Prince and the Pauper (Tommy/Nikki) pt 2

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Fucking Mick.

Where the fuck did he wander off to? God, Nikki was so fucking pissed. He kicked the dumpster and plopped down next to it. He was freezing. The girl he tried staying with dumped water on him and kicked him off the porch. He couldn't feel his nose or his hands, or his feet now that he's thought about it.

He heard footsteps and flipped up his jacket collar, trying to be invisible for a while. He easily recognized the guy approaching him, so he tried hiding further in his jacket.

"Frankie?" He said. "It's Tommy... is that you?"

"Frankie's not here man..." Nikki said rather sinisterly.

"Frankie... it's me" Tommy crept closer. "Hey bud... it's... it's been... uhm..."

"Don't even..." Nikki grumbled, standing up to be nose to nose with Tommy.

"I just haven't seen you" Tommy said meekly, looking away from the rather intense stare.

"Where the fuck were ya, huh?" Nikki shoved Tommy away from him. "Where were you when my parents left me? When my mom kicked me out on the streets? Where were you when my uncle died?" He screamed. "You fuck-you fuckin left!" He sobbed. "You left me to die!" He screamed louder. "You left me on the streets..." he reduced down into a sobbing mess, falling down the wall and tucked himself by the dumpster. "You were my best friend! But I wasn't yours..." he cried viscerally.

"I thought you were dead..." Tommy's voice cracked. "We thought you guys-" his voice trembled.

Tears fell down his face as he slid down the wall next to Nikki. He curled his hands gently around Nikki's arm and cried into his shoulder.

"Vinny thought Robby was in jail... and he's not, man! Did you-he's okay!" Tommy smiled through tears, laughing through his cries.

"That's where that fucker went off to" Nikki snapped bitterly.

"You-?" Tommy stuttered. "You knew Robby was okay?"

"Course I fuckin knew!" Nikki snapped. "Why the fuck else do you think I'm still alive?" The tears came back in his eyes and spilled down his cheeks. "Mick wouldn't fuckin let me die man" he hit his head on the wall. "We lost everything... our dreams... we..." he cried quietly into his arms.

Tommy wiped tears from his face and pulled Nikki into his arms.

"I saw your name in the obituary..." Tommy breathed heavily, his throat raw. "Come home with me" he said. "You're freezing, you're wet, what happened to you?" He asked. "It's Christmas Eve..."

"It's... it's Christmas?" Nikki asked, wiping his eyes. "Mick found me in the trash covered in blood and other shit last Christmas..."

"Ah huh..." Tommy sucked in a wet breath. "Please... just... come home with me" he held one of Nikki's hands. "Frankie... please" he begged.

"Don't fuckin call me that" Nikki pulled himself from Tommy. "Frankie's not fucking here" he snapped.

"What should I call you then?" Tommy asked, taking Nikki's hand back.

"N... Nikki" he said in a small meek voice.

"Come home with me, Nikki" Tommy pushed the hair from Nikki's forehead.

"Does that one jackass still live with you?" Nikki asked.

"No, it can be just you and me" Tommy said quietly. "Please, Nikki" he rested his forehead against Nikki's shoulder. "You can have your own space, and, I can cook you-"

Tommy was cut off when Nikki suddenly hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry if we scared you" Nikki said through tears. "We didn't mean to!" He held on tight.

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