You Scared Me (Mick/Nikki, Tommy/Vince) PT 2

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Mick woke up due to a mass of messy black hair tickling his nose.

Thank god... Mick thought. He squeezed Nikki around his shoulders as Nikki slept peacefully on his chest.

Nikki had managed to weasel his way between Mick's legs and lay completely on top of Mick, no that Mick complained. He stroked Nikki's face softly with his index finger. He looked at the clock and realized it was almost noon. He managed to move out from under Nikki. He planned on making lunch for the two of them.

"Too fucking tall" Mick whispered to himself. He smiled softly at Nikki, who's feet were hanging off the bed.

Mick snuck off to the kitchen, realizing there was still broken glass everywhere. He went back and shut his bedroom door so he didn't accidentally wake Nikki, and started cleaning. He managed to clean all the glass and whatever else was broken before it sounded like his front door was about to be broken down.

"Fucking... what??" Mick threw the front door open and was immediately met with Vince and Tommy.

Ah shit...

Tommy stood a good foot taller than Mick it seemed.

"Care to fuckin tell me why I saw on the news you fucking dragging Nikki out of the hospital?!" Tommy raised his voice through each word. Mick seemed unfazed by the tone.

"I suggest you watch your 'tude with me, kid" Mick raised his eyebrows.

Mick walked further into his apartment, inviting them inside.

"Where the hell is he??" Tommy shouted again.

"Will you shut up for two seconds?" Mick raised his voice slightly. He shot a glance over to Vince, who was standing way off to the side.

"No!" Tommy took a step closer to Mick.

"You gonna hit me too kid? Or-" Tommy grabbed Mick by the collar of his sweater. Tommy was absolutely seething and Mick wasn't doing a damn thing about it.

"Tommy! Christ man! Let him fuckin go!" Vince pulled on the back of Tommy's shirt. Tommy involuntarily and blindly smacked the air behind him and ended up smacking and shoving Vince to the floor instead. "What the fuck man?!" Vince cried out. He scooted farther back until he backed up against something.

Vince shot his eyes down the hallway when he heard footsteps. Nikki was watching as the scene escalated rather quickly. Nikki noticed Vince on the floor, with blood dripping from his nose and lip from the fall. He hurried next to Vince, silently checking on him, they exchanged knowing nods. Nikki stood up and proceeded to grab Tommy's shoulders roughly.

"I suggest you put him down, man" Nikki growled in Tommy's ear. Tommy's eyes went wide and he let go of Mick, who stumbled backwards. "You loud fucker, who do you think you are just barging in here?"

Mick glanced over to Vince, who was still on the ground, crying and bleeding. He looked panicked, Mick decided to take him into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry for not calling you guys" Mick apologized as he cleaned the blood off Vince's face. He motioned to the broken phone on the floor. "The line is dead" he chuckled humorlessly.

"He's never hit me like that before..." Vince's voice cracked.

"I don't think he meant to kid..."

There was still shouting and arguing coming from the living room.

"He stayed with me last night" Mick leaned stiffly against the counter next to Vince.

"You're such a good baby sitter, Mick" Vince teased.

"You all need babysitters. How's that lip doin?" Mick asked. Vince's nose stopped bleeding pretty quick, but he bit his lip pretty hard. Vince's lip was still slowly bleeding.

"Fuckin hurts..." Vince turned his head towards the floor. "Man, I knew he was protective of Nikki, but Jesus... starting to think he likes Nikki more than me..." Vince said quietly, he didn't really mean to say that last part out loud.

"Well... if it makes you feel better, I'm not sharing" Mick smirked.

"You finally told him?" Vince smiled softly, looking back up at Mick.

"What'd you mean, finally" Mick chuckled.

"Oh please" Vince said sassily.

"Oh please" Mick mocked teasingly. "Hey... it's awful quiet out there" Mick gestures towards the living room. Him and Vince shared glances and looked around the corner.

Soft cries could be heard from both Nikki and Tommy. They were holding onto each other for dear life. Mick wasn't too worried at the sight, but Vince's heart was breaking. He wrapped his arms around himself and turned his back towards the floor. Mick pulled Vince into him as Vince let out somewhat loud sobs into Mick's shoulders. Vince dug his fingers into Mick's sweater.

Tommy let go of Nikki and whipped around.

"Baby?" Tommy approached Mick and Vince. Vince flinched and separated from Mick, going down the hall and locked himself into the bathroom.

"I'll go check on him... Tom, you're not done apologizing." Nikki pointed to Mick.

Nikki ventured down the hall and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Vinny? Can I come in?" Nikki asked, his hand on the door handle. He pushed it open to see Vince sitting on the edge of the bathtub, crying into his hands. "Hey man... you're okay" Nikki grabbed Vince's hands gently and pulled them away from his face.

"He likes you more than me!" Vince broke down crying again. Nikki knelt down in front of Vince, wrapping his arms around him.

"Shh... you're still his boy, I promise. He was so proud to tell Me" Nikki comforted.

"He was?" Vince sniffled and looked into Nikki's eyes.

"Yeah man..." Nikki smiled.

"Don't scare us like that again" Vince tried getting himself together. He lazily hit Nikki in the shoulder.

"I won't, I promise" Nikki gestured to the door and led them back out into the living room.

Tommy was pacing around the living room and Mick just stood there and watched. Slightly irritated, slightly amused. Mick smiled when Nikki came back up behind him, wrapping his arms around Mick's waist and nuzzled into his neck, kissing softly.

"Baby I'm sorry" Tommy took Vince into his arms and cried into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry..." he squeezed Vince tight.

"Alright, enough fuckin cryin, all of us" Nikki piped up.

"S your fault, what're you doin dying on us like that?" Mick teased. "You made us have feelings Nikki." Mick kissed the side of Nikki's head.

"Good, you all could use a few sometimes" Nikki laughed.

Nikki buried his face in Mick's hair.

"I love you... you're my saving grace"

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