Love is a Blanket (Izzy/Duff)

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Duff's breathing hitched in his throat as he kept his head down the toilet. He felt dizzy and his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. He shoved the shower on when he heard a door open and close and continued to dry heave. He knew he had to get somewhere safe. Who came home? Was it Slash? Izzy? No no, Slash didn't live there anymore. It was just him and Izzy, and sometimes Steven couch surfed, but it was his turn at Axl's house.

His safe place. He needed to get to his safe place.

He quickly turned off the shower and glanced in the mirror, quickly looking away, but not without flinging open the medicine cabinet as to not see himself anymore.

Izzy's room. He had to get to his and Izzy's room. He noticed a small chip in their door, and he nervously scratched at it for a moment. He cringed as a little piece got under his nail. He shook his hand until it fell out. He knocked on the door and waited. He shook his head and opened the door.


Izzy looked up as bedroom door slowly creaked open and he saw some blonde tuffs of hair make their way into view. He recognized that tone of voice, it was distressed, lost, and upset.

"Come in Duff" Izzy cooed gently.

Duff more or less stumbled through the door way, accidentally closing the door a little too loudly and made himself flinch. He opened the door back up and attempted to close it in a much quieter fashion, but failed. He kept trying it until he managed to close it quietly, as if he was stuck in a loop.

"Leave it" Izzy said. Duff squeaked and accidentally slammed the door closed again and flinched. "Come here" he patted the space next to him. "D'ya wanna be alone for a little while?"

Duff took his place next to Izzy on his bed. He was drenched in sweat, shivering, and if Izzy didn't know better, he would've thought Duff was about to drop dead.

"We're not gonna talk about it now" Izzy whispered.

He coaxed Duff into taking some of his clothes off so he could clean him up a bit.

"Do you want to try the clothes I got you?" Izzy asked. He dabbed a t-shirt across Duff's forehead.

"Yes please" Duff whispered. He leaned into Izzy's hands.

"I'm gonna go get you some water, alright?" Izzy said. "Are you hungry?"

Duff quickly shook his head with big eyes.

"Nononononono" Duff blurted out.

"Shh..." Izzy whispered. "I'm going to go get you some water, I just want you to wait, okay?" 

Duff looked at him with watery eyes, silently begging him not to go anywhere. But he nodded and waited there until Izzy came back. He whipped his head around looking for just... something to hold on to. He picked up Izzy's pillow and clutched it, squeaking when Izzy finally came back.

Izzy turned off one of his lamps, so that the room was barely lit, but illuminated enough to see each other. He quietly pulled some clothes out of his closet and set them down.

"These are gonna be a little big for you, but I know you don't like your comfy clothes to be too fitting" Izzy murmured quietly. "Can I take your jeans and shirt off?" He asked.

Duff looked at him with scared doe eyes. Izzy gently held his hands and squeezed them lightly. He softly brushed his thumb across Duff's knuckles and kissed them.

"It's okay" Izzy whispered. "It's just us"

"Just us?" Duff lowered his head a bit and looked at Izzy through his hair.

"Just us sweetheart" Izzy cooed. "I'm not gonna let you rest in those"

Duff let out a shaky breath and nodded. Izzy slowly leaned in and kissed Duff's cheek before grabbing a blanket from the foot of the bed and draping it over Duff's head.

"You know, you're very cute" Izzy tapped Duff's nose. "Hey hey"


"Look at me" Izzy guided Duff's head towards him. "You're spacing a bit" he wiped more tears from his face.

"M sorry..." Duff whispered. More tears spilled from his eyes and he cried quietly.

"Hey hey" Izzy cooed again.

"Hey hey" Duff repeated.

"Good boy" Izzy whispered. "Jeans off, come on" he gently tugged on the knee.

Izzy slowly but surely managed to weasel Duff out of his clothes and into the comfy ones Izzy had found. They were weighted and supposed to be great for anxiety. The sweats hung a little loose on Duff's hips and didn't quite reach his ankles, but the hoodie fit great, and Duff seemed to like the colors he bought, pastel purple hoodie and black sweats. He also had some red versions coming in as well as dark purples and greens.

"How do they feel?" Izzy asked, he rested his hands in the kangaroo pocket. "Not too warm?"

"Thank you" Duff bent down and hugged Izzy tight.

"I got you baby" Izzy whispered. "Let's get you into bed for a bit"

Duff clung onto Izzy, holding his hands, sleeves, pockets, whatever he could as Izzy picked up a blanket off the floor and heaved it on the bed.

"S'okay, I'm not going anywhere" Izzy cooed. "Just gonna turn on the fan"

"Can I come with you?" Duff asked, his eyes begging to not be left alone.

The fan was just in the corner of the room, but Izzy then had another idea.

"Sure, cmon baby"

Izzy took Duff's hand and held it tight and they went into the hallway where the thermostat was and Duff watched Izzy kick on the AC. It was set to 67° which Duff bumped it down to 66°. Izzy hummed quietly to himself, amused that Duff still kept up with his antics. He always made sure to make something an odd number or leave something off kilter, so Duff could fix it and feel like he was the one in charge of the situation when he was in panicked states like this.

"Back to bed" Izzy hummed.

He lead Duff back into their room and back on the bed. He clumsily straddled Duff's legs as Duff didn't want to let him go, and pulled the grey weighted blanket over them. He shoved one of his legs under Duff's waist and hiked the other on his hip so Duff could hold him however he liked.

"How's this?" Izzy whispered.

"Can—" Duff swallowed. "Can you move your legs? I want you to be closer"

They were already closer, Izzy was practically inside Duff's clothes and their skin was nearly fused together, but he found a way to get closer. He unwrapped his legs from Duff's waist and tangled them around Duff's lanky ones. He nuzzled his head under Duff's chin and kissed his clothed chest.

"How's this?" Izzy asked.


Izzy hummed quietly and scooted up. Their legs were barely tangled back up together, but he tucked Duff's head into his chest and guided Duff's hands to go under the back of his own hoodie.

"Better?" Izzy cooed. He ran his fingers in Duff hair.

"Better... thank you" Duff tiredly whispered.

The weight of Duff's clothes and the blanket were surely doing their job. Duff was less restless and finally stopped shaking.

"Poor baby..." Izzy whispered. "I wish we could get you help"

"I..." Duff yawned. "Have you"

He fell asleep without another word, leaving Izzy rather exhausted himself from all the moving around under a 15 pound blanket. But Duff was finally sleeping, and he felt guilty about not coming home sooner, or checking on him when he heard the shower on. But he's there in his arms, safe and sound. He'll get Duff some flowers tomorrow and make him dinner, and basically give him everything he asks for.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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