

Slash sighed and relaxed into the kiss. Izzy combed his fingers through Slash's hair. He smiled as Slash's body went completely slack.

"How come you get so angry?" Izzy asked. "Not that I'm not enjoying it but, I dunno, kinda diggin this side of ya too" Izzy brushed hide nose against Slash's cheek. Slash hid himself away in Izzy's neck. "What's goin on?" He asked, kissing Slash's forehead.

Slash sighed heavily.


Izzy rolled his eyes, not believing him.

"Baby... talk to me" Izzy coaxed. "Please?" He stroked Slash's cheek "I'll stop flirtin if that's what you want..."

Slash shook his head. He fucking loved it when Izzy flirted with him. He wanted to be able to love up on Izzy and have Izzy's affection... he just didn't know how to deal with it.

"Slash..." Izzy sighed. "Look at me" he turned his head and cupped Slash's face, stroking his cheeks. "I flirt with ya because I like you. A lot" he tapped one of Slash's cheeks.

Slash pushed his head forward and kissed Izzy gently. He rested a hand on Izzy's waist and pulled him closer.

"You don't have to kiss me if you don't like me" Izzy whispered.

"You talk too much" Slash muttered against Izzy's lips.

He slid his tongue across Izzy's lips and coaxed his mouth open. Izzy allowed himself to be submitted into submission as Slash hovered over him, working his mouth open and mapping it out with his tongue. Slash tasted like whiskey, Izzy tasted like weed.

"You love me?" Slash asked, dragging his lips across Izzy's face.

"Do you love me?" Izzy whispered.

"I love you so much and I don't know how to deal with it" Slash's voice was hushed and slightly muffled from being against Izzy's ear. His breath made Izzy shiver.

"Ain't gotta be scared of a little love, baby" Izzy said with a small smile. "You can love on me all you want" he said smug and smoothly. "I love you too"

Slash smiled and kissed Izzy again, nipping and licking at his lips. He hovered over slightly and Izzy pulled Slash on top of him. Izzy draped one of his arms around Slash's shoulder and cupped his face with his free hand. They pulled away and Izzy whispered in his ear.

"I love you so much, baby"

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